chapter 24

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"can someone call my dad?" I asked 

"here is your phone you should call the baby's father, we will call your dad," a nurse said  

I called Ian's cell phone and he picked up right away.

*hey, baby what happened I just found out that you were brought to the hospital I'm on my way* he said worried 

* I passed out and I had blood going down my thighs they said to call you I'm really scared*  

*don't worry I'm on my way*he said and hung up 

I waited 15 minutes till ian and my dad came and the doctor came in and put gel on my stomach and looked at the ultrasound she moved it around for 5 minutes.

"miss.hart it looks like you had a miscarriage I am so sorry," she said I started crying

"do you know what caused it?" ian asked 

"stress maybe we never really know, you can take her home when you guys are ready," she said 

ian picked me up and I wrapped my arms around him I kept crying till we got home my dad was right behind us and he came in. ian put me on the couch and got me new pants and I put them on then laid back down and put a blanket on. ian didn't know what to say he sat down and he was hurting just as much as I was. my dad grabs me water and put it on the side table I just laid there because I knew I caused this because I was stressed about stupid things. I fell asleep and woke up to my dad and ian talking in the kitchen I got up and went in to get some juice I didn't look at them because I didn't know what to say. ian came up behind me and I turned around and he hugged me and I start crying again.

"I'm sorry this is all my fault I was stressed about stupid things," I said 

"babe it's not your fault we can try again later when we both ready these things happen," ian said 

"ya Rosie things happen your mom had a miscarriage the first time she got pregnant it happens and no one blaming you these things just happens I know it hurts," my dad said


3 weeks have passed since it has happened and I'm starting to feel like me again it's summer break and tyler is home for the summer he and ian have been both really helpful about it. me and ian have been staying at my dad's since tyler came home and Jennifer and Sofia moved in with my dad so our house has been really busy and full of people but I don't mind it. me and tyler are in the pool outback because it's so hot out ian is just seating there watching my every moment and I don't mind. my dad comes out 

"Hey Rosie there is someone at the door for you," my dad said so I got out  of the pool and walked to the door it was Bryan

"what do you want Bryan," I said 

"I want to get back together with you I was so wrong and I need you in my life I can wait, please"

"no, get off my property before I call the cops," I said getting a little too loud because ian came over to me

"your a real bitch aren't you, you can't just forgive me for going through  a bad time "

"she told to leave so if I was you I would," I said 

"please your not her dad or her boyfriend," Bryan said 

"he is my boyfriend I moved on from assholes like you," I said and slammed the door on his face 

I walked out to the pool and got back in and ian finally came in we spent the whole afternoon outside even Sofia came in and we played water volleyball and Sofia want to be on my team so I let her. we ended up going out for dinner and my dad wanted to talk to me about schooling in September. 

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