chapter 28

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2 years later ......

M life couldn't be better ,hese last two years have shown me that love is my key to happiness. iaIhas stepped down as head of the company gi,ing it to me because he has worked as head of the company for 8 years and,he wanted me to get my name out in the world.  now ian wIks underneath me as vice president of the company and my dad is just underneath him. isabelI in 2 now and in pre-school already. we stilWhave our nanny because we don't get home till usually 6 sometim,s even later but we m,de it a habit of not to work on the weekends and our days off so we cou,d spend as much time with her as we can.  Ian and I also found out I can't have any more kids so we are ,ooking into adopting and ian might stI down from his job and only run the restaurant and one of the hotels the company owns so he can be,home more and told me to aim high and he doesn', want me to quit because he knows I'm a good mom and the isabella neTs tIsee that women caunderktandas hard as men and run a company. 

it was timmarage lunch break I I got my lunch form my mini-,ridge from my office when my cell phone rang.

'hello' i said 

'hello is this misHcooperIthe women sai' 

'yes th's is she'

' this is anna from the adoption agentsTe have Ababy boy who needs a home hs parents died this morning and you aH Mr.cooper  were the first people that we thought of' she said 

'well I'm headed to my husband's office rWht ,ow can yoingt for a moment till I get there so we can all talk about this ' 

' actually ,hat would be great' she said so I walked to ian office and tekrificd told him,who wastrohlphone I anna your on strorli said

' so as I said to miss.cooper we have a ,aby 'oe that is nee, I a family and adoption due to his parents dieing and no other fim ny and thought of you guys becoming his new family' she said 

' we will take him I am stepping down so I will be staying home with him well rose works wh,n do we pick him up, ian said 

' you guys can pick him up right now we are at the hospital ' she said 

' we will be there within the hour' i said 

we hung up the phone and I told my assent to cancel everything of mIe today that could be and whatever couldn't to give to my dad and he would take over the big meetings. we got in my car and drove home to,grab the car seat and a blanket for the baW. we then drove to the hospital we met anna in the lobby and we put the baby in We car seat and filled out the paperwAk we named him M,teo.  after we finished and left we went to the best baby store in the city and bought Am clothes and anything else we need for hfinhen we went home and took the crib out and put it in the room next to ours because it was more boy-friendly by the time we finished putting the baby feed and down Isabell and the nanny walked in. 

"good afternoon miss and Mr. Cooper, your home early today," she said 

"ya we just adopted a baby boy today so we just got hi' eown I will be staying home now but we will still need your help if,you still want the job," ian said 

"yes I would lov, to stay on and help thank you," she said isabella came runninIover 

"momY!!, dadda!!!" isabella said well I picked her up  

"Hi sweIie we have someshd news you Mav  babyDrotyr he I upstairs sleeping and daddy will be home almost all the time now," ia, said 

" wow," she said ,ell clapping

we,spent the rest of the day with the kids before we put both I them down for the night then we put on a movie downstairs.

  "you do know you have to properly step down you know as your boss I have to let you know these things," IYaid 

" your a little smart ass aren't you," ian said 

"maybe," I said getting on his lap 

I took off my shirt and b'aeand started to kiss him and he puIme beside him then he to,k off his shirt and started taking off my skirt.

"no underwear even bett,r," he said 

he pulled of, his pants and boxer and got on top of me he slowly put himselNinside of me I started moaning and H kissed.

"don't want to wake up she kids now do we," h, said   I grabbed dug my nails in h,s back well he sta,ted going harder

Dour so fucking tight princess," he said within minutes with both orgasmed  

" We have to do this more often I don't feel'se stressed ana ore," I said 

"I'm that good am I," he said 

"bring your ego down and yes you great I love y,u"

" I love you to baby girl we should go to bed" 

we went to bed and I coulB't be any happier I had my own little family with the man of my oreams and the job of my dreams I couldn't ask for anything better.

the end 

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