chapter 9

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The night turned out better than I expected. Mark wasn't to flirty, Ian didn't get mad or annoyed by anything that I said but I actually made him laugh and as for Xavier, he didn't act like he was my teacher which made me feel like I could say anything and not worry what my teacher would think of me. We watched a stupid movie that mark choose and ordered pizza even though it was 1 in the morning. The guys drank beer. Xavier offered me one but the memories of the night before reminded me that I shouldn't drink even if it's just beer. I never saw this side of Ian, he was funny and laughed a lot something that doesn't really happen often not even when he's drunk and most people are funny when they are drunk. It was like he was just some guy in college having fun with his friends. It was 4:15 in the morning and I decided to say goodnight and go to bed, even though I only have 1 hour and 45 to sleep but at least it's something. I was about to open the bedroom door when I felt someone pull me by my wrist.

 "What the hell dude." I slapped Mark's hand away. 

 "Sorry, I just didn't want to say this with the other around." I gave him a questioning look and he continued. 

 "I was a little tipsy last night and really bored so I'm sorry that I placed you in that situation and took advantage of you, I know that you're underage." 

 "First of all you didn't take advantage of me cause if you did I would have told you to stop and not get in bed with you and as for last night we'll just act like it never happened."

"Good night little Rose." He smirked and walked away. I woke up to the annoying ringtone of my alarm. I finally woke up after the fifth time that I snoozed it. I check the time and it was 7:21. I was relieved when I saw a text that my teacher from first period wouldn't be at school so that gave me extra time to get ready. I brushed my teeth got dressed and applied a little bit of makeup for me not to look like a zombie while walking true school. I got downstairs and found Mark sleeping on the couch. I heard noises coming from the kitchen and found Xavier making breakfast.

 "What are you doing up? I thought you'd at least be asleep." 

 "I had to call in sick from work and then I was hungry so I decided to make breakfast." I thought about whom I had first period and then I remembered I had Spanish.

"I have you to thank then because you calling in sick gave me some time to get ready." I smiled, gave him a hug and went out the door. I got in class a few minutes after the bell rang. Everyone was staring at me when I opened the door. 

 "Late again miss Heart." My biology teacher says and shook her head. I rolled my eyes at her comment and sat in the empty seat next to Dylan.

 "Did I miss anything important yesterday?" I whispered as I was taking out my books from my bag.

 "No, not really." He said dryly. I turned around to face him but he just kept looking at his paper. Why is he acting so strange? Class was finally over and I couldn't stop thinking about what was bothering Dylan. He didn't make stupid comments at what the teacher said but actually paid attention and did his work. When almost everyone left I took him by his wrist and pulled him to my side.

 "What's wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?" 

 "It's none of your busses Rose."

 "It kinda is, you're my friend and something is clearly bothering you so what it is." I demanded but the second bell rang and he got out of my grip and walked away, leaving me late to yet another class.

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