chapter 17

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I couldn't sleep I was thinking of everything that happed today from the principal asking me about Xavier to Tyler coming with us on the trip. Some odd reason I couldn't stop thinking on how much trouble Xavier will get into if it could lead to him losing his job because of me. I hear the door open it was Ian coming to bed I looked at my phone and it was 1:12 am.

"Hey baby girl what are still doing up"

"I couldn't sleep thinking about what happened at school today"

"Wait what you mean what happened with Xavier?" he asked me

"Ya, how do know about that"

"Xavier called me and told me everything he says everything is going to be fine and he is driving you to school tomorrow so let's get some sleep"

My alarm went off and woke me up and I quickly turn it off before it wakes Ian up. Its 6:30 am I get up and have a shower I get out of the shower and get dressed I picked out white skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. I put a little make-up on and go back into my room Ian was sitting up on my bed looking at me. I don't really pay attention to him because I have to get my school books ready before Xavier comes at 7:30 which is in 30 minutes. When I turned around I ran into Ian.

"Hey princess why are you in such a rush" he said

"Because Xavier will be here in 30 minutes I don't want him being late because of me."

"Well slow down and lets go eat something"

We went to the kitchen and I grab a pancake that the cooked made for us and Ian was looking at me I looked into he's eyes he was smiling. Then my phone digs and I got a text from Xavier saying he was here. I grabbed my beg and Ian grabbed my waist and kissed me I didn't want him to stop but I moved back because the cook was still in the kitchen I started walking to the door Ian ran up to me when I got to the door.

"Hey baby girl are we OK you kinda pulled out of kissed."

"Ya I just didn't know if you wanted your cook to know about us I didn't know if you wanted them to know."

"Ya I don't mind about them and by the way I am picking you up after to work."

"Okay" I smiled

I left and got into Xavier car and put on my seat belt. He started driving and for the first couple minuets it was silent finally he said

"I talked to the principal yesterday after school I guess some girl's saw me kiss you on the check at lunch and I guess they got jealous the principal said not kiss or hug you at school but we are okay to talk and have lunch with one and Don't worry about other people"

"Okay I'm happy you're not mad at me and you didn't lose your job. I'm also happy you want to still eat with me you know everyone is going to talk right!"

"I really don't  care what other people think you're my friends girlfriend and why would I be mad at you it was those girl's seating in the courtyard."

By then we got to school and people were standing around talking to one other. Xavier got out of the car and waved at me to get out. I got out and looked at him

"Let's go you can walk with me don't let everyone get to you" he said

I started walking beside him into the school and I was getting dirty looks from everyone. I start feeling uncomfortable so I looked at Xavier

"I'll see you in class I have to go to the library before class"

He looked at me and said okay so I started walking away and went through the doors closer to the library and a girl in my Spanish class  came up to me and punch in the face and pushed me to a wall. I just sat there trying not to cry.

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