chapter 23

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3 weeks have passed and my dad comes home today witch I am happy about plus whenever I'm not staying at Ian's house ian is stay at my house because I can't sleep without him now. so I got up and put drees on and went downstairs to see ian stressing over paperwork in the kitchen.

"Hey, you okay babe?" I asked

"ya I am now that your down here"

"you didn't come to bed last night have you been working all night?"

"ya sorry I know you can't sleep well without me but I need this done by noon and can you text your dad and see if he can take a cab here when he gets off his flight"

"Jennifer is picking him up and come here for lunch so you don't have to pick him up and I am going out with Xavier for breakfast and to get out of your hair," I said  

"you know you're not in my hair and I'm sorry for being so busy with work I just want to make you have everything you want and work has just been busy and I hate not spending time with you "

"I know I just wish you stop overworking yourself you need time to just relax."

Xavier texted me he was here so I said bye to ian and walked out the door to get in his car and we went to a cafe and got coffee and bagels for breakfast then sat down at a table. 

"So how are you doing? how's ian doing?" Xavier asked  

"I'm good haven't been sleeping well because ian is working himself too hard and I'm worried about him he goes to work and then comes home and goes to his office to work I barely get to see him but I know he has to work."

"Well maybe we can all do something together tonight and get him out of his working mood"

"That sounds great you should come over around 6"

After spending a couple hours with Xavier I went home and it was 11 so I had about an hour and a half before my dad gets here so I went up to Ian's office and he was busy doing work still.

"Hey I'm home" I said walking over to him

"Okay" is all he said

I walked out of his office and went downstairs to watch Netflix's on the living room TV .I watched some 2 episode of the froster before I heard my dad, Jennifer, and Sofia come in I turned off the TV and ran to my dad and gave him a hug.

"Where's ian?" My dad asked I just rolled my eyes

"In his office again" i said

My dad walked up to the stairs and a couple minutes later they both came down we sat down and had burgers for lunch. Ian and my dad were talking and he has bearly talked that much to me in a week so when I finished I put my plate in the sank and went up stairs and changed into run stuff. When I got back downstairs my dad stopped me.

"Where are you going I just got back home" he said

" I just need to run I need to think" i said with tear in my eyes looking at Ian

With that I ran out of the house and started running as fast as I could push everything I had because of the anger I was feeling I ran for almost two hours before I got back to the house and everyone was on the couch talking.

"Nice to see came back"Ian said jokely

" Nice to see you can actually talk to people and Don't hide in your office all time" I said all mad

I walked up the stairs and slammed the bedroom door because somehow I knew he was going to be pissed about it.  Moments later Ian came up.

"What the hell was that" he said calmly

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