Chapter 69 - Ireland

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"Do you know how lucky I am?" I said as I leaned over and my lips melded together with Zac's.

"I have a pretty good idea," he replied as his eyelashes fluttered against mine.

"So cocky," I said before parting his lips with my tongue, falling back against a flannel picnic blanket with Zac's weight on top of me.

We were in the middle of nowhere, parked on a lush, emerald green knoll in the Irish countryside surrounded by complete silence. His lips traveled from my lips, down my chin and found the delicate skin on the hollow of my neck. My head arched back as my hands gripped his hair – he knew exactly how to get me going. His teeth grazed my flesh and I could feel the firm suction of his lips.

"Don't you dare give me a hickey there," I laughed.

"No?" he asked. His breath was hot and steamy against my neck and battled with the cool, crisp breeze that whistled around us. "How about here?" he teased me as he bit down hard on my nipple through my shirt. I moaned out, he knew exactly what he was doing. He pulled down the camisole tank I was wearing, tucking it below my breasts as he gripped the erect flesh of my now bare nipple between his teeth. He eased the pain when he released by gently circling it with his velvet tongue and massaging the other with his hand. My hips bucked against him as he switched sides, repeating his actions.

"We should get going. I want you right now," I purred as he bit down hard again.

"Did you hear that?" he said looking around.

"Hear what?"

"I thought I heard some thunder."

"Focus, please," I said as I gripped his hard cock through his jeans.

"Right," he said as his tongue forced its way between my lips. My walls were aching for him, eager to feel him inside of me.


We both jumped, startled by the deafening sound as lightning struck in the distance.

"See..." Zac teased me as he quickly nibbled at my neck.

I didn't have time to respond before the cool, refreshing rain washed over us – gently at first, then coming down with such force it stung as it made contact with our skin.

We hurriedly gathered the remnants of the romantic picnic we had shared and made our way back to our rental car- a tiny Fiat. We struggled to get our footing as we scaled the hillside, slipping on the wet grass. Zac loaded the belongings in the back of the car and then did well...what Zac does.

He picked me up, twirling me around in the pouring rain before his luscious, soft lips found their way to mine.

"Do you remember that New York? When it started snowing?" he asked as rain cascaded down our faces.

"I do," I smiled.

"It's crazy how far we've come since that day," he reminisced as his tongue traced my lips again. We stood there as we kissed, neither of us cared about the cold, wet rain. We finally parted and Zac drove us back to our hotel – a former medieval fortress that had been restored.

We made our way through the lobby when we returned, so drenched that we left a trail of water behind us as we walked.

"Welcome back Mr. and Mrs. Efron," the front desk clerk greeted us. He and I both smiled knowingly at each other and neither of us bothered to correct her.

"Good evening. We just got caught in the rain," Zac said as he tried to keep a straight face.

"They just finished with turndown in your room and got the fireplace going, looks like you might need it now," she said cheerfully and I absolutely adored her Irish accent.

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