Chapter 100 - Heat

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At 5:00 in the morning after our date, on a day I didn't have to go to the set, my phone started ringing.

If it were anyone else in the world, I would have told them to fuck right off and hung up on them, but when I saw her name on my lock screen, my attitude complete changed.

"Mmm...good morning, beautiful. Is everything ok?" I answered groggily.

"Everything is fine. Get dressed for the gym and meet me downstairs in five minutes."

I groaned audibly and looked back at my phone to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me earlier.

"It's 5 o'clock," I winced.

"I know. Meet you outside. Love you."

She hung up before I could protest further.

She was lucky she was cute.

I fumbled around in the dark, eventually locating a pair of leggings, gym shorts and a t-shirt and packing a change of clothes in a gym bag. I brushed my teeth, ran my fingers through my hair and made my way downstairs. My vision was still blurry and there was sleep in my eyes.

"Morning sleeping beauty," she said as she playfully kissed my lips.

"What's happening?" I muttered as we stood out in front of the hotel, the early morning air was cold enough we could see our breath and we both wore our winter coats. She stood there, wearing yoga pants and a scoop neck sweater. A sports bra with a detailed back was peeking out from underneath and her hair was pulled back in a messy bun.

"I'm going back to work today. But first, gym," she smiled.

"You have way too much energy this early," I muttered as I followed her to the subway. We emerged close to her apartment and I followed her into a yoga studio. I could feel the heat attack my face as soon as we walked in, sharply contrasting with the cool morning air we just came in from.

"Now, you and I both know you would kick my ass at the regular gym, but I thought a little hot yoga would be good for both of us today. I try and come a few mornings a week."

"Oh man, I haven't practiced in a long time," I groaned.

"Then this should be fun. It's like doing yoga on the beach," she enthusiastically kissed my cheek and we registered for the class.

The only thing worse than doing yoga after you hadn't practiced in months is doing advanced, hot yoga where they actually crank the temperature to 100 degrees. I stripped my shirt off and she shed her sweater, standing there in nothing but a sports bra and yoga pants. I couldn't help myself and I scanned her perfect body up and down.

That class was actually like doing yoga at the gates of hell.

Every muscle in my body was shaking when we were done and I collapsed on my yoga mat when it was finally time for savasana.

As we laid on our mats, drenched in sweat, having worked every muscle in our bodies, we tried to center our breath. I looked over at her as she panted while staring at the ceiling and I made a breach in yoga etiquette by reaching out and holding her hand.  I stroked her palm with my thumb to the rhythm of our breathing.

After class was over, she sat up on her mat and turned to look at me, saying, "Come on, I'll make you a smoothie back at my place."

I wasn't going to turn down that offer and I followed her out of the yoga studio as she draped a towel around her neck, holding her sweater in her hands and I put my shirt back on.

"Thanks for coming this morning," she said as we walked hand-in-hand down the street as the sun came up.

"Next time, you can come to the gym with me and I'll really whip that booty into shape," I said as I let go of her hand briefly so I could give her butt a light smack.  She leaned into me and I kissed her on the top of her head while draping my arm around her.

"There is absolutely nothing wrong with my ass.  It's perfection and we both know it."

She was right about that.

"I don't remember you being that flexible though," I teased her.

"Oh there's all sorts of tricks I've learned," she smirked at me.

"I'm beginning to think it's time I find out all about them.  I hate to admit it, but I really liked that.  We could be a little competitive, but I felt really connected during that too.  Almost as good as sex," I winked at her.

When we got back to her apartment she pulled fruits and veggies out of the fridge and set them on the counter, but I had other ideas.

I wrapped my arms around her tightly from behind and sucked on the hollow of her neck, still damp with salty sweat. She turned around to greet me with those perfectly swollen, pink lips. My hands traced their way down to her butt, gripping it and kneading it firmly before lifting her up and setting her on the white marble counter.

"Tell me, what sort of techniques have you picked up?" I teased her as my tongue traced down her chest until I got to the edge of her sports bra. I yanked it down and tucked it under her boobs while I bit my lip and rolled them in my hands. "Are these ready to be played with?" I asked while I breathed warm air over her new piercings and she threw her head back.

"This is not taking things slow," she mumbled as she ran her hands through my sweaty, matted hair and gripped it tightly to turn my face back up to hers.

"We just had an entire hour of foreplay," I whined. "I had to watch you in yoga pants - balancing upside down, doing the knew exactly what you were doing when you invited me to come along."

She laughed into my neck, tickling me.

"Come on, you said you wanted to take things slow. Don't be such a tease," she traced her fingers down my torso.

"You don't always have to be right," I said kissing the bridge of her nose.

"I do," she said saucily.

"Ok, so – we're supposed to be making a smoothie or something?"

"Yes," she laughed as she straightened her clothes up.

"Alright, I'm ready for my cooking lesson," I said as I gently lifted her back off the counter. I focused on her while she chopped pineapple and threw it in a blender along with spinach, kale, fresh ginger and coconut water and blended it all together.

"Here you go," she said as she handed me a mason jar with a metal straw full of dark green liquid.

"This cannot possibly be good," I said as I lifted the jar up, inspecting it closely.

"Trust me," she said as she kissed me and I took a drink. "It's ok, I'll wait," was her cocky reply as she sauntered off.

'Damnit' I mouthed as I watched her hips sway as she walked away. She was always right and not in a cocky or conceited way.

"Woman, where do you think you are going?"

"Shower," she said innocently, but I knew exactly what she was up to. I waited until I heard the water turn on and I walked over to the hallway just as she peeked her head out of the bathroom, seductively asking me, "Are you coming?"

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