Chapter 45 - A Very Efron Christmas

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Look, the first Christmas with your significant other is a big deal.  As we approached that day on the calendar, I found myself getting more and more anxious.  Normally, there's no way in hell I'd be bringing a girl I had been "officially" dating for only a month home to my family for this important holiday. 

Even though I had wanted to be with her from the very beginning, taking those 7 weeks to really get to know each other before we crossed the line from friends to lovers made our relationship much stronger.  In terms of knowing each other on a personal level, it felt like we had been together for years, but the short duration of our physical relationship meant it was still fresh and exciting.  It was a very unique relationship juxtaposition.

It was in this frame of mind that I set out to try and find the perfect Christmas gift for her.  The more I got to know her, the more I understood that despite her millions, material possessions weren't of interest to her.  Sure, she had nice things, but I think she enjoyed the fact she bought them for herself and they weren't gifted to her by her parents or her boyfriend.  I knew she really wanted a puppy, but it was too early in our relationship for that.  

She was the girl who had everything, and I needed to find something she didn't have for Christmas.

By the time we were waking up in my parent's house on Christmas morning, I thought I had found her the perfect gift.  Something that was both sentimental and exciting. 

We had made the drive up from LA together on Christmas Eve.  I made sure we drove along the Pacific Coast Highway which, in and of itself, was an incredibly romantic way to kick off our holiday.  We enjoyed a nice, quiet meal at an Italian restaurant with my parents and Dylan, followed by late night cocktails at home in front of a roaring fireplace.

Hell froze over on that trip home because we were allowed to stay in the attic room together, where we finally retired for the night just before midnight, knowing Santa was on his way.  It was all fun and games until we crawled into bed and found a bunch of condoms tucked in the sheets with us. At least my mom had a good sense of humor.

The next morning, we slipped into matching flannel pajamas and made our way downstairs to open Christmas gifts as a family. By the time we got to the living room, everyone was waiting for us.

"I hope the reason you're the last to arrive is because you were making use of the party favors I left you," my mom teased us.

"Mom, please," I said, absolutely mortified. Although, that was why we were late. 

Our first Christmas gift to each other was a pair of perfectly intense, crushing orgasms - one for her and one for me. We'd returned to the "scene of the crime" but had a very different kind of sex this time around.  On our last visit, we were just learning how to make each other spark, but during that trip we were fluent in how to get the other off.  I knew what to do if we had to make it quick, and I knew how to prolong her pleasure if we had nothing but time.   That morning we got down without the benefit of words or moans to guide the way - knowing we had to be careful not to disturb anyone else in the house.  We had to rely on the other's breathing pattern and eye contact to reach our end goal.  It was much more intense than our sessions at home where we could be as loud and vocal or as fast and hard as we wanted to be.

As everyone assembled in the living room, Jess sat on the couch next to me, while her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.  As she tried to determine what to get my family for Christmas, I informed her we would typically buy each other only one gift of nominal value.  Nothing flashy or luxurious.  I had neglected to explain the tone or nature of the gifts we offered to each other every year.  What fun would her first Efron Christmas be if there wasn't a little gentle hazing involved?

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