Am pregnant🙄🙄

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"Doc, is there a hidden camera here right now, should I stop laughing or should I still pretend am shocked" Antonia asked wiping stray tears that had fallen from her eyes with her hands.
Doctor Maxwell exhaled looking downwards at his fingernails. "This is our fault and we are very sorry ma'am"
Antonia cocked her brows up"I fucking came to treat my infection and you are sitting there and telling me right now that am pregnant... How did that happen? "
" My nurses injected you with sperm mistakenly, we apologise profoundly"he sighed" I already called the sperm donor and he would like to meet with you.... Am sure he's on his way already"
" What the fuck do you expect me to do with a baby, doc, did I ever tell you that I want a baby. Forget it, am gonna sue you guys to court and guess what, am gonna win"she stood up and picked her bag, getting to the door, the door opened and a guy walked in standing at her front.
"So am guessing you are.. miss Antonia Lewis?"
"The one and only and who the fuck are you?" She asked with anger.
" Am surprised"he held his heart" you don't know me."
"If I did I wouldn't be asking you" she quizzed.
"Miss Lewis, this is Mr Pierce, the sperm donor, he's the father of the child you're carrying"Doc Maxwell interjected.
*Ohhh!!! Well, it's none of my business, now if you'll excuse me , have gat somewhere to be.. " she walked past him, he held her arm.
" I think we need to talk" and he went out ahead of her.
She turned back to the doctor and stared at him. Her eyes sparked fire and if looks could kill, he'll be ten feet below the ground.
In anger, she walked out of the office as the doctor collapsed into his chair supporting his head with both hands.

She met him outside resting beside the side of a car her next third generations to come couldn't afford.
She walked up to him"just before you say anything, I have no intentions to keep this baby so, I hope we never meet again. Have a nice life"
" Hey wait.... How about this, I'll pay you..... Any amount, name your price"
" Like a surrogate? "She questioned.
" Like a surrogate"he confirmed.
"Any amount right? You won't change your mind? "She asked
" I won't"
" I need to think about this"she said quietly." Please? "
" No problem, I understand"he got into his car" I'll call you. "
She nodded as he drove up then suddenly remembered that he didn't have her contacts. She walked back to her apartment depressed...


On getting home, as soon as she entered the house, she was bombarded with questions by her three best friends: Annabelle was the oldest, she was twenty nine, long blonde hair and slightly dark in complexion. Isabella, the youngest, a little short, plumpy, a talkative. Contessa, twenty five, loves partying .

"You've got aids right?" Tessa questioned.
"You've got cocaine infection right, I always knew you were gonna get it, the way you keep that shit down there, I ain't expecting anything less"Anna said.
" It's just rash, right Tonia"Bella said.
After a late night clubbing on Friday, she had woken up to fever, drowsiness and stomach upset and she had gone to the hospital to check her health conditions and on getting there, the doctor had dropped the blow that she was pregnant.

"Guess what girls........... I am pregnant" she announced .
"What's that?" Bella questioned.
"How come?" Anna asked.
"Since when?" Tessa asked too.
" Since i went to the hospital last week and an error occured and I was mistakenly injected with someone's sperm, that's when"she dropped her phone and keys on the table and sat on the sofa between her friends. They all sat up to stare at her.
"And I promised the doctor I was going to sue him, and the baby father showed up and promised to hire me as his surrogate, and he didn't even take my contacts, that's when"
" Let's move back a little shall we, mistakenly injected with sperm? Sue the doctor? We ain't gat no money bitch, and then baby daddy, all in one day"Anna said.
" Exactly bitch..... Exactly"Tonia confirmed.
" Full story now!!! "They all said at once.

Hello everyone.......hope you all are enjoying this story,kindly leave all suggestions in the comment box and don't forget to vote.
Much Love,see you guys in the next chapter♥️♥️🤩😍🌹♥️

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