Where you belong

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" Don't ever do that again Antonia, I thought I was gonna die." Martin said into my shoulder as he hugged me.
" That's enough Martin. " I pulled away.
" What do you wanna drink, or eat? " He asked me taking the little bag I was carrying.
" You gonna cook? " I asked surprised.
"Yeah." He smiled.
"You know I remember you telling me that you cooking for me can never happen again." I reminded.
" That was then." He mumbled leading me into the kitchen.
"What's changed?" I asked as he helped me sit on a stool.
" Everything." He said.

" Why didn't you consider being a chef?" I asked with my mouthful.
He made pasta and fish sauce.
" I hated that line of work,no offense to those preparing those we eat out." He said." My mom taught me how to cook. She's a feminist and strictly believes a woman should be treated like a queen."
" I like her." I said referring to his mom.
" And she loves you too." He moved close and kissed me on my forehead." Speaking of my mom,she wants to come over,or rather still,you come over. Says she wants to spend quality time with her grandchildren."
" We should go over." I suggested.
" That's settled then, we'll go over for the weekend." He stated.
" Martin,can I ask you something.?" I asked.
" What's that?" He asked raising a brow.
" What are we?" I asked shakily.
He moved back a little and looked at me with a strange look in his eyes.
" Antonia.......... look...." He stammered.
" Don't .....say.......it." i stood up" and forget I ever asked." I faked a smile at him" thanks for the meal." I walked into my room.

It was late into the night into the night when I heard him knock on my door.
" Are you asleep?" He asked.
I didn't reply.
" Antonia??" He called." Am coming in."
He opened the door and came in.
I thought I had locked it behind.
" What do you want Martin?" I sat up on the bed.
" You." He came closer and sat next to me on the bed." And you didn't let me talk then."
" I wasn't interested in what you had to say." I replied.
" You're still not interested?" He asked me.
" Just say whatever it is you're gonna say." I whisper_ screamed.
" Ok" he took in a long breathe." I know I might probably sound crazy with this,and you might not feel the same." I held my breathe,he held my hands." I like you Antonia,alot.....and thinking about it now,it's not really a bad idea if you are the mother to my kids. I want you to stay. Let's forget about the surrogacy . I want you all to myself."
" Martin.." i whispered.
He looked into my eyes.
I was about to cry.
" Are you for real?"
" I don't know if am for real,but am not for unreal."
" So you're saying you don't want me to leave?" I asked again.
" Am saying that you should stay,for me" he kissed me" and for our kids" he kissed my belly.
" Martin,I can't believe this is happening right now." I screamed." And yes,I feel the same way."
"So you're not gonna leave?" He asked.
" Am never gonna leave." I kissed him.

" Enough with the PDA Christopher." Martin warned.
" You've gat yours Marty,leave me to mine." Chris said in between Tessa's lip.
We invited the girls over today and Martin also invited Christopher. Turns out,that he and Tessa were already getting cozy.
" Let them be." I smiled at him.
" And the cupcakes are ready!" Anna said walking in carrying a tray of cupcakes. Bella was behind her carrying a glass of wine and some cups.
"Please tell me Bella made those." I asked snatching one from her. Anna couldn't cook to save her life.
She stuck her tongue out at me."Bella did."
" Thank goodness.last time I tried something you made,I ended up in the hospital."i reminded.
" That bad uhhhhn?" Martin asked.
" That bad." Tessa confirmed.
" Whatever,with the capital W."anna dismissed.
" So you guys are now officially dating?" Bella asked.
Martin held my hand." Yeah,we are." I blushed.
" Antonia has been tamed!" Tessa exclaimed.
" What's that supposed to mean?" Martin asked. I shot Tessa a deadly glare.
" Antonia isn't this coolheaded,she's a cock screwer. She doesn't settle for one guy,she's been round and round with her own share of guys.cant believe this is her."
" Thanks for the not needed enquiry Contessa." I said sarcastically.
" You welcome baby,am soooooo happy for you......" She came forward to hug me.
" I hate you Tessa you are Soo dead " i whispered into her ears.
"That's cheap,coming from someone who can barely stand up on her own." She mocked.
Everyone laughed.
" I'll remember this day,and tell you the same when you get knocked up." I said locking my teeth together.
" It's fine babe." Martin patted my shoulder.
"So, when's the wedding?" Bella asked.
Martin and I stared at each other......
" We uhhhmmmm,we haven't discussed that yet." I answered.
" Can't wait to be their godmother." Tessa said changing the topic as she sensed Martin and mine's discomfort.
"I am their godmother!" Anna interjected.
"No you are not."Tessa argued.
" Enough girls,save the energy for later. As I am their godmother." Bella said.
" You wish!"
" I am!".
" That's enough girls, Evelyn is their godmother......Martin's sister" I settled the scores.
" But we haven't even met her." Tessa said.
"You will,very soon." Martin promised.

The girls were getting ready to leave with Christopher. I pulled Martin aside to talk to him.
"Am leaving with them."
"I only came today cause I wanted to see you. I'll see you tomorrow."
" You're going no where Antonia."he stated.
" What, why?"
" It's in the contract. You live with me."he reminded.
" I thought we already forgot about that....."
" You're going nowhere Antonia. This is where you belong." He pulled me into a tight hug.
And I was just pulling his legs. I wasn't leaving him today, tomorrow and definitely not forever.
Like he said,this is WHERE I BELONG...........

PDA:  public display of affection

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