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"you know I can't do that" I laughed lightly to Barbara.
"Common babe, it will be fun." She persuaded.
" What about Martin, he'll never let me go"i whined. Barbara had suggested that we go to a club.
"Martin's a dick" she dismissed. "Common Antonia,it will be fun"
" What will be fun?"Martin asked coming into the kitchen.
" We are having a girls night out" Barbara paused, the both of us examined his facial expression and even without him saying anything, I knew I had been right.
"That's not happening" he yelled.
"Well, Martin, it is happening, Antonia and I are going clubbing and there's nothing you can do about that" Barbara faced him head-on while I stood back in the background.
" She's pregnant Barbara" i scoffed, that was a stale news.
"Am not blind...... You can't keep her locked up in this house while you go out and have fun. I wonder how she's coping. I can't bare to spend a whole day with you . And she's been here close to three months. "She yelled and I started the grand March back to my room as I couldn't stand seeing them quarrel.

I was already in Disney Land on my very comfy bed when I heard the knock.
"Hey" that was Martin, and guess what, he had already let himself in.
I sat up on the bed. "Am sorry about that...... I told her I didn't want to go. She didn't listen".
" It's fine"he crossed his arms and sat on the chair beside the bed"it was long overdue...... She was actually right"he stared at me" Antonia ..... Hmmmn"he scratched his neck.
" It's fine, please don't say anything"i knew it was about the kiss.
" Thanks.... So hmmmn, get dressed, let's go shopping" he stood up and was about to walk out.
" Shopping for who? "I asked standing up.
" You, in case you haven't noticed, you're beginning to show, and you skinny clothes don't fit anymore" he smirked.
" Son of a cow"I whispered.
" You have fifteen minutes Tonia" he winked at me and left my room.
"You can't call me Tonia, it's Antonia for you" I yelled at the closed door.

Don't ask me how I am currently swimming in sweatshirts and huge gowns and maybe some fat ugly looking bras.
Right about now, the car boot was already full as we parked at another dress shop.
"Martin, that's enough" I shouted frustrated.
"My money not yours " and he got down.
I hissed and got down too . Actually, I don't have any problem with shopping, but try being over three months pregnant with swollen foots and back aches, then you'll know that shopping, ain't as fun.
We walked up to the cashier and she guided us to the baby sections. I saw the woman typing something on her phone but I didn't pay much attention to her.
As I turned to Martin holding him by his elbow
"We are shopping for a baby we don't know the gender yet?" I asked him super shocked.
" Yes we are"he withdrew his arm from me and continued walking. I ran up to him
"We are going to get some stuffs for both genders" he answered turning back to face me .
" Are you fucking crazy Martin, we have just two weeks to find out the baby's sex. We'll buy it then"i suggested and he dismissed me with a shake of his head.
" I don't want to find out the baby's gender Antonia"
"What !!!!" I exclaimed.
"In case you've forgotten, you don't actually have a say here at all"he warned." I have all the say, and I don't want to find out the baby's sex. Is that understood? "I could only nod as my tongue had gotten glued to my mouth . He walked ahead and began throwing stuffs into the trolley.
I saw a chair not very far away and made my way to it. It took him about an hour to shop and he wheeled his stuffs to the cashier.
I walked out of the shop not waiting for him and guessed whose hands I fell into.......... Paparrazzi., Journalist and many others and they all began questioning me at the same time.
"Are you carrying Martin Pierce's baby?"
"Are you his girlfriend?"
"What's your relationship with Mr Pierce? "
" Some random one night stand and you're pushing the baby on him am I right? "Another suggested.
" Are you guys planning to get married? "
I couldn't move as I was practically blinded by cameras flashing at me. I felt a gentle hand in my waist leading me to the car. I knew it was Martin.
"A word please"
"Martin Pierce what do you have to say?"
"Any marriage plans Mr Pierce? "
He walked back to his side after settling me in , and he drove out swearing under his breaths.
I was about to talk to him then I suddenly remembered that I was mad at him. So I turned my face back to the window.
The ride home was very brief and immediately we got home, I got down. Leaving him to bring in the bags and headed straight to my room.

It's currently 7:38
And I was in the bathroom brushing.
I heard Martin knocking on my door and after sometime, he tried to open the door. It was locked offcourse because I was still mad at him.
Then my phone started ringing........
It was Annabelle"hey babe" I greeted. Spitting out the paste in my mouth.
"Have you seen the papers bitch" she yelled.
"What?, No" I answered confused.
"Your face is everywhere babe" i heard Tessa shout in the background.
" Should I read you the headlines or you will yourself? "Bella asked.
I couldn't speak as I rinsed my mouth off. "I'll check it now"
"Alright b, I'll call you back in ten seconds"Anna said and ended the call .
I opened the daily news app on my phone and I was hit with my picture and Martin's, and heartbreaking captions.
"Billionaire Martin Pierce with his soon to be baby mama"
"One night stand turns serious"
" Martin Pierce, seen baby shopping with latest hook-up"
" Play boy Martin Pierce is in trouble as a hook up gets pregnant"
" Textile billionaire Martin Pierce seen with new girlfriend yesterday at a baby shopping mall as they are expecting a baby"
" Martin Pierce and beautiful girlfriend Antonia Lewis shopping together for baby items yesterday"
I turned off my phone and screamed................
I was officially unveiled....... The world knows am pregnant. It was only a matter of time before they find out that am just his Surrogate.
I blacked out and then came back alive when I heard Barbara and Martin talking at my door.
I walked back into my room and fell into the bed and I shut down immediately..

Cast of characters up next, stay tuned
And like always , please like and comment
See ya later

His  surrogate (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now