A clean slate

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Martin's p.o.v

It's been a week. A week without her. I don't know how I survived each day. Probably cause I always woke up determined to find her each day. I was worried about her health, fuck, she was a week over nine months.
"How could you be so stupid son.... You let her travel alone? "My mom asked.
" It was urgent..... "I lied.
" You should have gone with her." She insisted.
"Alright...... Mom, but she insisted she was gonna go alone. "
" When she says she wants to go alone, that's exactly when she doesn't want to go alone.... You need to understand women son.... Call her phone, let me talk to her. "She said.
" That's not possible.... There's no network where she is. "I gulped.
" What! "She hit me with her bag.
" Not my fault mom.... Ouch.... Can you stop." I pleaded.
" So how do you talk to her?" She asked dropping the bag beside me.
" We.... talk"i told her.
" Are you lying to me Martin?"she suddenly asked.
"Wwhhhattt?" I stammered.
"Did you guys fight,and then she left?"
I broke down.....crying like a baby.
" Am sorry mom......."i wailed
"My poor baby...." She comforted me." It's alright."

" Why didn't you tell me you were sterile....your dad and I would have helped."
" It wasn't something to tell everyone about......a doctor in Los Angeles told me I had just one shot at being a father....he was the one that recommended the sperm donation. Antonia was the only shot I had. Barbara just had to ruin it mom...."i hiccuped still crying.
" You lied to us Martin,on several occasions....am so disappointed with you. Why would you hire a surrogate when you had a girlfriend?"my dad asked.
" Barbara wasn't ready to be a mother.....I tried it the natural way with her,it didn't work....and when the doctor called me to tell me that someone was pregnant for me,I was fucking estactic...I just couldn't believe it. I got some of my hair and hers,while the doctor took some baby fluids. And then he confirmed that the baby was mine. I couldn't think.....I didn't plan to fall in love with her though,that was just a plus." I explained to my family members.
" That was a little touching."Evelyn mocked.
"I forgive you son." My mom hugged me."Now,how are we getting her back?"
"Am flying to Massachusetts tomorrow morning,her friends gave me her parents address. I figured I would start from there."
" Can I tag along?"Eve asked.
I smiled evily " no can do little one." I ruffled her hair.
" I hate you."she stuck out her tongue. Reminding me of yours truly..
" I love you more."
" You make sure you bring her back." Dad said using a command tone.
" I wouldn't have it any other way." I hugged him.

Tessa's p.o.v

I was in my house,having a good time, dancing to stefflon don...and having karaoke in my own studio.
Don't blame me,this was my own way of dealing with heartbreak. Yeah,you heard that right. Heartbreak!.
Turns out,that Christopher was expecting something more than a friend with benefits relationship.
I wasn't ready for that kind of shit . I just wanted to have fun,have a nice time with him. We ended it today,as I couldn't be what he wanted me to be,and he couldn't continue being my fuck buddy.
Sad right, I know......but it really hurts!!!!!!!
And then Antonia,the bitch still hasn't called.
I was expecting her to call about a day or two after her going missing,she hasn't placed a call yet. And that was very unusual....We've been to everyone she knows in the city and no one claims to have seen her. Including Lucas,turns out,that he and Martin have become close friends.....Antonia would have been really surprised.
"Tessa...... seriously!!!!!" That was Bella .....the serious friend.
" Hey girl hey..."I waved slurring....damn,I was drunk.
"What the fuck are you doing? Getting drunk at 2pm?" She asked reducing the volume of my song. My poor baby.
"Am not drunk...."
"Yeah,like hell you aren't."she replied sarcastically.
" Go get a life girl,you tooooo boring...."
"You go get a job.  And maybe a guy while you're at it. Even though I know that ain't gon be happening anytime soon,cause you just lost one good man." She said.
" Someone's jealous..."I screamed.
" Our friend is missing,and the only thing your dumb brain could think of was getting drunk!"
" Antonia's not missing,and you know that.we both know that,she left on her own." I reminded.
" And why did you break up with Chris?"she asked placing a hand on her hip.
" Is mummy gonna scold me?"i laughed at my own joke." That's really funny and all,cause you know we weren't dating."
" What are you so scared of?" She asked.
" I ain't scared of no shit. Am just not interested....look at me,do I look like a girlfriend kind of girl?"
" You know,my dad said he would cutoff my allowance if I don't stop moving with y'all...... He thinks y'all are bad news. I was trying to convince him otherwise,but it appears that it is true. Especially you Tessa,you're the oldest. You should stand up for your own shit."she yelled.
" Are you insulting us right now,what the fuck do you mean by that? Are you saying that we can't survive without you?  Girl,fuck you,and your dad...and your fucked up family....I see you looking at your stepbrother pictures all the time....you gat a little crush on him and you can't do no_thing,cause you're scared of your daddy......and maybe,just maybe,your own sister stole your fiance. You've got no right to tell me to stand up for my own shit when that's the last thing you are doing." I threw at her,moving close to her.
She stared back at me...."fuck you Antonia,we agreed never to talk about Jared again."she whimpered.
" Okay....okay,what's going on here..."Anna asked coming in, dropping the groceries bag she was carrying on the table."I heard your voices from downstairs."
"Ask Tessa." Bella said."she broke up with Chris and she's taking it out on me."
" You started it."i reminded" and we weren't dating,so we didn't actually break up okay?"
"Seriously Tessa,I thought you were past all of this.... we'll know Chris's the one for you."Anna said.
" And who's the one for you Anna? You'll need to start minding your business around here,my life is none of your business." I screamed.
" That wasn't up to an argument Tessa,no one is picking their noses into your business.."Anna said again." This is the last thing we should be doing right now, Antonia is still missing."
" Gosh,you both are too old fashioned,she isn't missing,she left,ON HER OWN. Get that into your heads." I reminded. I was so done with this clueless girls.
"I think it means the same,as we still don't know where she is." Bella inputed.
" Am still not talking to you though." I pointed to Bella.
" You've got three seconds to remove that finger from my face."she threatened"or I'll bite it off."
I didn't listen and moved it even closer to touch her nose .
She was about to say something again when the telephone rang.
" 20 bucks says that's Antonia...." I bet going to answer the call.
"Hola laidies...." It was HER.
I did a little victory dance before we all screamed into the phone at once...."BITCH!!!!!!!!"

Turns out we found HER.........

Another chapter y'all 😊😊
Enjoy 😘😘
OMG......you guys are the best.

Your comments keeps me going....(Gives me the energy to get up and go).😉😉

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