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Antonia's p.o.v

I woke up, startled as my head hurts and I could barely feel my feet.
I stood up from the bed.... Seeing the thick red spot on the bed. Turns out the bleeding had stopped. I staggered to the kitchen as I poured myself a glass of cold water.
I checked the time, it was fifteen minutes after six. Mom still had a long way to go. I really needed her right now.
I walked out to the balcony and sat myself on the cold tiles. It was then I noticed, that the babies had gone silent. They weren't moving anymore.
I bit my lip as I silently cried at my own stupidity and prayed for a miracle.

As if to prove, that God really answers prayers, mom ran up to the house, hurrying towards me.
"Baby, what are you doing out here? I called the house and you didn't pick up, I thought something happened.... Are you okay honey? "She asked worriedly.
" Hhoosspitall. "I whimpered.
" Oh God!" She exclaimed." Can you walk?"she tried lifting me.
" George,over here.." she called him from the car.
I didn't even notice he was with her.
" It's time?" He asked Mom lifting me up in his arms.
"Obviously." Mom said as she settled me in the back seat of the car."I'll go get the baby bag."
Mom did a little shopping for the kids after I told her all that happened.
I still couldn't talk,and I wasn't feeling any pain anywhere,my major source of worry was that the kids still had kicked .
"You sure you're okay baby?" My dad asked staring at me in the mirror as he started driving. I could only nod.
"Offcourse,she's not okay. She's about to give birth."my mom answered him.
" Just asking,cause she looks like nothing's wrong with her." He said again.
" Just keep driving."my mom instructed.
Wiping the sweatbeads on my forehead with a napkin.
"And we are here." He announced pulling over to park.
" Doctor,nurse!"my mom called out as she entered the hospital. Two nurses came out with a stretcher. They laid me on it and pushed me into the hospital.

Martin's p.o.v

"Fasten your seatbelts, we're landing." The pilot instructed.
"That was fast,barely an hour.......and there,you all were thinking she was at the other side of the world."Anna joked
The plane landed in about five minutes and we all got into the already waiting limo that Lucas had ordered.
"24th." He told the driver. As we squeezed ourselves in.
Turns out,that she wasn't that Faraway from us anyway. I had a bad feeling in my guts,I felt like something was wrong.
"We should knock...." Tessa's suggested as I planned to kick the door open.
I knocked thrice and didn't hear a reply . I shrugged as I kicked the door open. There was no one in.
We all took turns searching the house.
"I found her phone.... Am guessing it dropped into water, that was why she screamed. "Tessa said from the kitchen.
I nodded. That was one reason out of many others.
" Hmmmmmn..... Guys, you aren't gonna like this." Bella said from a part in the house. I traced her voice and saw her in another small girlish room beside the bed. I moved close to the bed and wished I hadn't.
"What the fuck!" I exclaimed.... "You think she lost the babies?"
"We can't say for sure, I'll say we head on to the nearest hospital. "Bella suggested.
I looked at the blood stain on the bed again. It was really scary.
"I caused all of this. I shouldn't have let her leave. I should have told her everything she needs to know . "I lamented.
" She'll be fine, you both will be fine, let's get moving. "Bella said dragging me out of the room.
" Guys, we need to move, we found some blood stains on her bed, am guessing she's been rushed to the hospital. "Bella explained.
We headed out for the limo again as we once again.... Squeezed ourselves in.
"This is the closest hospital and their best over here.. she's gonna be here, and everything's gonna be fine. "The driver reassured as we alighted.
We all rushed in to the hospital, as I silently prayed that we weren't too late.
"Antonia Lewis." Tessa told the nurse at the counter.
"In the emergency room.... Take this hall, two doors, down the hall. "She informed.
" Thank you... "Don't know who said that among us as we all sped down the hall.
"Aunt Morgan!" Tessa called to the woman sitting outside the door crying profusely.
" Contessa!!!!" She stood up and hugged Tessa. "Tonia's in there, fighting for her life, the doctor said she's too weak to push the baby, and the babies aren't moving. "She sobbed as my heart broke.
" This is Martin, antonia's boyfriend, the father of the kids. "She introduced.
" Young man, there are alot of things I would like to say to you, but I'll save it till later. My daughter needs you. You should be in there with her. "I nodded as she hugged me.
I pulled open the door silently and stared at antonia's stiff body on the bed with six doctor's hovering over her.
"Martin." She called weakly as she saw me. I started crying.
"Who are you?" One of the doctors asked.
" The father of the kids." I whispered.
"Kathy, suit him up",he instructed the nurse as she went out "we're gonna need you young man." I nodded unconscious as the nurse tied the nylon gown around me.
"Antonia, am so sorry baby" I sobbed holding her hand and kissing her forehead.
"It's okay baby,am sorry i left." She apologized.
"That's enough lover's,we've gotta focus on the important matter here,and that's getting this kids out ."the doctor interrupted.
" You can do this!"I told her.
" We...." She held my hands."can do this."
" Okayyy,push on the count of three,1,2,3."
She screamed,a loud piercing scream. I held her hand as a nurse wiped her sweats.
"Keep going,don't stop." Another doctor said.

They kept on going at it for what felt like hours before one of the babies finally made an appearance,letting out a tiny scream.
"We've got one,let's do the second....."
She kept on pushing again,as she looked like she was gonna pass out at anytime from now.
The second made his entry a little while later, followed by the umbilical cord.
I kissed Antonia with everything I had in me before checking up on the babies .
The nurse was cleaning them up as I glanced at them over her shoulder. They were so beautiful,and tiny....they looked so pink.
I moved back to Antonia and whispered in her ear."what do we call them?"
"Fuck you Marty,I thought you thought of that already."she yelled tiredly.
" I didn't....."
" Your kids......"the nurse handed them over,fully clothed and wrapped up.
I took one while Antonia took the second. A boy and a girl.
"Just the way I wanted them....." I whispered kissing my daughter's pink lip. Yep,I just stole her first kiss.
"I love you Antonia,thank you for this.".
"I love you more."
"We'll move her into a private ward now." They informed as they placed her to sit on a wheelchair.
" I'll take the babies now." The nurse said placing them in a baby crib.
They pushed her out of the room as I followed behind.
"Yay!!!!!!" Tessa gave her a high five as they pushed her towards them.
Bella went over to give the kids a kiss.
I went over to my mother in law.
"Am so sorry we had to meet under this circumstance." I apologized.she looked up at me.
" She's told me alot of great things about you, and I can see you really love her. I forgive you.....but don't come running over next time." She said.
" Thank you,thank you so much. You don't know how much I really wanted to meet you."
" You still need to see her dad though,he stepped out for some cigarettes. He can't handle Tonia being in pain. I remember when I had Antonia,the doctors forced him to stay with me. He said it was really scary." She joked.
" I would love to meet him." I hugged her and we all went into the ward to see Antonia and the children.
"Why this boy gon look like Martin.....I was expecting one of them to look like me."Tessa murmured holding one of the kids.
" I heard that..." I crept up behind her.
"Gosh,you scared me." She said placing a hand on her chest." But they are soooo totally in love with this one in my arms."
"And am in love with that beautiful lady on the bed over there ."I said and Tonia blushed deeply. I missed that. I walked over to lie beside her on the tiny bed.
"Am still sorry Tonia......I'll forever be."
"You don't have a choice." She said turning to face me. She scooped my cheek up in her hands and kissed me.
"And their godfather is finally here." Chris said announcing his appearance.
" Says who?" I mocked.
"Says me." He insisted.
"Well,he is the godfather." Tonia said...."and Evelyn is their godmother. The rest of you all can go to bed."
" Not fair,why does he get to be the godfather and I am not the godmother."Tessa argued.
" Cause y'all broke up."
" We didn't break up,am outta here y'all."she hurried out giving the baby to Morgan, antonia's mom.
"You should go after her." I told Chris.
"Nah,I don't need too." He objected.
"You need too,go talk some sense into her."Tonia commanded.
" Yeah....go on out,bye."we all bid...he walked out murmuring to himself.
" This is nice and all,but when are we flying back. Am so tired."Bella complained.
" Once the doctor gives us the go ahead."
" And till then,you're stuck with me." Antonia said sticking her tongue out.
"Can someone remind me why I offered to come with you guys?"she asked.
" Cause you love me,soooooo sooo soooo much."Antonia said.
Turns out I got my girl back.....and the rest is history.
" I love you."
" Oh gosh,you've said that to me like ten times in the past five minutes."she whined covering her face.
" I'll never get tired of saying it."
"And I'll never get tired of hearing it,cause I love you too."
" Enough with all the mushy mushy,let's leave the love birds alone."Lucas said chasing everyone out.
They gave the babies back to us . I held my son this time,and she held the girl.
"And their names are................"

Heh!! Heh!!!! Heh!!!! ( Laughs evily.)🤣🤣🤣🤣
So,y'all get the chance to give me some cute babies name. A boy,and a girl's name.
Let the names start rolling in💃💃
Three updates in a day.......😘😘😘😘😘
Y'all welcome😝😝

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