Heart to heart

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" my parents are out of the picture....Can I please not talk about them?" I asked giving him the puppy eyes.
He rolled his eyes." Spill" he ordered.
I stuck my tongue out at him. " I hate you."
"You promised Antonia..." He reminded.
" Fine, fine.... Well, my parents live in Massachusetts. They were married once, got divorced when I was 15..... They're back together now, they are still dating though. My mom wants to take things slow, see how it goes. "
" Hmmnn... Interesting. " He commented smiling.
" Why thank you. "I kissed him. " Your turn."
" You've met my parents, there's not much to say again." He shrugged intertwining our hands.
" Tell me about your self. " I insisted.
" Am a man, studied mechanical engineering. Am 27. Unmarried, single.... " He waited for her reaction.
" You're single! "I yelled throwing a pillow at him.
"Ouch, damn, am sorry babe." He apologized rubbing his forehead.
" Well am single TOO! "I yelled.
" Was a mistake baby, a joke. A harmless joke! "He said sincerely. " Damn you're feisty."
" Try that again,and I'll smash your face."I threatened.
" You won't baby...you love my face."
" Try me!"I yelled.
He hugged her and kissed her forehead.
" Tell me about your accident.." I pleaded.
"It was nothing serious." He denied standing up from the bed.
"I want to know "I insisted.
"Barbara and I had an argument,I took a few drinks,took my motorbike and crashed into a school bus. "He explained.
" Am sorry about that,how many casualties?" I asked curiously.
" A few...but they all got better,27 students plus me and the driver.....it was two years ago. A long time ago."
" Not that long." I paused" were you hurt?"
" Offcourse I was hurt,and you just made it worse. You broke my cheekbone."he said holding his left cheek.
" Thought it was your forehead?"I asked stiffling a laugh.
" It was....ittt mmovedd downwards."he replied stuttering.
"You're a terrific liar." I threw him another pillow.
"That's it,am calling my doctor.....my girlfriend's tryna kill me." He joked.
" How did Barbara deal with the accident?" I asked .
"I thought we were done talking about this.." he said exasperated.
"We are not..."I replied.
" She blamed herself alott.....she was always there,at the hospital. She didn't leave.my mom was heartbroken. I had broken my right thigh. And had a concussion...she always blamed herself.
I stood up to him,leaving the blanket."am sorry." I hugged him.
"Which one is it for,breaking my forehead or my cheekbone.?"he asked jokingly.
" All of them."I said bursting into tears.
"Hey" he pulled back"what happened?"
"Pregnancy hormones. I don't know why am crying."I wiped them off and sniffled as another set promised to come out .
"It's okay baby. Am fine now." He kissed her .
"Am glad." I replied.
"Breakfast is ready!!!!!!??" Mom yelled from the kitchen.
"Let's go eat." He picked up a jean and wore it.
" I don't feel like walking." I answered sitting back on the bed butt naked.
" Should I carry you?" He asked raising a brow.
"Are you mocking me Martin....cause if you are,just know that you got me pregnant and am gonna tell the kids every single thing you did to me while they were forming."i began crying again....damn this hormones.
" Alright baby,calm down....I'll bring breakfast up here okayy?"
She nodded..."five minutes!"she made him promise.
" Five minutes" he affirmed. "I love you baby."
I nodded as he walked out of the room.

Martin's  p.o.v

Damn!!!!!! Antonia was something else. Just the way he liked his women. But she was different,heck!!! He was  gonna put a ring on her finger very soon.
He was almost at the kitchen when he felt himself being pushed aside by Evelyn.
"Well,good morning to you too.." I greeted sarcastically.
" I can't believe you hired a surrogate."she whispered.
" Hhoww do you kknoww that?"I asked completely shocked.
" Antonia told me after your little fight yesterday.So,she doesn't know about your....."
" Yes,Eve she doesn't" he interrupted her . " And don't you dare tell her,I'll do that myself."
"Just be careful Marty....so you're in love with her hmmmnnn." she tickled him " your surrogate?"
" Will you stop.....and yes I am in love with her. She told you I confessed to her yesterday?"
" She did,in tears....I was so scared,I thought you'd hit her,but when I got to her she told me about your little confession. I was like...is that why you are crying?but offcourse,I only said that in my head cause I didn't want to upset her more."Eve explained.
" Tell me about the tears....she's been crying a river all morning ....talking about tears,she gave me five minutes to get the food."i left eve and hurried into the kitchen.
"Good morning Mom."
"Morning son..." His mom kissed his cheek." Where's Antonia?"
" Upstairs...she's too tired to come down.."he said picking up plates and filling them with the delicious looking sandwiches. Placing them neatly on a tray filling the little mugs with coffee.
"She's close too delivery....am Soo glad son,make sure you treat her well son."
" I sure will mom.."he picked up the tray and balanced it on his right arm." Mom,she's getting emotional,alot,like a whole lott"
"It's stress son,don't stress her.....she deserves all your love and attention at this moment. Don't ruin it" she ruffled his hair.
" I won't." He promised walking back to his cranky pregnant bae.
"What took you so longgg." "She yelled at him as he opened the door.
"Sorry babe,got held up." He apologized.
"But you promised Martin,why do you keep doing this?"she yelled at him pulling her hair.
He dropped the food on the bed beside her and picked up a shirt to wear for her.
"Are you trying to say I look hideous naked Martin?" She asked.
"Offcourse not babe. You need to put something on." She stood up and he wore it for her buttoning her up but left about three or four as they refused to come together on her baby bump.
She bit her sandwich."This is nice Martin,join me.." she patted the space next to her on the bed.
He sat down and ate his meal too.
"Did you brush your teeth?" He asked her.
She looked at him"Noooo."
"You should have ." He said gently.
She nodded and continued eating silently and then looked up at him suddenly."kiss me Martin."
"What?,why,all of a sudden?"he asked.
" Are you trying to say my mouth is smelling?"she asked looking at him suspiciously.
" Offcourse not babe." He coughed out almost choking .
"Then why won't you kiss me?" She asked biting her nails.
"Baby,I love you.." he kissed her."I didn't mean anything,I swear."
"I know...I love you too,it's just Soo....."she started crying again." I don't know what to think sometimes ." She said bursting into heavy tears now .
He sighed pulling her into his arms."How many weeks left?"
"Three weeks." She murmured in his chest.
Then she suddenly pulled away from his hug.
"Are you saying you're tired of me already?" She asked looking enraged..
Oh boy................
Here we go again!!!!!!!! He thought pulling his hair out.

Another chapter lovelies 🖤🖤
Thank you for being you🌹🌹

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