His girlfriend (me)

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"Martin!!!!!!" I yelled"get the door" there was no reply.
I stood up from my bed and walked out heading downstairs to open the door.
"Uhmnn, hello" a lady greeted.
"Hi" I answered weirdly.
" Am sorry, can I come in? Am here to see Martin"she asked.
I raised a brow she laughed it up and replied." Am his kid sister" she raised her hand for a shake. "Am Evelyn"
I took her hand and ushered her in. "Am Antonia, it's nice to meet you".
"I know you Antonia" she sat on the couch and turned to look at me."you're actually trending,in case you didn't know. You're all over the news".
" Yeah,that"I looked down at me feet which was almost impossible has my bump was now super big.
" No need to be shy Antonia,the family loves you already"she smiled sweetly at me.
" Wait, what?"I asked dumbly.
"Mum and dad wants to meet the special lady who has put our Martin Pierce in family's way"she patted the space next to her and asked me to join her.
" But,why would they want to meet me?" I asked confused.
"Cause you're Martin's fiance......." She announced as I choked on my saliva. She held a hand to her chin thinking"or,please don't tell me that he hasn't proposed yet" she looked at me intently and nodded to herself." That's it,am calling mum" and she picked up her phone from the mini purse with her.
" Wait,hold on....."I tried to stop her.
" Yes mum,am here. You wouldn't believe this mum,....yes,I met her,and she's so pretty,mum, Martin's still being a dick......yes mum,the lady is heavily pregnant.....and he's not even home to cater for her needs........calm down,mum...... alright,I will..........and here's the final blow mum,he hasn't even proposed"
That was it,I began to cough loudly and she looked at me."alright ma,I'll tell her......on Sunday,sure mom,I will ...bye mom"she ended the call." Are you okay,should I get you water?"she asked looking concerned.
" No,am fine,thank you"
" Okay Antonia,am about to leave,I'll see you guys on Sunday"she stood up,picking her purse with her.
" On .....Sunday"i stammered walking her to the door"
" Yeah,dinner at the house on Sunday"she hugged me and gave me kisses on my cheeks." Alright then,bye love"
" Byeee"I waved as I shut the door.
" What the hell was that!!!!!!!"


I was sleeping deeply,when I heard a knock on my room's door.
"Hey" that was Martin.
"Come in" I answered sitting up.
He was walked in with a white shirt and suit trouser,am guessing he had already discarded his suit.
"So,Eve stopped by" he said/asked as he folded his arms and rested on the door.
"My sister!" He exclaimed.
"Oh,yeah,she stopped by"I replied.
" And.....?"
" What?"I asked.
" What did you tell her?"
"Am sorry what?"
"She told my parents that you were my girlfriend"he yelled
" Well, that......she did most of the talking,she didn't even let me talk.she just assumed we were together and then called your parents and told them."I explained.
" And you didn't even try to correct her"he yelled again.
I was having a slight headache already"can you quit shouting already,I am beside you,I can hear you".
He looked scary" you haven't answered my question"
" I said she didn't let me talk,Martin,please,let's do this tomorrow,I really cannot shout"I pleaded.
" I got a call from my parents,asking me to bring you to dinner on Sunday.....and then receiving an hour lecture on how to treat pregnant ladies from my mom. How do you think that makes me feel?"he shouted.
I stood up and was about to walk past him when I felt a little kick In my stomach. I paused and placed a hand on my stomach ,I felt the kick again. I didn't know when Martin walked up to stand at my front.
"Can I?,please?" He asked gently staring deeply into my eyes. I nodded as he got down on one knee and placed his hand on my stomach.my baby gave another kick and I heard Martin laugh . He placed his second hand on my bump as he gently pressed a kiss to my stomach.
My heart was about to burst out as I stroked his hair back on his head.
When he looked up at me,his eyes were full of tears. I placed my palm on his cheek and he kissed it.
He stood up gently,and held my face with his hands as he lightly kissed my lips. It was gentle at first and then it became rough,with his tongue,fully in my mouth and my huge baby bump pressed into his belly button" Have been dying to kiss you again".he whispered against my lips.
He kissed me again as he pushed me to the bed. I stared at his lips,and bit down on my buttom lip .
"That's exactly what turns me on" he said referring to my lips and he laid on me on the bed.he continued kissing me.
We were in our own world untill his phone rang,breaking the spell.
He got up and picked it off the floor, where it had dropped.
"Barbara......." He answered..
I sighed walking into the bathroom.In as much as much as I liked Barbara,if she was standing in front of me at this moment,I would strangle her.
I peed and took my bathe again for the night,and  walked to my room. He wasn't there again.
I fell into my bed wrapping the duvet around me as I remembered our intimate moment a few minutes ago.
I fell asleep thinking about how sweet Sunday would be.even if it was only for a few hours,I would be,his girlfriend.
I slept off peacefully as I anticipated Sunday...

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