planning a wedding

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"He winked at you bitch, he just fucking did." Tessa slurred clearly intoxicated.
Bella spared the guy in question a sly glance before turning back."Too bad,not my type."
"What do you mean....not ur type,he's cute." I reasoned.
" Who comes to a club to drink just water?"she asked.
" Someone who was forced too,but ends up being grateful to them for bringing me." The man said suddenly appearing behind us.
" Soooo what,you're either a man of God or a man of God. Who wears white collar to a club by the way. And a jean,for the love of God,what if a lady wants to grind on you?" Bella asked turning to face him.
" Trust me, nothing about me screams man of God."He whispered biting his lip seductively.
We all 'ohhed'
" Alright,you two get a room." I pushed Bella to him and watched as they both made their way to the dance floor.
An hour,or probably two hours down,we decided to call it a night cause it was getting pretty late and we were all drunk as fuck.
"Ohhhhhh,and the ground spins." I said attempting to stand up.
" Feels nice though."Barbara said laughing,she was the only one that wasn't drunk amongst us cause I insisted that she shouldn't have any to drink cause she is pregnant.
"Can't believe Bella ditched us for that hot stuff."Anna yawned coming up behind us, holding on to Tessa.
" Yeah,she did.And there I always thought she didn't have it in her."Tessa yawned.
We all made our way outside with Barbara's help and settled into the car.
"You take us straight home." I commanded lying straight on Tessa legs in the back seat.
A loud phone ringing woke me up moments later as I realised we were still in the car and Barbara was no where to be found. I grabbed my phone from my bag where it had fallen and picked up the phone.
"Where the fuck are you Antonia,it's past 4am." Martin yelled.
"Geez,4am!" I repeated."so sorry Martin,am on my way." I hanged up and switched over to the driver's seat.
I started the car and made my way home,praying to God that there won't be any accidents.
We made it home in one piece. The sun was almost set as I parked the car and woke Tessa and Anna up.
Martin came out of the door immediately,with a angry look all over his face.
"Heyyyy,look am so sorry, didn't mean to stay up all night. How are the kids,and Chris and Lucas?"
" You don't need to be sorry,you had the best night of your life right? And you probably forgot you've got babies that need you right?" He asked mad as hell." And maybe the fact that I have been calling your phone over a millionth time. "
" Is this the same Martin,you look freaking hot while you're mad. As much as I love to see this,my head is pounding,so let's do this later okay?"Tessa said making her way in as anna scurried after her.
"You make me so mad sometimes." He exclaimed.
" Am sorry"I whispered wrapping my arms around him. He kissed my forehead.
"Guess who's coming over today?"
"Who?" I asked turning my head up to look at him.
"Your parents. They would like to meet mine and plan the wedding together. I'll be picking them up at the Port,so you go get your rest. "
" Have I ever told you I love you,and that you're the best thing that has ever happened to me."
" Yeah,you have. But then I could never get tired if hearing it." He said kissing me lightly.
" I need to sleep."I yawned. He picked me up and carried me as we made our way into the house.

(Quick pause:    Antonia's mom is  43 and her dad is 48. I noticed someone asked in the past chapters.)

We all slept till noon,and only woke up when Martin called to inform me that he had gone to pick my parents at the Port and  was bringing them back home.
Tessa and Bella made some foods while Anna helped me with the children.

"We are home!" Martin yelled as they made their way inside. I moved out of the room to welcome them as Anna pulled the kids out in their cots.
"Hey baby." My mom moved forward to hug me,looking radiant as ever.
"Hi Mom." I hugged her back.
"You look nice sweetie." She said pulling back and I saw her growing baby bump. Ladies and gentlemen,my mom was really pregnant.
"Thank you Mom. Hi Dad." I hugged him too.
"Good to see you princess." He answered ruffling my hair. " I hear we've got a wedding to plan."
I nodded. " So glad you could make it."
My parents greeted my friends and we all made our way to sit down.
His parents arrived two hours later.
Bella served everyone some cupcakes and champagne.
And we all got to planning.
"How many guests should we be expecting?" His mom asked Martin and I.
"My guest should be 100 max." I replied.
"About 300,some of my investors and employees."Martin answered .
" I'll be inviting around twenty,our old friends and. Neighbours." Tessa said.
" My parents,they still can't believe one of us is getting married. They would like to see for themselves." Bella answered.
" And some of my friends back at home."my mom replied.
" Okay,so we are rounding it up to 500guests." The wedding planner,Susan agreed writing it in her little book."And have you all agreed on a date?"
"Yes,in three weeks time,August 27." Martin answered.
" Okay,a hall,a church or a garden?" Susan asked
"We go to church,then we come back here to entertain the guests." I suggested.
Everyone nodded.
" Mr Pierce,I already sent you the list of churches available for that specified date, and Mrs Pierce,I have some friends who are top notch in the wedding dress gig. Here are their cards." She handed it over to me.
"We'll consider it,thank you so much for coming. " I walked her to the door.
" Congrats once again." She said making her way out.
"My feet are swollen baby please show me to my room." My mom whined.
"Come with me me mom."
She stood up and my dad followed her holding her by the waist. My mom was so dramatic. If anyone saw her now,they would think she was about to give birth with the way she was walking,and she was just about four months pregnant. Makes me wonder if that was how she did when I was in there.
"The house is huge,you are so lucky baby. He's rich,he's handsome,what else could you ever want in a guy. "She gushed once we were out of earshot.
" I know Mom." I opened the third door down the hall and ushered them in. " Your room mom and dad,if you need anything,just yell,we are right down the hall."
" We won't honey."my dad yawned helping my mom into the room.
I closed the door behind them and made my way back to the sitting room.
With one question on my mind.
Where . The. Fuck . Is. Barbara?

Hello wattpaders,I have absolutely no excuse for the late updates,so am posting three chapters to make up for it.
Have been so busy ............. ........doing nothing.
Am sorry.........
Any idea what happened to Barbara?
Let me know what you all think, in the comments section. Vote,share and follow too,that is much more important. I'll catch you all the next chapter.
*Wink wink*😉😉

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