something new

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I opened my eyes staring right into Martin's .
He smiled and I blushed.
" Morning." I greeted pulling the blanket up to my chin.
He pulled it down exposing my chest. " Have seen it all Antonia."
I didn't know what to say..... So I decided to keep quiet.
" Thanks for last night". He said raising my chin to look into my eyes.
" Hmmmmn ...." I whispered.
He kissed my forehead.
My phone rang interrupting our moment. I picked it up on the floor beside the bed where it had fallen last night.
" Hello?"
" Hey Tonia.... whatsup you aren't up yet?". It was Lucas.
I looked at Martin's face.......and bit my lip.
" Hey ..... Antonia,are you okay?" He asked again.
" Am fine......."
" Come out,am right out.....I saw some orchids back at the garden,I was thinking of putting it in a vase inside......I need your help...please" he whined .
" Am kinda busy......." I whispered again..
" Doing what?? he still home?".
" Yeah."
" Is that why you're whispering,cause am straining my ears here?"
" Lucas......I'll talk to you later bye." I hung up.
" Lucas is it?..... God I hate that guy"  he stood up from the bed.... completely naked.
I covered my eyes with the blanket. I heard him laughing.
" Antonia.....common on anyone seeing you right now would think you were a virgin till last night." He pulled my duvet down and kissed me...." You were fucking amazing last night. I like my girls in control".
He pulled me on him and ROUND TWO began.

We were both breathless as we separated.
He kissed my belly and rubbed it till I fell asleep.
I woke up late in the afternoon and I was fucking exhausted and hungry.
I stood up from the bed looking around for Martin.
I picked one of his shirt from the closet and put it on.
I walked down the stairs barefooted. I heard noises from the kitchen and I walked into the kitchen. Martin was cooking. I walked towards him quietly.and hugged him from behind.
" That would have been really romantic if it wasn't for the huge bump." He laughed turning around to kiss my lip.
" Didn't know you could cook?" I asked him referring to the pasta he was making .
" Don't get used to it." He answered squeezing my butts.
"I want too" I pouted.
My baby kicked." Someone is getting jealous right now." He said kissing my cheeks.
I smiled...... I would never have imagined Martin this playful .
" What would you like the baby to be?" I asked.
He looked into my eyes." Any,I just want a fucking baby".
" Ookay". I rubbed his arms.
" You should sit." He carried me up and placed me on the counter as he continued cooking.
I decided to play around as I opened my thighs... with no panties on.
He turned back to his cooking" what oil do you like in your pasta....this or this?" He turned to face me as he held the two little bottles.
" Damn!" He exclaimed referring to my opened thighs.." Antonia , seriously.....what are you doing to me?"
I smiled...." Come on over."
He need not be told twice as he ate me raw......

We were both sitting on the cold kitchen tiles butt naked as we fought to gain our breathe back.
The pasta was burnt as the smoke filled the kitchen.
" You just ruined our lunch Antonia" he whined.
" I did no such did Martin.... insatiable". I stuck my tongue out at him.
" I'll order pizza" he stood up and picked the telephone to order us pizza.
I saw a large ugly scar running from his left thigh to his butt cheek.
" Martin,what is that?" I pointed to his ass.
" Had an accident few years ago". He replied " nothing to worry about". He dismissed.
" How??". I asked again.
" Nothing to worry your little head about Antonia,was a motorbike accident".
" Must have hurt alot." I said feeling really sorry for him.
" much as I would like to have you all day,am starving....haven't had anything to eat since last about you go get dressed and we'll eat out?".
" Can't I go in this shirt?" I whined ....
" You definitely can't Antonia,go get dressed he pulled me up and I bit his nipple.
" You'll be the death of me." He laughed.
I walked up the stairs butt naked shaking my ass as he watched me leave.

Was it safe to say I was in love with this guy??
I was already madly in love with him
I was breaching the contract.
But,it wasn't stated in the contract that he could have sex with me,so we both breached the contract......
Martin was amazing,in a hundred and one ways.
I love him

I put on a blue jean and a black huge cardigan
He was waiting for me in the car...
" Shall we milady?" He asked as I got in.
I smiled " we shall miman".
" Seatbelts please"..
I did my seatbelt....
He was about to reverse when i saw Lucas running up to my side of the car.
I motioned to Martin to stop the car and whined down the mirror on my side.
" Hey Antonia.....where you going?" .he asked as he caught up with us.
" Lunch,why?".
" Antonia I asked you to help me with the orchids this morning,you said you were busy.....what were you doing with him. I thought you said you guys weren't on talking terms?". He asked again.
" Lucas, we'll talk when I get back". I waved as I whined up.
" What's the deal with that guy?" Martin asked as he started driving again.
" Once upon a time,we were really close friends." I answered.
" And now?".
" We are testing the waves again."
" He likes you ya know?" Martin asked.
" He liked me,its now in the past....."
" He still does". He said.
" He doesn't!" I exclaimed.
" He does!"
" He doesn't Martin, drop it."
He stopped talking .......
" I get angry any time I see you together....." He confessed.
" Why?".
" I don't fucking know Antonia,anytime I see you together I always get really mad ...something along the lines of jealousy."
" We are just friends". I assured.
" And we?" He asked.
I almost choked." I don't know Martin,I really don't".
He nodded ." I like you........,don't freak out okayy"
He held my hand.
" Okayy" I replied going crazy mentally.
" It's something really new.......and I would like to explore". He kissed my fingers.
" Me too ." I whispered looking at our intertwined fingers.
He smiled at me and I smiled too.....

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