let the game begin

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"........ He's sooo sexy girls, you would never imagine the conversation we had last night"I laughed sweetly, smiling at my besties. We were currently having a group video call.
" So, after a wide night with Gerald last night, I told him that you were pregnant and he couldn't believe his eyes"Tessa recounted. Gerald was her fuck buddy they were friends with benefits.
"You told Gerald?" I questioned.
"Yeah I did. He got sooo pissed off. That guy hasn't gotten over you yunno"Tessa stated.
" Poor Gerald"Anna commented.
"He was broke back then" Bella stated.
So, Gerald and we were friends, not to close, just neighborhood friends after about six months, he asked me out and I turned him down. He was really hurt, he always avoided me untill he started his fuck sessions with Tessa.
"You guys are fucking distracting me, I can't focus"Bella said. She was the only one who had a job amongst us. And also the richest, she worked at one of the best restaurant in town which was owned by her family. And for those who are about to ask, she pays the rent and other bills.
"Go issa, you are excused" I permitted. She ended the call from her side. We've been on this call for over two hours as I was rendered  jobless in this house with the owner, no where to be found.
"So Ave gat a blind date with this guy and am absolutely confused"Tessa walked out of the video and returned with two long gowns.
"The silver, or the black" she asked raising it for is to see.
"The silver"
"The black" and that was how me and Anna started arguing.
"Girls!" She exclaimed"nevermind, I'll figure it out myself" and she ended the call too. Leaving me with this brown eyes bitch.
We continued glaring at each other" Go fuck yourself" and she ended the call too.
I stood up from the bed and stretched my bones, I have been in the same position for over four hours and counting.
I decided to unpack. My bags came in a few hours ago. After unpacking a little,I lied back on the bed and logged into my Instagram account. 10 mins down the line,my data got exhausted.
After turning on my wifi, it required a password. I decided to find  Mr Pierce.
After roaming about on the same spot,I found a room that looked like a study.i opened the door quietly and I heard him inhale. The room was pitch black,I couldn't see him but I knew that he has seen me.
"Hmmmn,hi" i tried
"What do you want?"
""the password to the your hotspot"
"Pierce"he answered.
" What?"
" Pierce,that's the password,now leave" he said dismissing me.
Meanwhile,nosy me,all this while while talking,I was moving around searching for a switch.i finally found it and then boom,the room was filled with light.
"What the hell, Antonia" he stood up from the long couch he had been sleeping on .
"How could you be comfortable in a room without light" I shrugged.
" Get out"he opened the door and stood there holding the knob.
" Am bored"I said sadly.
" After discussing everything with your friends,you're now bored"
" Did you hear us?"I said already sweating.
" Everything you said....you guys were pretty loud" he answered with his lips beginning to hitch up to half a smile.
" I didn't mean any of them" I defended
"Hmmmn,hmmmn" he pushed me out."and stop staring at me like that,it's creepy......and didn't you say you would get an orgasm while staring at me.I would bet that your panties are pretty soaked right now"
His dirty words affected me,but I didn't let it show as I stood on my tip toes,still in his favourite shirt which is now mine as well.I whispered in his ear.
"Am not wearing panties" I gave him a hot look and walked away,swaying my waist,twice as hard.
lET THE GAME BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!

Longer chapters coming in
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To get all the juicy flirting,kindly add this book to your reading list and I promise you that you will not regret it.

And I was actually thinking about writing in Martin's point of view.
What do y'all think
Let me know in your comment sections.
Much love and kisses💖❤️💓💞💋💋💋💋❣️💙🧡

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