Friends in need

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"so you left cause you were pitying the bitch? Motherfucker that ain't any of your problems." Anna said.
" We were on the verge of becoming close friends before this happened". I sobbed into the tissue and discarded it in the bin.
" Calm down Antonia, I honestly cannot believe this is you. You're actually crying over a guy. "Tessa joked.
" Girls, the most important question here is ;is Martin still seeing you as his surrogate? " Bella asked.
" He is......... He's just using me. Am just a fucking spare. He's going to through me out after the babies are born. " I went loudly.
" You mean? "
" Babies?? "
" As in twins? "
They all asked at once.
"Yeah girls, the Lord God decided to bless Martin with two kids."
"Oh my God. " Tessa screamed rubbing my belly.
" You girls really need to stop doing that." I said smiling.
"It feels really good. "
" Then go get pregnant yourself. "
" Don't hold your breath. " She screamed running out.
" Am so happy for you girl, no matter how this turns out. "Bella hugged me.
" Antonia, you still up for clubbing? " Anna asked.
" I sure am. " I gave her a high five.

" Please wake me up...... Damn is this Antonia, like the same Antonia? " The bouncer Sam asked as we made our way in.
"The one and only." I affirmed.
"Who knocked you out? He asked again referring to my pregnancy.
"A man." I answered with a eyeroll.
"Can't place Antonia and pregnant in the same sentence, sorry bout that." He said.
" Oh but I am.... We'll see you later Sam. "I waved as we walked.
" Can't believe I haven't been here for over seven months, how did I survive?" I screamed.
" You've gat one of the hottest specie of a guy for seven months. " Tessa yelled over the music.
" What can I get you laidies?" Sarah rhe bartender asked.
" Scotch"
" Martini"
" Lemonade." I said.
She was about to get the drinks when she suddenly turned back.
"Antonia!!!!" She screamed.
" Why the hell you shouting." I screamed too.
" You're pregnant? ".
" Is that really a question.? " Anna asked.
" Who the fucked got you to have a baby with him?..... " She paused." Ave gat to tell Bill and Calvin about this" she hurried out.
" Don't forget the drinks Sarah." Tessa yelled after her.
" I thought I hid it enough". I murmured referring to my huge black gown.
The girls looked at me like I had gone crazy.
" It's still huge." Tessa stucked get tongue out at me.
" That was very helpful." I said sarcastically.
The club was very full tonight as it was Friday. The DJ was playing boasty by Sean Paul, Idris Elba , stefflon don........
I began swaying my body to the music as my friends hailed me.
"I most definitely cannot believe this Antonia?" Calvin asked.
"The one and only. "
" You married garl? " Bill asked.
Calvin and bill were the owner of the club. Bill is Calvin's father.
" I wish I was bill." I hugged him. He was like a father figure.
He always wanted me to marry his son . I wasnt the tiniest bit interested in doing that.
"It's good to see you again." Calvin hugged me too.
" Same here cal,how's the club going?"
" Very well,business is still the same as usual." He replied.
" Wait,I just remembered seeing an article about you few months back. Are you really pregnant for Martin Pierce?".Sarah asked.
"None of your business Sarah, go get our drinks." Tessa commanded.
" Bossy boobs." She said to Tessa as she made her way back to the bar.
My phone rang and i went out to pick it up. It was Martin.
"Hello." I answered.
" You really not coming home tonight?" He asked.
" Am not Martin,I told you." I reminded.
" Antonia, seriously?".
" Yes martin, seriously." I affirmed.
" You coming tomorrow?".
" I don't know yet."
" Barbara already left,she has a shoot in Spain."
" Ohhhhhh...."
" I miss you." He said.
" Martin,it's late,you should sleep ."
" And what about you,shouldn't you be sleeping?" He asked me.
" I will,soon."
" Alright babe,sleep tight and sleep sweet, remember you're living for three now."he teased.
" You are not helping matters,at all." I pouted.
He laughed"  Two kisses to my kids,and eight to their mom,good night ".
" Night." I ended the call..
THEIR MOM!!!!!!!!!
I was on top of the sky right now.
Turns out I really can't stay away from Martin.
I was ADDICTED..............

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