Making a friend

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"Perfectly healthy." The doctor said covering the paper he had been reading from.
"Thanks doc." I bid carrying the kids from the bed into their crib.
"What about me?" Tessa asked the doctor.
"The rest results will be out in two days. You Can come pick it up then, but I assure you the result is still the same. "He exclaimed tiredly.
" Tessa, the pregnancy kit says you're not pregnant and the doctor also affirms you're not. "I said.
" And the stomach ache, and nausea, and what about me vomiting? "She asked adamantly.
" Might be a false alarm" I shrugged. "Thanks for the help doctor, Tessa let's go."
"Anytime miss Lewis." He bid as we shut the door after us.
" Am scared Antonia,what if I can't have any children again. I had seven abortions Tonia,what if those were the only kids I am going to have. Am fucked up Tonia." She said almost in tears.
" Hey,'ll be fine." We walked out of the hospital hallway. " Did you tell Chris?"
She nodded " He said he didn't have any problem with it,but what else was I expecting him to say. No man wants to marry a woman who has a very slim chance of making a child."
" You should believe him." I persuaded.
" I do,it's just the way he's so cool about it,he's supposed to at least give me a reaction. I was expecting him to tell me we were over." She said sitting on one of the chairs in the hall.
" I guess he knows there's still hope,I mean,there's no problem with ur womb right?" She shook her head. " It'll all be fine,trust me." I sat beside her on the chair,pulling the baby carrier close to me.
"Hey,you won't believe who I just saw now!" Tessa exclaimed hurriedly wiping her tears.
" Who?" I asked,she pointed to my right. It was Barbara." Came for a check-up I presume." I shrugged.
"She looks kinda sad." Tessa said. "You think we should go say hi?"
"What?who are you and what have you done to my best friend?" I asked her shocked.
" There's no harm in being nice now is there?" She asked standing up and pulling me along with her.
I grabbed the baby carrier handle and followed behind Tessa as she approached Barbara.
Barbara noticed our presence as soon as we got to her. "Wwhhatt are yyouuu both doing here?" She asked stuttering.
" Came for the babies checkup and we saw you over here. Is everything okay?" I asked.
" Everything is fine,you can leave." She dismissed.
" You don't look fine to us,how about we go to a place we can talk?" Tessa suggested.
" Why would you two even care?" She yelled crying.
" You can trust us Barbara,we would really like to help.......we know you're ........... pregnant." I said.
" How do you........wait,that Lucas guy told y'all right?" Barbara asked,I nodded. " Am guessing Martin knows too?" I nodded again. " And you would like to talk to me?"
"We're already talking to you." I corrected.
" Okay." She said standing up.
I gave Tessa a high five behind Barbara as we walked out of the hall.

Fifteen minutes later with four cups of cappuccino down and Midway into a box of pizza,I decided to approach the subject carefully.
"So Barbara,are you keeping the baby?"
"Am not gonna be a good mother. Will probably just put the baby up for adoption after delivery." She shrugged.
" Am sure you will be a good mother. There's no manual to being a mother,it doesn't come with an instruction pamphlet. What about the baby's father?" I asked again.
" He doesn't want the baby. It was just a one night stand. We were both drunk. He's married." She explained.
" And you,do you want the baby?" I asked concerned.
" I do,am also scared that am two seconds away from blowing shit up." She sniffed picking up a pizza and munching on it.
"If Antonia can handle being a mother,trust me,you'll do much better. "Tessa injected.
" And why are y'all being so nice to me?" She asked dropping her half eaten pizza back into the box.
"Cause you were once nice to me. I understand how you felt,when you found out about Martin and I. That was not a really nice circumstance,and I'll forever be indepted to you." I said.
" It's fine, Martin was never mine anyways,he's never even told me he loved me before. I was really jealous when he said he was in love with you. And am glad we've decided to put it behind us. I can promise you,that I am not the Barbara you knew before,this is a changed Barbara......I mean the pregnant Barbara." She joked. " A baby is really gonna mess up my career right now,I mean who wants a pregnant model?"
" It will all turn out well,that am sure of. "I said giving her a side hug. " Your baby will be soooooo pretty." I complimented.
"Not as cute as yours though." She smiled at the babies who were fast asleep. "Keep seeing Martin face on theirs,am sorry I doubted you before."
" It's okay." I mouthed to her.
" Enough with the sorrys,how about we have a girls night out,clubbing all night long,that would be fun right?" Tessa suggested.
" It's long overdue." I supported.
"Yeah,let's do this!!!!???" Barbara agreed.


Martin's  POV
"Change their diapers and wipes when they show any sign of discomfort, feed them in an hour and read them their bedtime stories by 8pm. They sleep with their chest on the bed. They wake up twice before Dawn to eat. Prepare a light baby milk  in their feeding bottle with a lukewarm water......PS,have fun." Chris read out from the letter Antonia had dropped with the kids.
Turns out,we were babysitting tonight. Apparently, the 'Girls' as they had called themselves,needed a night out to refuel their lost strengths.
"Oh,I almost forgot, Tessa's says their phones will be in the car,so we shouldn't try to contact any of them." Chris added.
I nodded. " What I still can't believe is how she could become friends with Barbara again. I don't trust that girl."
" You don't trust her,and you dated her.  I believe her though,I mean,she doesn't have any cause to lie again. She's pregnant now,that would curb her a little. "Chris yawned falling into the bed beside me.
We both heard a loud bang from the kitchen. As if on cue,Chris and I turned to look at the babies who had just fallen asleep some minutes ago. Thankfully they didn't wake up. We made our way to the kitchen.
"Dude,what the hell! You almost woke the kids up.!" I exclaimed angrily at Lucas.
" Sorry,I picked up the cover of the pot without a napkin and had to let it fall cause it was hot as hell." He apologized. " Told you both that I don't cook."
"Don't or can't?" Chris asked him.
" It's the same thing."Lucas yelled.
"It's definitely not."Chris countered.
"Enough!" I yelled, covering my ears. "What were you preparing,am starving."
"Noodles." He turned back to his cooking. " Oh!oh!"
"What is it?" I asked .
"The water just got dry and I haven't added the seasoning. I can't add more water to it,it's going to get soggy." He reported.
" So,dinner is fucked up right?" I asked straining to keep my anger in check.
"Am sorry." He said moving backwards.
"I'll just order pizza." Chris announced saving the day.

Our pizza delivery arrived thirty minutes later and we munched on it with bottles of beer like our lives depends on it.
After eating,we settled in to watch a football match.
Chris and Lucas choose the opposite club while I choose the other,turns out,my club won with a knockout of 4_1.
Victory was indeed sweet as I watched their facial expressions drop.
"We won.!!!" I yelled on top of my voice.
"They were supposed to give them extra time,the game isn't free and fair,how could they even use a guy who limps as their goalkeeper. It's really unfair." Lucas said.
We kept going on and on untill we hear one of the babies crying.
"Chris,go take care of the baby."
"Hey,not me,why do I get to be the one who changes diapers?" He turned it down.
" Lucas, common, Antonia said you should." We kept passing it around untill the other voice joined in the cry,making a hell of a noise.
Babysitting is not an easy job. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Song inspiration: I don't care by Ed Sheeran ft Justin Bieber...... My jam😚😚🤭
Stuck with you by Arianna grande and Justin Bieber ❤️❤️🤸
Sooooooo sorry for the late update guys😞
Barbara claims she's changed🤔😒 (Who believes her, and why?)
Please leave ur comments in the comment section, I loveeeee reading them😍😍.

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