The bomb

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So, it's been two weeks since this relationship between I and Martin. I wouldn't say we are dating,  because literally,he didn't ask me out and he also had a girlfriend.
I turned over on the bed kissing his closed eyelids.
" Sleepy head."  I joked
He he pulled me closer to him kissing my forehead.
" You're going to be late." I advised.
" Am the boss of me." He said sleepily.
" Proud bastard.."
" Thank you". He opened his eyes......he was about to say something when his phone rang.
" Heyyyyyy...." He answered getting up from the bed and walking out of his room.
That was Barbara,he always does that,and it hurts, Everytime.
I got up from the bed as I picked a white dress shirt. I walked into the bathroom to take my bathe.
I was fully dressed when Martin came back in. He walked into the bathroom without sparing Me a look.
" Hey...." I yelled to him in the bathroom.
" Hmmmmmn?." He replied.
" Am heading out now.......going to see my friends,I told you yesterday." I reminded.
" Yeah you did......are you driving?".
" Yeah.."
" Drive safe.....byee". He bid...I picked up my bag and phone..... Did I tell you Martin changed my phone ...,in case I didn't, Martin bought me an iPhone 11 pro....
Man! Was I happy,I was fucking glad.
I stopped to pick up the car key in the corridor as I walked out.
I saw Lucas tending to the flowers outside his apartment.....
I waved to him" hi Lucas".
" Hello Tonia....going somewhere?"
" Yeah,off to my's been longggg". I answered entering the car.
" My regards..." He waved.

" Wait.., you're fucking Martin Pierce?" Bella yelled.
" Something like confused girls". I worried.
" There's no reason to be." Tessa comforted.
" How's lucas by the way,I still can't believe he's back?". Anna asked.
" Martin hates him." I informed.
" I know.....babes he called me and he sounded really furious.... jealousy doesn't suit him". Tessa said.
" How's the baby doing?" Bella asked rubbing my belly. They all have this nasty habit of doing that.
" Doing well.....I feel bloated." I whined.
" Can't wait till it pops out.' Tessa applauded.
" You guys might not even see him or her,have you guys forgotten,am his surrogate....just a surrogate girls "
" And he's shagging you?"
" He likes maybe".
" Don't even know how to bring it up.its like the both of us are avoiding the chat."
" If you guys eventually talk things through,tell him to break up with his babe.......I would totally kill the bitch my boo was shagging if I found out offense Tonia,but if he wants you,he should stick with you and if he doesn't,he should stay the fuck out of your life." Anna advised.
" Barbara ......she's a really nice girl,she doesn't deserve this." I murmured covering my face with my palms.
" Common,don't be like that......"
" I hate me!". I whined.
" We hate you too". Bella said sticking her tongue out at me.
" Soooooo,have you guys said the three words yet?" Tessa asked.
" Nope,am dying to tell him how I feel.but am scared.....of rejection." I cried.
" Who are you and what have you done with Antonia?" Tessa asked....." What Happened to casual flings.cant believe my ears right now,you just said you're in love bish".
" Wait till it happens to you." I countered.
" It already has." Anna whispered.
" Shut it." Tessa warned.
" It's Christopher,they're kinda dating.....Tessa has been so mushy around the house ". Anna explained.
" When did all this happen?". I asked.
" Few weeks ago maybe......he's a cool guy". Tessa explained.
" Am happy for you Tess, finally!" I exclaimed.
" Little confession guys,I might have met a guy too. We've been out on four dates now......I like him....even though he hasn't said anything yet though". Anna blushed.
" Can't believe this are my so happy for you girls......Antonia with THE Martin Pierce,I kinda smelt a love story right from the start......and I know you guys are about to ask for my story,sorry to burst your bubble,there is none..." Bella said.
" Cheers to us." I raised my glass of water as the girls raised their champagne.

I got home late in the evening,I was fucking exhausted I literally crawled into the house.
" Oh hey Antonia" Barbara greeted as I entered.
I saw Martin sitting opposite her looking confused and frustrated. I knew I just walked into a lover's nest.
" Hello Barbara,it's nice to see you,I'll be in my room." I excused myself.
" Wait up Antonia,have got a news to announce..."
I halted.
" I realized,that with me gone almost all the time,that my baby here must have gotten really lonely and might have seeked solace in the wrong direction" I froze,she knows. I looked at martin and he's head was hung on his neck. My poor baby.... I noticed that Barbara followed my current location with her eyes. I looked back at her and smiled.
She smiled back at me,a smile that held many words.
"I am moving in!".


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