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" It's funny how things change, Martin and I already planned how we were gonna raise this kids WITHOUT you in the picture Antonia. "Barbara said as she walked into my room sitting herself comfortably on the chair beside my bed. Looking me straight in the eye.
"Barbara, I'll never get tired of saying am sorry, I know exactly how you feel. "I sympathized with her heartily.
" Oh no, you don't, and don't go giving me that look. You knew exactly what you were doing when you were fucking him behind my back. "She yelled.
I nodded unable to speak. I sat up on the bed holding my baby tightly to my bosom. He was breastfeeding while the girl was asleep in the crib next to me.
"Why didn't you just take the money and go?"
"I fell in love with Martin, and my children. I can't live without any of them." I answered tearing up.
" You ruined my life, do you know that?" She asked again.
I nodded "am terribly sorry."
"I trusted you with him. Hell, if I knew this was gonna happen, I wouldn't have left you two together..... I was engaged to Martin, and now, y'all expect me to just fade into the background and just fucking disappear. Martin hates my guts cause of what I told you the other day. He doesn't want to see me again, and am just supposed to fold my hands and watch y'all happy together. "She wept.
I felt tears pouring out of my eyes too and I wiped it off, not wanting it to fall on my baby.
"I love him, I can't imagine myself with anybody else, have been going for therapy sessions, hell, I started smoking. I just can't figure out what you had and I didn't. I mean, I was the one that advised him to take you in, to live with you. I was always supporting you, I always got your back. I had even hoped we'll become close friends. "
" Barbara, I am so, truly sorry, I wish there was anything I could do to ease your pain. "
" Actually, there is... "She wiped off her tears." Leave! ".
" I can't, I promised Marty I would never leave him again."
"Don't call him that, he's mine! "She growled." You could still be the mother to his children, but you've to leave him for me. No relationship whatsoever between you two. That's a very nice choice if you ask me. And the second, is me forcing you to leave . I might even sought out help, I'll make your lives miserable if you choose to stay. "
She stood up picking her phone which she had dropped on the floor while talking. "Think it through." She advised then walked out,leaving me thinking. She was right,about everything. I would go crazy if such a thing happened to me. I then decided,that I would leave Martin for her. She deserved to be happy. Deep down,she wasn't such a terrible person. I placed a light kiss on my son's head and laid him to sleep beside his sister.

"Hello Mom!"
"Honey,I called you a while earlier,the nurse said you were sleeping. Have got great news honey." She squealed.
" What is it?" I asked her. She sounded really happy.
"Your dad just proposed honey,and guess what I said?"she asked happily." Yes!!!!!!"
I had to drop the phone from my ear as her scream was going to make me deaf.
"Wow! congratulations mom."
"And guess what again?"she asked happily.
I rubbed my forehead. I was so not in the mood."what is it mom?"
"We're expecting honey,am pregnant.we just found out about five minutes ago."she squealed.
What!!!!,I was so not expecting that!
"I love you honey." I heard dad say to her followed by some mushy sounds. Ewwww!!!!so disgusting. I wasn't about to listen to my mom and dad having sex,or making out, whichever, whatever.
"Wow.....guys,am so happy for you. I'll leave you two to do your thing,talk to you later." I bid about to hang up.
" Which do you want Gerald,a boy or another girl?"I heard my mom ask him....they had obviously forgot that I was on a call with them.
"A boy,I already got a girl." I heard my dad reply.
I hanged up. I was beginning to have an headache.

"Awwww,they're so cute." Eve said gushing over the kids." I have never been this close to new born babies."
" Thank you for doing this for Martin Antonia, we'll forever be in your debt." His mom said holding my two hands.
" Am honoured."
" And then I heard am their godmother, thank you Antonia,I'll be the best godmother in history."eve joked.
" I know you will."i laughed lightly.
" Who's ready to get out of here?" Martin asked coming in with the discharge papers.
" I sure am.......I miss my bed." I yawned standing up to get dressed."oh,and by the way,I have a little brother/sister on the way. My mom is pregnant. And then,dad proposed.so I guessed they're getting married. Be sure to congratulate them when they come on over."
" That's pretty fucked." Eve whistled." You get a baby brother or sister after you've had your own kids."
I shrugged. I honestly thought my mom was too old to get pregnant again,but then I guess nothing's impossible.
Martin helped me pack up the bags while I call my parents to inform them that we were flying back already. They both promised to show up.
Martin's mom and his sister carried the kids ahead and left Me in the room with Martin.
"Chris and I cleaned the nursery last night. He bought some toys to fill up most of the room." He said intending to start up a conversation.
" Oh!"
" Yeah,and then he and Tessa had sex,even though they are still not dating."
" Their relationship is fucked up." I said smiling.
" Am glad ours isn't." He smiled at me as he zipped up my gown." You look beautiful."
" Seriously,Martin,try another lie. I know exactly how I look. I look bloated." I corrected.
" You look perfect." He argued. He held my hand with one hand and carried our mini travelling bag with the other hand.
We both walked out to his white Porsche. Evelyn and mom were already in the car,I was about to join them in,when I saw mom and dad walking towards us hand in hand.
"I miss my baby already." My mom cried hugging me.
"Me too.mom you know you could always move over." I advised.
" And leave your dad to that slimy bitch,no way!" I knew who she was referring to. Jane,the local nurse.
" She's just a friend....besides,she conducted that pregnancy test. She wouldn't come close to our love again."Dad argued.
" Enough dad,this is martin's sister Evelyn and his mom." I introduced." This is my mom,and my dad."
" I hear congratulations are order.Congratulations to you two."Martin's mom said. My mom blushed.
" Thank you, it was nice to meet you."
"The pleasure is all mine."
" Mom,dad........we've to leave mow.visit soon okay." I warned hugging the both of them.
" Take care of my baby Martin,will you?" My Dad said. Martin nodded and gave him a handshake before hugging my mom.we both got in and waved to them as Martin drove us to the airport.
I was so tired,I couldn't wait to be home.
And then,have that much dreaded talk with Martin.

I still haven't decided the children's names,incase y'all noticed. Hopefully will,in the next chapter.
How was Barbara's reaction to the kids. Honestly,I feel her pain 😭😭
How about antonia's decision to leave Marty.💔
Do you think she should.............
Let me know your thoughts and suggestions in the comment box .
Thank you😍😍😍.
Till next time,au revoir👋👋

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