A day before

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It was Saturday, and I and Martin currently shopping for a gown that I could wear over to his parents place on Sunday.
"So,let's go over the introductions again,shall we?" He asked as we walked around the store.
I groaned" again!!"
He turned back to face me "yes, Antonia,again"
I glared at him."my name is Antonia Lewis,am a graduate,studied banking and finance. I live in New York.am 24,single and pregnant....."I paused." What if they ask how we met?".
He stopped walking,"that  makes sense"
I nodded.
" We'll just tell them,that I bumped into your car,and I didn't even stop to say sorry.so you stalked me till my office and made me buy you lunch,and that was how we became friends "he smiled,showing his teeth. I yawned.
" That was boring" he glared at me."how about the typical I spilled coffee on you story?"
" I think that's dumb. If you ever spilled coffee on me,I'll sue you"he announced.
" Egotistical bastard"I stated.
" I think that's verified already sweetheart."he placed his hand around my waist pushing me forward.
"Fuck you" I snatched his arm away.

"The blue was much better than this Tonia" he commented as I got out of the dressing room.
"It was tight man,I couldn't breathe" i spinned around showing him the yellow flowery sundress.
He called the lady holding my dresses and whispered something in her ear."what now Pierce?" I asked him placing a hand on my hip.
He ignored me"you sound like my mother".
"Is that good or bad?" I asked checking myself out in the mirror.
"It's funny" he laughed.
"Jerk" I murmured. The lady came back with a shiny black long silver dress. I fell in love with it immediately."come to mama" I stretched my hands out and she placed it on my hands.
I walked into the dressing room and wore my gown. After changing,I walked out to Pierce.
"You're definitely taking this" he whistled.
"I know.....*I smiled up at him.

"Wait up man,not so fast.you are gonna sit right here and we are gonna watch this movie together" i pulled him with his shirt making him fall back to the couch.
"I'll fall asleep" he groaned.
"No you won't,now sit up" I ordered.
About twenty minutes into the movie,I saw that Martin had truly slept off. I sat up and stared at his face .he looked really cute with his long eyelashes. And that soft pink lips.
"You know it's really rude to stare" he said" I'll just go pack my hair"
"Wait up woman,not so fast,you are gonna sit right here and we are gonna watch this movie together" he mimicked . Drawing me back to the couch.
" Fine,but you can't fall asleep" i pouted.
" Okay"
We were watching  The spy who dumped me.
" This lady is dumb"he commented referring to Morgan .
"No she's not,she just funny" I defended.
"Typical you" he whispered.
"Whatever Martin Pierce,just watch the movie"I said.
" It's boring"he said again after ten minutes.
" No it's not" I corrected.
"Tell me about yourself antonia"
"There's nothing to know about me" I stated.
"How many guys have you dated?"
" Three"
" Really?" He asked shocked.
" Yep and they were all douchebags"
" So,you have sex alot right?"
" What,why do you ask?"i turned to face him.
" The doctor told me you  came to treat an infection when they injected you with sperm" I became red
" That bald headed man." I hissed.
" He's actually scared of you you know?" He laughed..
"Am a little scary,I know"
" You don't scare me" he said arrogantly.
" Pregnancy hormones."
" How does it feel, to be pregnant?" He asked, curious.
" Sweetly terrible"
" What's that?"
"Would you like to exchange?"
"Nah,I think am fine"he opened his eyes and stared at me.
" On a scale of one to ten,how do you like me?" I asked.
"Eleven " he whispered.
And that did it for me. I moved closer to him and kissed him. I was partly expecting him to push me away.instead,he drew me to sit on his laps with his hands on my butt squeezing them firmly.
We broke apart after a little while as I could already feel his best friend poking me down there..
"I love your lips" that was him,not me.
"Same here" he leant forward and gently bit my lower lip.
The door bell rang and I stood up to go open the door. He spanked my butt gently as I got up.
"Hey girlfriend"
"Favourite bitch"
"Baby love"
Those were my crazy ass friends. They all hugged me.
" Bitch,this place is fineee"Tessa commented.
"You live here bitch.am moving in" Anna said.
"No wonder you look sweet and fresh" that was Bella.
"Quit whining ladies,come on in." They all walked in and I was about to close the door when I saw Martin's best friend walking up to the house.
"Oh hi......Antonia,you remember me right?" He gave me a kiss on the cheek .
" Offcourse,I do,please come in,Martin's home" that was a lie,I didn't remember his name.
On waking back to the sitting room,I saw the guys sitting around Martin,and Martin was looking frustrated,I smiled to myself.
"Martin,my own man, always with the prettiest ladies." Martin's friend hailed.
I saw Tessa look up at Martin's friend and blushed.and the guy also smiled at her. What the hell have I missed.

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