The urge

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Today is Wednesday.
And it was also the day of the appointment.
I was downstairs, leaning on his black Porsche waiting for him to come out.
"Martin!!!!!" I yelled.
It has been over fourty five minutes since he asked me to come downstairs and wait for him.
I was about to call him again when I saw him coming. I gave him a death glare.
"Get in the car angry bird"
"You asked me to get ready within fourty five minutes which I did and now, it's close to two hours and you are just showing up"I screamed.
He chuckled and got into the driver's seat . I got in beside him and slammed the door super hard.
"Ouch, my poor car" he mimicked.
"It's gonna be something more than a car Pierce" i threatened.
" Hey, calm down o. K"he persuaded.
"A simple sorry would have done a whole lot of good".i mumbled.
" You want me to say sorry? "He started the car and drove out of the compound.
"Yes Sherlock, I want you to say you're sorry" I faced him.
" That's not gonna happen b"he answered smiling on one side of his lip. And my heart was hammering like crazy cause he called me  B. To confirm that I wasn't imagining things, I asked
"What did you just call me?"
He spared me a lazy glance"I called you B, as in babe, you know what a babe means right"he asked holding his laughter in check.
" Forget it"I hissed.

In there hours, we were done with the check up after the nosy doctor, kept touching and scooting things on my bare stomach.
"When was the last time you had sex miss Lewis" the doctor asked and I almost swallowed my tongue.
"Wait , what??!" I asked shocked.
"What am trying to say here is that, as you are pregnant, you are meant to get urges, that is sexual urge. And it would help a lot in the growing of the foetus in your womb"he explained.
" Well, the last time was a few weeks before I got pregnant"I answered, ignoring Martin.
" So, have you been getting any urges lately" he asked removing his geeky glasses
" Hmmmn, maybe" I replied.
"Is there a guy that might help you with these urges? "He asked.
" Can we please switch topics? "I heard Martin ask beside me.
"Sure, Mr Pierce" he dropped the topic."how's your appetite?"
"She eats for ten" Martin answered and I chuckled.
"It's perfectly normal Mr Pierce.miss Lewis,please always endeavor to exercise once in a while,and eat fruits,and also, healthy foods,not just any food.........all of that been said,you're and the baby are in a very good shape."he dismissed
" Thanks doc"Martin shook his hand and I stood up from the tiny hospital bed that I have been lying on.
"You're next appointment ,will be in the next three weeks, there,you will get to know the baby's gender and  also see your baby for the first time."he smiled happily as he walked us to the door.
" See you later doctor"i waved.

We were home in no time and I figured that I couldn't lift my leg. It was swollen. I saw Martin getting down from the car.
"Martin" I called,he stopped and looked back at me.
"What now?" He asked looking and sounding frustrated.
I laughed lightly" I need a little help,I can't walk"
He sighed then came over and scooped me up into his arms.
He was carrying me in his arms. I clunged to his neck as I inhaled him deeply.i felt his heart beating wildly as I stared into his eyes.
"Are you getting those urges,right now?" He asked lowly. I was a little confused but then I remembered. I blushed and hid my face in his chest."am taking that as a yes".
He dropped me on the couch then sat beside me. Picking one of my legs ,he brought it to his laps and began massaging my feet. It was so nice.
"Any other place?" He asked when he was done with my feets.
"You really dont want to know" i answered sitting up.
" I really want to know"he corrected.
" Well,if you insist, my breasts are a little heavy"he chuckled" and I get back pain,and the morning sickness,it's very disgusting"
" Seems like I can't help with any of that"he said quietly .
" I told ya"I whispered too." Why do you always whisper"
" I love too,and a particular girl once told me that it sounded sexy."he answered again whispering.
And then it hit me,I remembered telling my friends  one day that his whispering was sexy as hell .
"You've been eavesdropping on my conversations?" I screamed.
"Not intentionally"he laughed loudly.
I stood up " you're just a pervert Martin,a nosy pervert"I made to walk pass him put he placed one of his legs on the way.
" Pervert,really Tonia" he stood up and whispered into my ear." I can show you what a pervert does".
" Don't come close "I said with my voice shaking.
He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me close. Leaning his forehead on mine,with his breath,mingling with mine.
He kissed brain went straight to cloud nine as I felt the kiss run through me,all the way to my toes.
He bit my lip gently asking me to open up. I did and I kissed him back,with equal fervour,sticking my tongue into his mouth,licking every part of him. I felt his hands move to my butt,squeezing them firmly.
My hands were fisted in his hair,tugging them gently and squeezing every single details into my heart.
Then the doorbell rang...........we separated quickly as I went to get the door. It was Barbara.
"Hi Antonia,how are you doing?" She hugged me.
" Am doing great,how about you?"I asked back.
" Great how did the appointment go?' she asked
"It went well,come on in" we both walked back to the sitting room, where Martin was sitting with his hair tousled.i smiled evily.
"Hey baby" she walked over to him and kissed him on his lips.
I walked back to my room very quietly,still feeling martins lips in mine.

That night,he had sex with Barbara and I heard them groaning in disgust and my heart,as it seems to be doing this days,broke into pieces. And I suddenly felt my cheeks going wet with tears,that night ,I cryed into my pillow untill sleep decided to visit me and I welcomed it, whole heartedly.

My list of the cast of characters will be coming up in a few days,till then......

Lights out🕳️🕳️🕳️🕳️🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀
And like I always say,please vote and comment,am so desperate right now.

Bye lovers,I love you sooooo much
I just used up all my love emoji's,kindly vote and comment.
See ya later

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