The wedding party

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Antonia's  P. O. V

The first thing I noticed about HER was that she was pale. Like sickening pale. She looked like she was about to faint.
"I went to see a few doctor yesterday about having an abortion, just for you Martin. He said he couldn't do it. "She paused taking in a huge breath."I have been coughing and sneezing out blood......... And now the doctor recommended chemo."
" Chemo?"Eve repeated beside me,I didn't even know they were here already.
" Cancer of the reproductive system." She laughed."I just saw an oncologist." 
"How are you?" Martin asked walking forward to hold her hand.
"Am fine, just patiently waiting for my time of death. And hey Antonia, am sorry I left y'all stranded back in the car.  I left cause I wasn't feeling too good. I mean, I was kinda vomiting blood.. ... I didn't want you to see me like that. I had to flee. Forgive me Antonia. "
I nodded... There was really nothing to forgive.
"And all that out of the way,I wish you two a very happy married life. And am sorry for everything."
Would it be wrong to give her a hug......I didn't think too much before lunging myself at her."You're a very strong woman Barbara,thank you for everything."
She sniffed back tears. Martin hugged her too. A little too long,but I didn't care. It was like saying goodbye.
She left shortly after,and the party began again in full swing.
I changed into a white long handbeaded curvy gown. The look on Martin's face was literally all I needed to see to know he liked the dress.
We both waltzed to perfect by Ed Sheeran ft Beyonce. And then the song changed to Thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran. I love him.
"I think Chris is about to propose. He was telling me about it last week." Martin said into my ear as we walked back to our seats.
" He shouldn't.....the Tessa I know,isn't ready for that yet. Hell,she might run away. "I warned.
" Yeah,those were my words exactly. And yeah,I think I saw the doctor with her earlier,is she okay?"
" Probably food poisoning,or excess alcohol. I should go check on her. " I excused giving him a light kiss on the lips.
I bumped into Chris right away "Hey perfect timing,don't propose yet...don't you think it's too soon?"
" I know, maybe later then. "He said.
" Where is she?"
" I was about to ask you. I can't find her."
" She's not with me. Last I checked,she was with the doctor."
" We should go see him."
We both made our way to the back seats,we met the doctor and a woman,most definitely his wife.
"Hello doc,my friend Tessa,have you seen her?"
"Yes,we talked,and then I did I rough examination for her. She's pregnant,and by the looks of it,she's close to a month now."
" Tessa's pregnant??"Chris exclaimed.
" So where did she run off to?"
The doctor shrugged,Chris looked like he was about to faint. I left the pair to go look for my preggy best friend.
I didn't have to search for long,I saw her in the changing room. Sitting glumly.
"Hey." I knocked twice and then let myself in
"Am being dramatic...I mean,I've always wanted this. I literally prayed for this moment Tonia,am pregnant."
" Congrats Tessa,but hold up...why aren't you happy?"
" I am,I still just can't believe it Antonia,am pregnant!" Tessa screamed hugging me. " I think I need a glass." She said making her way out of the room. I grabbed her arm back.
" No can do,you're pregnant now, drinking will officially be on hold."
"Oh no" She screamed in horror." How in hell am I supposed to stay away?"
"That's for you to know. I'll go get Chris." I excused myself.
Christopher istillhaventgottenhislastname is definitely in trouble. Pregnant Tessa was a force to not be reckoned with.
I made my way back to the hall. Greeting a few familiar faces on the way. 
"Tessa's pregnant....I guess pigs can also fly." Bella whispered as she came to stand beside me.
" She's going to be a fantastic one,that is,after she stops freaking out." I informed.
" Yeah yeah... what's with you two having children and good guys. Makes the rest of us look unserious. I mean,my parents attended this wedding because they can't believe you're getting married. And now they are on my neck. My mom's already fixing blind dates."
I smiled and then shrugged,"Am sure you'll be fine."
"Oh God no!" She hid behind my back.
"What's wrong?"
" He's here,the guy I told you about,he's wearing a black tux. He's already making his way in. And he's walking towards us,Oh shit...He's seen me."She straighten back and puts on a serious face.
" I believe you're the's lovely to meet you."He shook my hand and lightly placed a kiss on it. " Pardon me,I invited myself."
" A friend of Bella is also our friend." I smiled at him the guy is cute.
" He's not my friend."Bella elbowed my ribs.
" She's correct in that aspect, we're not friends. "He replied still smiling. "  I was actually hoping we would be something more than just friends."  Bella gasped almost dropping the glass of champagne with her.
"And that's my cue." I left,I was sure neither of them noticed my disappearance.
"And now,it's time to cut this edifice. Will the bride and groom please step forward to cut their cakes. "Eve said into the microphone giggling. She's had eyes on the cake since the cake testing.
I met Martin halfway there and we linked our fingers together. Smiling happily to the future. After cutting the cake,Martin proposed a toast.
"Ladies and gentlemen,please raise your glasses to    toast to a beautiful future and many years of happiness. A toast."
" A toast!" Everyone replied.
Eve and Anna brought the kids to us,Martin holding miles and me holding Mia. And with massively beautiful smiles for the camera,an end couldn't have been made even more perfect.
Turns out I was not just a surrogate,a side chick. I was now the wife and the mother. I could never have asked for more.

Here we are........
Who's excited,cause I am . I officially welcome and thank you for coming this far. His surrogate has officially ended.😢😥
Words can't express the way I feel right now,the love was massive. I appreciate and thank you guys for your never ending tolerance on this baby girl.
Thank you for everything.

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