Martin pierce

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"I need you to look at this picture well and tell us this is the same guy" Tessa zoomed into the picture on her laptop as the girls stretched their necks into it.
"He's the same guy..... He was actually surprised that I didn't recognize him"Tonia affirmed shrugging.
" You mean your baby daddy is Martin Pierce? This isn't Disney Land Antonia Lewis, you've gat to stop playing and be serious, for once"Bella yelled.
" Wait, are you guys trying to say that am imagining things right now?" Tonia questioned standing up from the sofa and walked into the kitchen. They all followed her"wait he asked for my price, I was actually thinking 100$,that is if I ever see him again. "
" No kidding bitch, you're gonna ask him for 10000$ no less and if he doesn't agree, you tell you're gonna terminate it"Bella reasoned.
" Girls girls, we aren't even sure if this guy is Martin Pierce. He might be some look_a_like for all we know. "Tessa said.
" My eyes aren't blurred Tess, this guy is Martin fucking Pierce"Tonia shouted.
" Alright, so we just wait patiently for his call, alright girls"Tessa said coming between them .
" Yes mum"Tonia mimicked her and stepped back " and while we're waiting, am fucking hungry"
" Just wait untill you get all fat"Bella joked.
" Oh my gosh, please don't"Tonia screamed in horror.
" Cut her some slack ".Anna said.
Antonia picked the beg of carrot chips in the fridge and placed a handful in her mouth. The girls raised their brows at the crunchy sound that came out of her mouth. "What.....?? Don't forget am eating for two".
They all burst out laughing.

Hi guys, so this story is now gonna be officially one sided, and it's gonna be in Antonia's P. O. V...
I honestly hope you enjoy.....
Much love♥️♥️♥️♥️
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So sorry this chapter is short, it's actually my first time writing a story....
We are just getting into the story ..

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