coming home

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"Are you sure you're okay?" Martin asked sweating profusely.
"Am fine!" I answered for the hundredth time that day.
"You sure, you don't feel any pain any where?" He asked again.
I picked up his belt on the bed" ask me another question Martin and I won't hesitate to use this! "
" Alright..... Fine, I won't"He turned back to the two cribs and began arranging them.
We were fixing the nursery. Their room was between I and Martin's room. And yes, we were not sharing a room, YET.
Our rooms had a door that connected us to the nursery. Yesterday, we painted the room blue and pink. And the end result was fantastic.
And the reason Martin was so worried was because i entered my nineth month today. And for some reasons, he thought the babies were gonna pop out any minute from now.Truth is,I FEEL FINE!.
My stomach seems to have dropped legs are FUCKING heavy.
"A little to the side's too close to their wardrobe."
He pushed it back to rest on the wall." How about now?" He asked wiping his sweats off.
"Better." I gave him an high five."am hungry..." I whined.
"Was expecting that." He chuckled.
"Are you laughing at me Martin.....?"
"Not again with this questions...."he complained.
" Are you saying you're tired of me?" I asked again.
"I'll fix us something to eat."he walked out.
I hurried after him.

" That was mom,she said she's coming over tomorrow,she insists she wants to be there when the babies arrive."
I nodded as my mouth was too full to reply.
He sat down beside me on the couch. He dropped his phone on the table.
"Thank you for this Antonia,you don't know how happy I am. Am so grateful Antonia."he whispered.
" Yeah,me too"I kissed him." I have a confession though."
" And what could that be?"he asked thoughtfully.
"So,during the sixth month,I decided that I wasn't going to give up the kids as planned.....I was planning to run away from you with the kids.I couldn't bring myself to think of giving them away. Am glad things changed though, and I love you."I confessed.
" I would have found you.....incase you haven't noticed, you've grown on me,like a pest."he joked." And I love you more."
He kissed me and I kissed him back too.we were so engrossed,we didn't hear someone come in.
"Oh wow!" That was Barbara. I sighed deeply.
"What are you doing here Barbara?" Martin asked standing up to her.
" Is that a question?"she asked sarcastically.
"Am gonna need you to leave Barbara. We're over."
"Ohhhh!!really!!!!" She laughed loudly.
I sighed deeply.
" I trusted you Antonia ...and you Martin!" She yelled." How could I have been this stupid? I thought you hated her Martin,how did all this even happen?"she threw her bag at my stomach." And that,how do you even know the baby is yours? She was a slut for crying out loud Martin,she slept with guys for money. How could you even believe that the pregnancy is yours,the doctor said you were sterile!"
" What???"I asked confused.
" That's enough Barbara."Martin warned.
" Oh!!so she doesn't know,well baby doll,Marty here's fucking guessing you know about he's accident,since then,he can't father a child.Why do you think he froze he's fucking sperm. And that baby you're carrying Antonia,belongs to one drunk old fool.while Martin here's pretending they are his kids."
I stood up gently,unable to take anymore in. I looked at Martin and he refused to meet my eyes.
"Hmmmmmn......" I spoke,trying to form a sentence in my disheveled mind.
"He's using you Antonia,use your head." She advised.
"Leave've done enough damage already." He dragged her out.
I picked my phone and went into my room to grab my brain was currently on lockdown. I couldn't think.
"Antonia!" He yelled from downstairs.
I picked up a big bag and began throwing in useful items. I picked few clothes and then zipped the bag .
"Hey....hey,where too?" He asked me as I walked out of the room. I didn't reply .
" Antonia, seriously let me explain..." He cajoled.
"Explain what?"I yelled.
" I sincerely apologise,but those babies are mine......I have several tests to prove. You can't just leave me."he pleaded.
" Several tests?and when were this tests conducted?why wasn't I aware?"
" Hey,let's talk this out.....please don't leave me Antonia."
" As a matter of fact,I am......and don't even try to stop me."i warned as I carried my bag out. He followed me.
" And where are you going?" He asked from behind me.
"Far away from you."I stopped an in coming taxi and got in.

"Antonia.....oh my baby!" She said excitedly on the phone .
"Text me your new address,Now!" I hung up. I was going to stay over for a few nights,then head over too my friend's in three days.
As soon as the message entered,I showed it to the driver and he nodded .
I removed my sim from the phone and kept it in my purse.
"We're here ma'am".the driver said waking me up. I didn't know when I fell asleep.
"Okay.... thanks" I paid him off.

Breathe in......and out..........I chanted as I knocked on the door.
"Oh my honey!" My mum came out and hugged me. She pulled back as she saw my belly.
"You're pregnant?,now that's dumb,cause you are. How come ?that's a little silly cause you definitely know how.....honey,am speechless."she said covering her mouth.
" Yeah,nice to see you too Mom.....can I come in?"
" Sure baby,come on in."she opened the door wide.
" Where's dad?"
" Oh......he left"she said.
" Again mom,I thought you guys settled already."Antonia asked.
" He still hasn't changed In some aspects honey."she whined.
" Was it him or you,what happened?"
" He burnt my cat....."she said sitting down on a sofa in the small room.
" You know Dad hates cats mom." I reminded.
"When we got back together,he promised to try not to hurt Bobby and yet he still did."she explained.
" And what did you do mum?"I asked raising my brows suspiciously.
" He wanted to go to a rodeo show with Jane.....I didn't let him,well,I locked us in and then threw the key to Bobby to swallow it...."she stammered.
" Mom.......who the fuck is Jane ? And why would you even do something like that?"
" She's the local nurse,and she likes your dad. She's not even trying to hide it."she said bitterly.
" So,you guys are finally over?"I asked even though I knew that was very impossible.
"We are OVER..... enough about us honey,why are you here. Not like am not happy to see so happy honey."she hugged me.
" Same here mom. I need to rest."
" Pardon me baby....come with me"she led me to a small room far back in the house.
This house was so fucking small. Or maybe I was just used to living in a BIG house.
"I know what you're thinking.....but I love my space. I didn't want anything from your dad,that's why I left the house. I used my savings from the salon to rent this place. It's just for a little while."she smiled.
" Thanks for letting me in mom."
She grabbed my hands." Anytime honey,get some rest.....and we'll talk later."she winked at me as she left.
I dropped my bag and fell on the bed wrapping the brown blanket around me.
Turns out,I needed SPACE too. Just like mom.
My babies kicked and I rubbed them gently. I wondered how Martin was doing right now.
And my friends,I knew they already knew I had gone MIA.
It was just for a little while.......I'll be back.

MIA :  missing in action.
Thanks for the comments guys.....y'all are the real mvp'sssss🤗🤗🤗
See y'all next week.
P:s : Another two weeks extension#stayathome# I'll probably be dead before that two week's up. I can't stay home for another day😭😭😭😭.........

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