Truth or Dare.

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"I must be frank bestie, you really look nice. How long are you gone?" Bella asked as we made cupcakes in the kitchen.
" Four months"I answered.
" Am envious" she whined.
"Bella.......I noticed Chris and Tessa,is there something between them?"I asked sitting on the kitchen counter.
" Oh yeah, remember the last blind date she went on,turns out to be him." She explained.
" Ohhhhh,I what happened between them?"
" I think the guy had some issues at work so he left. That's all I know.we didn't know the guy was related to your  Martin at all.*
"My Martin!?I repeated shocked.
" Oh common babe,we know you guys screw each other. And you broke our sacred vows of truth. But,never mind,we've forgiven you"she shrugged.
" No we are not"I yelled.
" Ouch"she covered her ears" that was loud.but it's ok,I get it point." She placed the cakes in the oven and set the timer." But you kiss and make out right"?"
I blushed deeply and got down from the counter to pick a pack of carrot chips in the fridge."we do"
"I knew it. You like him right?"
"I don't know,he has a girlfriend"
" Fuck her!"she exclaimed loudly.

" Truth or Dare guys"Christopher announced clapping his hands to gain our attentions.
"It's spin the bottle actually" Bella corrected.
" Whichever"he sat on the floor" alright guys,take ur seats now,shall we.we all did.
And he spinned the bottle. It landed on Anna.
"Pick a girl and give her a French kiss" Christopher said.
She choose Bella and they kissed for about two minutes.
Next,the bottle landed on Bella
"Take off your shirt Bella" I announced.she did.
The bottle,spinned to me next and I was asked to give Martin a lap dance.
"Go girl" Tessa urged.
I sat on his laps,facing him. And the bastard squeezed my ass as I twerked on him.
When I was done,I got down and sat very far from him.
The bottle spinned next on Tessa and we asked her to kiss Christopher which she did.
I was about to retire to my room when I heard Martin call my name.
"I choose Antonia" I heard him say as I turn to face him.
"For????" I asked confused .
"Martin wants to kiss you" Anna replied.
"Ohhhhh" I stayed rooted to where I was and I vividly saw Martin walking up to me. He held my face and kissed me. I closed my eyes and melted into him. He tasted sweet, the taste of the cupcakes I served earlier and a slight overpowering smell of ciroc.And as usual, the bastard was painfully squeezing my butt and I was thinking in my mind if he was secretly addicted to asses. It just so turns out that Barbara was flat, like really flat with no edges, probably why she went into modeling.
I broke the kiss and tried to push him away, but he wouldn't bulge.
"Let me go Martin" I hissed and looked behind him, to see Chris and Tessa sticking their tongues down each other's throats. And I also saw bella lying on the couch pressing her phone while Anna was no longer in our midst.
"I can't" he replied huskily. Sounding real sexy.
"Put your hands down Martin" i tried removing his hands but I didn't succeed. This guy was made of rocks, that I can assure.
"Or what?" He asked pressing me even closer to him.
"I hate you" I whispered.
"I love you too" he said finally releasing me.
What the hell was that. I asked myself staring at his chest as I couldn't look up at his eyes.
He kissed my lip once more and bit down on my bottom lip before finally walking away.
I fell to the floor immediately, as my legs couldn't hold my weight any longer.
"That intoxicating?" Tessa asked laughing at me.
I pouted"mind ur business Tess"
And I stood up and walked to my room.
Good morning world. It was a little after twelve and I slept beside Anna who was sound asleep on the bed. I honestly, couldn't wait to meet the Pierce's.
I bit my lips and gladly let sleep envelope me.

That's it guys
So we'll be meeting the Pierce's in the next chapter
I honestly cannot wait.
I love you guys 💝💝
And like always, don't forget to vote, comment and share.

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