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"You will not believe who I just saw Tonia?" Lucas yelled into the phone.
"Who?" I asked.
"Our little queen B!" He exclaimed referring to Barbara.
"Where? I thought she was in Paris. "She had called me two days ago to tell me that she would be traveling to Paris for a shoot and I should be prepared for when she would return.
"Thought so too girl, I came over to meet a client at tristas and I saw Barbara,she looked really pissed as she walked in. My client saw me staring and asked if I knew her, offcourse I replied yeah and he said he knows her too."He explained.
" Okay Lucas,how does that even help?"I ask running a hand through my hair.
" Calm your tits .like I was saying before you rudely interrupted,my client said Barbara is a cousin to the man that owns tristas. Plus babe, I trailed her into a little room and I heard Barbara telling someone am guessing Tristan,that's the owner of the place. She said she needed plan b since plan a failed. She told him she was pregnant. That was all I heard before someone called security and my ass is now in jail."
" Wait what!" I exclaimed.
" Am at the police station. The bitch got me arrested,claims I was following her." He hissed. " Come bail me out girl."
" On my way." I ended the call.
Barbara was pregnant. I hoped to God it wasn't Martin's cause that would definitely complicate things.
"Barbara's pregnant?" Turns out,I said that aloud.
I nodded at him as he dropped the paperwork he was holding. "Wait,you don't think it's mine,or do you?"
" I don't know Martin,I honestly don't. Could be yours." I shrugged.
" Seriously Antonia,the last time I was with Antonia,was about six months ago. She wouldn't possibly be six months pregnant." He said.
" You can't be too sure Martin. What if you guys met up after that time."
"I most definitely cannot believe this Antonia,do you even trust me at all?" He yelled." All this while,did you even trust me a tiny little bit?"
"Not now Martin,we've to go bail Lucas out." I stood up picking an outfit to wear.
" Bail Lucas out? What the fuck is going on? Wait,how did you even know about Barbara's pregnancy?" He asked angrily,confused.
" Let's do this when we get back okay?" I walked out of the room to the nursery.
"Nanny!!!" I called out,she appeared behind me.
"Yes ma'am." She replied.
"Martin and I are stepping out for a bit. Call me if anything happens." I instructed.
She nodded sparing a glance at the sleeping children." I will."
I met Martin already in the car downstairs. I sat beside him in the passenger side. I could practically see steam coming out of him. He was still mad at me.
We pulled into the hospital and saw Lucas sitting behind the counter. After settling all issues,he was released and ready to go with us.
"Lucas,no one asked you to follow her . You know she could have filed a case against you?" I asked as we all walked out of the police station.
"Are you forgetting am a lawyer,plus,I found something didn't I? She's pregnant. And that's one lead against her. You should ask her about that, that is if it isn't Martin's." Lucas said.
Martin hissed and walked ahead of us.
" What crawled up his ass and died there?" Lucas asked
"I asked if the baby was his,and he's been putting up a mood." I shook my head." Don't ever do that again Lucas." I warned.
"Never ever...... prison is not a pretty place." He promised.

Tessa's pov

"Hey..." He said as I opened the door. "Wow! You look really beautiful." He complimented.
" Thank you Chris,come on in,I made dinner." I ushered nervous as hell.
He walked in and I locked the door behind him.
"How's the girl?" I asked him as he sat on a chair.
"She's okay,just got discharged. How are you too?" He asked looking at me.
" Am okay." I shrugged. " Am so sorry about what I did to her...I just acted on impulse. I hate to admit it, but I was jealous. I was mad as hell. I hate that feeling."
He chuckled." That little stunt turned me on."
" And how's the injury,your little accident?" I asked him blushing furiously.
" It's fine,I was hoping you could give it a kiss or two tonight, yunno,kiss it better...." He winked.
I walked over to him and kissed him on his lips. I missed him,I missed this.
"Wanna know a little secret?" I asked straddling him on the chair. He cocked a brow." I think am in love with you."I revealed biting his bottom lip.
" I'll let you in on one too"he said squeezing my butts in the mini black gown I was wearing." I love you too."
"So what do ya say,dinner now,or later?" I asked.
"Later baby,much later......" He said carrying me into the bedroom.
" Am sorry I took so long."
" Not a problem darling. So you ready for commitment now?" He asked as he dropped me on my feet.
" Hell yeah,am ready to be your girlfriend."I squealed.
He got down on one knee " will you contessa......shit,I forgot your last name. It doesn't really matter cause it's about to change anyways,will you make me the happiest man alive by saying yes to becoming my wife?"
I nodded unable to speak. " Offcourse,I will......what's it with you and your friend, proposing without a ring?"
He laughed. " Martin's a dick. I came with mine." He brought out a little box from his suit pocket and opened it, producing a shiny silver ring.
"I love you."I  cried out
"I love you too." He slipped the ring in and kissed my finger.


Antonia's pov

"Hello Tessa,it's gotta be pretty important for you to call me up at 2 am." I yawned into the phone sitting up.
Martin was at the little table set up in the room. He was still working.
"Chris proposed!!!!!!" She squealed into the phone.
" Wait what?"i asked putting the phone on speaker so Martin could hear.
"He proposed,with an actual ring,unlike Martin. You need to see it babe,it's sooooo beautiful." She said....Martin hissed still pissed off about what happened this afternoon.
"Congrats Tessa, am so happy for you!!" I said genuinely happy. Who could have thought Tessa could finally settle for just one guy. "Tell Chris I said thumbs up. That's one good guy!"
I teased Martin. He shot me an angry look.
" Alright Tessa, let's talk in the morning." I bid.
"Bye girl,Chris and I are just about to have dinner. We were caught up in some other shit last night. So,I might wake up very late.just call me around 1pm tomorrow."
" I will." I assured ending the call.
I stood up to go meet Mr pissy pants.
" Hey grouchy." I said sitting on his table.
"Am busy." He hissed out.
"It's late." I kissed him,he didn't stop me.
" We need to talk." He said breaking free from me.
" Am sorry about earlier okay,I talked without thinking. Am really sorry. It won't happen again ,I promise."i apologized.
" It was really hurtful to know that you thought I slept with Barbara while we were together." He started.
" I didn't say that ." I defended.
" That was what you were thinking. When I said I love you, I really meant it. I haven't said that word to anyone,not even Barbara. You were the first."he paused. " And am sure that baby isn't mine."
" I know. Am sorry Martin okay,please forgive me." I pleaded.
He kissed me " Do you even need to ask?..... You have me exactly where you wanted me. I forgive you babe. But don't do that again,that shit hurts."
" I won't." I walked us back to the bed laying on it.
I fell asleep on his chest as he lightly stroked my hair.
"Chris that sly, conniving son of a goat. I told him not to propose before I did." He said to himself,I heard him and smiled sweetly to myself.
He would get an earful about that tomorrow.

Hey lovelies😍😍
Long time no see.....so sorry about that😔😔
Who was expecting that proposal 😒.     ( Absolutely no one) 😊😊😊

So,funny story. I finally decided to make my hair💆 today since March, I called my hairstylist for an home service.
Halfway into making the hair (Braids)
My hairstylist fell into labour 🤰
It was really awful to watch🧟🧟🧟.....didn't know when I started crying....😭😭
Got her to a hospital,she now has a baby boy🤗👩‍👦
Long story short......my hair is looking like (what I don't know)
And am lying here, thinking of when I'll complete it.
PS: it hurts😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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