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It was two weeks after Barbara and I had that fight.
I had an appointment with my doctor today and Martin was going with me.
I was sitting in the sitting room eating my scrambled eggs when Martin walked in typing rapidly on his phone.
" You done?" He asked me.
" Not yet." I replied with my mouthful.
" Hurry up, I haven't got all day." He sat down and continued his typing.
" I never asked you to follow me..... I could always go with Lucas. " I taunted.
He dropped his phone and stared at me.
I burst out laughing" that was just a joke Martin, you should have seen your face..... It was priceless."
" It's not funny. " He warned.
" Are we ready? ". Barbara walked in fully dressed.
" Where to?" Martin asked her.
" The hospital, antonia's got an appointment right? Well am coming with. " She answered.
" Hell no Barbara, it's my appointment and I don't want you coming with! ". I fired.
" It's my boyfriend's baby, last time I checked. And you don't have any right to object to me not coming!! ".
" Barbara, not now, we'll talk about this when I get back. " He stood up picking his keys.
" Am coming too! " She yelled.
" Whatever Barbara, suit yourself." He walked out.
" Game on." She said to me as she followed Martin.

" I see two little heads here!" The doctor explained looking into the little screen behind me.
" And what's that supposed to mean?" I asked.
" Twins!! Congratulations Mr Pierce you're expecting twins. You still don't wanna know their sex right?" The doctor asked.
" Thanks doctor.....man am Soo happy " he shook the doctor's hand." And yes,I still don't wanna know their sex. I want it to be a surprise."
The doctor wiped the little jelly squish off my belly and Martin helped me up.
" That's explains why the stomach is this big."Martin said.
" Am I still gonna be bigger than this doc.i can't stand being this huge.!" I yelled.
" You're seven months and two weeks gone,I would say we should expect a little increase in size ." The doctor explained.
" I feel bloated." I said almost in tears.
" It will soon be over........" He paused." Any sexual activities of late?"
I blushed as Martin cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head.
" Ohhhhh,I see." The doctor laughed." Your pelvic muscles are fully stretched .it will help during the labour."
" Can we go now?" I asked standing up.
" You sure can...... I'll see you on delivery day." He bid and shook our hands.

We walked out of the room with Martin's arm around my waist .
" She can walk Martin." Barbara stood up from where she had been sitting as the doc didn't allow her in.
" I am not complaining bra". He urged me forward .
" Not call me that." She screamed,I laughed. " I don't see anything funny here Antonia."
" You my friend here are really childish." I laughed again. She walked away angrily.
She was already in the car when we caught up with her.martin helped me sit in at the back and he walked back to the driver's side and drove out.
" My friend's are planning a baby shower Martin,is that alright?". I asked him.
" He looked at me through the little mirror and nodded.
" Not a problem." He assured.
" You guys disgust me." Barbara said on the verge of tears." What did I ever do to deserve this?" She asked crying. I felt pity for her.
" Barbara calm down. We'll talk about this when we get home." He held her hand.
She pushed his hand off." Stop the car........now Martin,pull up. I would rather walk than being in this car with you too".
He parked the car and she got off.
" Barbara ." I called.
" Don't you dare say my name." She walked off slamming the door hard.
" She's right Martin,I feel really bad right now Martin...." I cried. He started the car once more and drove slowly. " We really shouldn't be doing this."
" Really,what do you want us to do then?"
" Let's stop whatever this is between us......"
He shook his head " Antonia!"
" It's true,we really should,it isn't healthy,I'll be gone in a few months. You need to move on in your life".
" Can't believe you're doing this right now...." He yelled as he pulled over and got down from the car. I got down too.
" I'll spend the night at my friend's."
I hailed a cab and walked away before he could stop me....... It was now or never.

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