Gone wrong

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I was stuffing my face with sandwich and a cold bottle of coke when I felt a presence behind me .
" If you died of overfeeding,I won't be surprised." That was Martin.
" Leave the poor girl Marty." His mother scolded.
I stuck out my tongue at him. We were over at his parent's.
" I found some new designs." Evelyn said walking in with her phone ." I was thinking the walls should be purple and the room,painted pink with a touch of blue?What do you think?"
" I think this is nice".I replied to the picture on her phone.
" Since bossy Martin here ,has insisted on not knowing the baby's sex."eve said
" Wait,you mean Babies." Martin corrected.
" What do you mean by babies?"his mom asked.
" Twins mom, we're expecting twins."I answered she had strictly asked me to call her mom.
"Now that is good news..." She applauded happily.

" What would you like to name them?" I asked Martin as he massaged my toes.
"Why don't we save that  for when we finally meet them." He said
"Too full of mystery."I huffed.
"You love me " he replied."where do you feel pains again?"
"My back.....it's feels like am carrying bricks on it."I bit my lip.
" Just a matter of time."he sympathized.
" I'll make sure you're carrying the next one."
" Wait up, does that mean,that you're planning to have more kids?"he asked.
I blushed staring at my fingernails and picking out imaginary dirt from it.
"No need to be embarrassed tonia..." He laughed.
"Not funny." I said still embarrassed.
"So,you're saying you want to have more of my kids?" He asked still laughing.
" Can you stop?" I dragged my feet from his hands and stood up.
"Alright fine,I'll stop.You only had to ask Antonia. I want four kids. Three girls and a boy."
" Stop" i screamed covering my ears." Why are we having this conversation?"
"You started it love." He replied still laughing.
"Wait what?"I asked in shock did he just call me that.
" I thought you were covering your ears......and yes,I called you love.Is there a problem?"he asked raising a brow.
" Why would you call me that?" I asked again.
"Cause I love you." He answered.
"Why would you love me?" I asked almost going crazy.
"Is that a question Antonia?" He asked standing up to walk to the bathroom.
"Wait up Martin,since when? How?why?" I asked again still in utter disbelief.
He walked back to me and kissed me lightly." I love you so much."
"You don't even know me Martin." I yelled pushing him away.
" Is there a problem Antonia? Why do you have a problem with me loving you?" He shouted.
" It's only been eight months Martin,and you hated me half the time,so when did this love happen?"I asked.
" Am not doing this with you Antonia." He walked out of the room slamming the door behind him.
" Hey,are you okay? I just saw Marty driving out now, and we heard your voices.is everything alright?"Evelyn asked sitting beside me on the bed.
" He said he loves me" i whispered.
"Duh.....we all know that" she laughed then paused"wait,you didn't know? How could you not possibly know?"
" Am confused Eve,I don't know what to feel.i don't know how I feel." I sobbed.
" Hey hey,calm down okay....breathe. It's okay to be nervous." She soothed." So you mean,you guys have been together for close to a year and he's just confessing his love. He sure took alottt of time ."
" You don't understand eve,we barely know each other.we practically just met. Am just a surrogate Eve. His surrogate." I explained.
" You said what?" She asked in shock.
" I couldn't keep it in any longer.am so sorry" I sobbed.
"Hey,hush,it's okay.........why didn't he tell us...... I kinda suspected though,I was there during his accident, when the doctor told Barbara about Marty's......."she stopped talking" I should go."she stood up .
" No don't,you were saying something"I implored.
" Nevermind me Antonia,I'll go make you some lemonade. It'll help." She hurried out.
Now,that was weird.....I thought to myself. I picked up my phone to call my friends. I knew they were no help,but then,I had nobody else to talk too.
I called them on FaceTime.
"Heyyyyyyy.......how's meeting the parents going."Tessa asked giggling as she wrapped a towel around her naked body. Am guessing she's with Christopher.
"You look dull,whatsup?" Bella asked she was so sensitive.
I breathed out. "Martintoldmehelovedmeandiwenttotallyoutofthebox"
" Wait,what the hell was that?" Tessa asked obviously not understanding a word I said.
"She said something along the lines of Martin asked me to marry him.and I said yes.right bitch.?"Anna asked.
I shook my head.
" I see no ring gal"Bella said.
"I said,Martin told me that he loved me and I might have fucked things up".
" And why did you fuck things up?"Anna asked.
"Why would he love me?i mean,why me?" I asked.
"Why not you?.why not you gal?"Tessa asked .
" Am asking you what to do,don't go turning the table on me alright?".
" Yeah yeah."Tessa rolled her eyes.
" Let's back up a bit now shall we?" Bella asked.i nodded ."so Martin confessed and you freaked out... understandable, but you know you love him too dont you?"
I nodded my head biting my bottom lip.
" But you think it's all going too fast. You're afraid,that he's still with you cause you're having his kids. And he's going to turn all 60degrees once the babies are born. Is that it?"
I nodded again ....she continued
" That's okay and all,but you have nothing to worry about, Martin's one of the good guys."she ended.
" There are only eight of them. Martin's one of them." Tessa added.
" Chris's one of them too."I interjected.
" Well,good for him."she replied.
"You really don't care about this guy do you?"
"We are just friends okayyyy. There's nothing more"
" With benefits?"Bella asked .
" Hell yeah,with many benefits......he's so good guys..we've just gone all round the house with different styles."
" We don't wanna know." I sang .
" Tell me bitch,how does it feel,having sex with the baby bump.?"she asked giggling.
" Break's over girls,I gotta make more food. These hungry peeps keep coming back for more."Bella bid.
" Alright.thanks,I appreciate."I waved.
" Anytime,I love you."
" I love you more."I bid as she hanged up.
"Bring it on gal,tell me how that D feels In you." Tessa emphasized.
" You're sooo disgusting Tessa,I hate you!!!!!"
"Look who got the latest Victoria secret!!!!"anna screamed holding up a black lingerie.
" Now,that's what I call smoky. Hot Della hot.......babe,why didn't you tell me you were getting this. Am coming over.like right now"Tessa ended the call.
" It's nice anna....am sure you'll look dope in it." I commented.
" Thanks baby. So you're gonna talk things over with Martin right?" She asked.
" Yeah,I will...... The thing is,I wasn't expecting that at all. It hit me by surprise.and offcourse,I'll talk to him once he's back. Thanks babe,I love you"
" Bye girl." We hunged up.
Back to me and my thoughts now,and offcourse.....my babies. As if on cue,they began kicking gently as i rubbed their tiny foots.

Martin came back late that night. I was almost falling asleep when I felt him sleep behind me. Drawing me into him. I snuggled closer and kissed his knuckles.
"Am sorry Martin." I whispered.
"Am sorry too babe." He whispered in my ear.
"I love you too Martin,am sorry if I overreacted."
"Am sorry too,am sorry if I was a little too fast."
" It's fine."I turned to face him,and kissed him real hard.
"And you got something wrong,I never hated you..." He kissed me" I was being I jerk cause I didn't want to succumb to my inner desires."another kiss" have had a little crush on you since the first day I saw you."
I kissed him" we need to talk though."
" We will. Tomorrow." He put off my night gown ."let's play. Have missed my kids......" He moved his head to my inner thighs " a lot" and he kissed me there......

Over 1430 words..... this is the longest have ever written.
Next chapter till next week
See you soon👋👋

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