Session 1

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1.relating to or affected by mania.
2.showing wild, apparently deranged, excitement, and energy.


"Rain....fucking rain", you mumble to yourself as you peer at the sky. The sound of the windshield wipers against the glass act as a metronome, keeping time to the rhythm of the rain cascading above you. You sigh as you turn the dial to increase the temperature in your vehicle. Traffic is nearly at a standstill and your patience is wavering.
Being late to work is the least of your worries though.

Finally, you pull into your designated spot and exit the car, half running to avoid being soaked. Failing miserably of course with only a newspaper to protect you.
"Ah, Good Morning Doctor" chimes Mr.Young, the facility's security guard. "Caught up a creek without a paddle I see" he smiles and gestures towards my dripping newspaper umbrella. You return his smile a shrug as You toss the wilted paper into the trash. "Good Morning" you call back as you trot towards the elevator.

You had been working at the wellness clinic for about 3 months but still hadn't made an effort to get to know any of the staff beyond small talk in passing. You preferred it that way. Opening up and becoming too personal kept you good at your job. The more objective you were, the better you were at being on your toes with keeping it straight with your patients and that you believed was the best way in treating them. Though you weren't a medical doctor, you knew mental health and healing the psyche was just as delicate. Admittedly so, you also just didn't have the ability to form any personal relationship after...

You're knocked out of your thoughts as the elevator doors open to your floor. The clean lavender scent fills your senses as you approach the reception desk. You greet your assistant at her desk warmly, grab the appointment log, and enter your office.

The day went slowly and routinely. Charting and dictations in the morning, sessions in the afternoon. You were about to wrap up for the day when you notice one more patient on the log.

A faint knock on your office door pulls your attention from your computer screen briefly as the doorknob turns.

"Come in!", you call over the monitor.
A tall figure emerges from behind the door and you continue to tap at your keyboard, finishing an email. The figure lingers in the doorway as if waiting for your acknowledgment.

"Please come in...Namjoon right?" You lean over to scan your appointment log once again, confirming your patient's name. "Have a seat and make yourself comfortable. I'll be right with you". You click send and slide away from your desk, turning towards your mini-fridge.

"Would you like something to drink? I have water, Sprite, apple juice..." you pause awaiting a response. When silence persists you stand up and turn around, your eyes met immediately by the tall figure.

He stands in the middle of the room, his hands tucked into his pockets, head tilted slightly as he scans you.

You suddenly feel like an exposed nerve as his gaze travels from your eyes, down your frame, then back up. There was something unreadable about his eyes and his stance. He made you nervous. After a short but seemingly long pause, Namjoon smiled politely and declined then took a seat on the long couch green couch you offer to patients.

"Ahem ok", you clear your throat, grab a bottle of water, and shut the fridge.

As you walk over to take your seat in the armchair across from him, Namjoon gazes around the room. At this moment you notice how young he appeared in the face. His skin glowed a smooth tan shade, decorated with elaborate black ink from his wrists extending up to his forearms and disappearing underneath the rolled sleeves of a black fitted t-shirt. His shoulders were broad and you suspect the tattoos either end or begin just below his collar bone. His face his soft yet chiseled, lips full and pressed together in a line, forcing two magnificent dimples on either side of his face to emerge.

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