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Friday came and went. You had your usual busy work; emails, research, and only one session in the afternoon. Namjoon hadn't texted you that frequently but you knew he was busy with his music.

In two weeks he would be performing one of his biggest shows yet as a headliner, so you knew he would be preoccupied.

You recall Yoongi's deep love for music. Despite his white-collar job, since college, he was always producing and writing. You bought him his first high-quality microphone as a birthday gift one year and he was ecstatic. The way he made love to you that night was beyond any feeling you'd had up until that point. That was probably one of the last times you truly felt loved by him.

You sigh at the bittersweet memories of your old life but quickly come to the present when your phone rings. You smile at the face brightening your screen and quickly swipe.


"My most beautiful Song.." Namjoons velvety tone hums through the speaker.

"You're so cheesy" you blush, leaning back to spin in your chair.

"I know you're smiling though " he responds, a smile in his tone.

"Yeah yeah..what are you doing?" You roll your eyes.

"Driving...I miss you. Still at your office?" Namjoon asks.

"Yes, but I was about to wrap things up and head out soon. " You look at the clock and stand to get ready to leave.

"Plans tonight? " Namjoon says before cussing at the driver ahead of him in annoyance.
You giggle at his small outburst as you lean down to grab your keys and purse, shutting everything down as you go.

"Nope, no plans. I was just gonna head home. Maybe watch some Netflix."

Sulli is already gone for the evening and your floor is dim and silent when you board the elevator.

Namjoon says nothing but you can still hear him on the line, the clicking of his turn signal and the jingle of his keys.

"What are you doing?" You ask, but you soon have your answer when you reach the main entrance of the clinic.

Parked next to your car, Namjoon is seated on the hood of his smirking as you approach him. He still has his phone to his ear as he talks to you.

"I was on your side of town" he shrugs.
You roll your eyes and hang up, moving to remove the phone from your ear.

Namjoon gasps and looks at his phone screen as if he's offended.

"Rude" he mouths as you close the distance to stand in front of him.

Namjoon leans up to pull you into him by your waist and you huff at the sudden embrace. He smelled heavenly and looked devilishly handsome.

His blonde hair was pushed back from his head in the way you loved. He wore a black turtle neck shirt underneath a grey Blazer and tailored black pants. A single gold chain hung from his neck and the small black hoop dangled from his ear.

You glide your hands underneath the blazer and around his waist to rest on the small of his back.

Stretching up on your toes, you plant a full-lipped kiss on Namjoon, causing him to immediately melt into you.

He hums as he tightens the hug and deepens the kiss, parting your lips with his own to taste you.

It only takes a few seconds for you to remember you're still in the parking lot of your job and you weren't the last to leave your office.

You pull back and push off of Namjoons chest gently to stand.

"What are you doing here?" You ask him, swiping the kiss evidence from your bottom lip.

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