Bonus: Studio Love💋

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Less than a year ago.....

It was date night.

You and Namjoon could finally find the time in between his busying schedule as a highly requested artist, to just enjoy being a couple.

The car ride was silent but peaceful as Namjoon drove through the streets of the city, one hand on the wheel the other clasped lightly over your bare thigh.

Something smooth was playing on the radio and you just let your head fall back against the headrest with your eyes closed as you appreciated the tune.

You feel Namjoon turning, the clicking of the turn signal confirming it.
Something tells you to open your eyes and you find yourself in a familiar parking lot nearing a very familiar building.

Namjoon pulls into his usual parking spot and cuts the engine. You stare ahead through the windshield at the building and furrow your brow.

"Wait...why are we at the studio?"

"I just have to stop in here for a second.." Namjoon mumbles as he removes the keys from the ignition and unbuckles himself.

"How long is a second Joonie?" You ask sternly as Namjoon opens his door to step out.

"a SECOND!" He huffs, shutting the door.

No, he didn't.

You hurriedly free yourself from the seatbelt and open your door to follow him. When Namjoon sees your head pop up from the other side of the car, he frowns.

"What are you..." he begins as he steps onto the curb.

You tug at the hem of your fitted black bodycon dress after stepping on the curb in your heels, feeling bloated, and suddenly out of breath from getting up so fast.

"The last time you told me you'd only be a second, I was in the car waiting for over an hour because you ran into Hoseok." Your heels click furiously against the pavement as you passed Namjoon to walk up the path leading to the recording studio's front door.

Namjoon lets you lead as he loved to admire your body from behind, your hips having a bit more sway in them.

And your ass....a bit more bounce.

He blinks to break his perverted trance as he trotted to catch up with you.

"How was I supposed to know he'd need my help with some English lyrics?"

You grunt in amusement when he reaches your side.

"Which is exactly why I'm coming in with you! So you don't get sidetracked and I and your child don't starve!" Your voice falls dramatically as you pout and Namjoon chuckles.

His eyes fall to the tiny pudge forming just below your naval in your skin-tight dress and smiles.

The two of you reach the door and Namjoon turns to tap his entry code on the keypad just beyond the entrance.

"Is this what I have to look forward to for the next 6 months?"  He huffs with a sarcastic grin but you don't find him the least bit amusing.

"Shut up and open the door smart ass.."

Namjoons newly renovated and personal studio space was a gift from Seokjin, giving him, Hoseok, and anyone other up-and-coming artists a place to create.

You hadn't been inside since the renovations first started so you were admittedly curious how it turned out.

And just as you'd envisioned, "Rkive" was so totally Namjoon.

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