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You sit through the rest of the movie in comfortable silence. Namjoon lifted the armrest that separated his seat from yours, allowing you to snuggle against his chest with your legs kicked up in your seat. The feeling of his soft breathing and heartbeat calmed you enough to barely react to the gore and horror on the screen.

Walking out of the theatre, you continued to glance up at him sheepishly. Namjoon looks at you and sighs.

"What?" He says, voice rising an octave childishly.

"Don't what me! What was that?" You say just above a whisper. You quickly point over your shoulder towards the theatre.

"Oh, that? You didn't like it?" He says, biting his bottom lip. You blush.

"Don't ask me that right now." You mutter, earning a chuckle from Namjoon.

"That was so.....unexpected. Was it the dress?" You look back up to him, genuine curiosity on your face.

"Maybe...." Namjoon winks.

The movie theatre was beginning to get crowded. Since you two caught the very first showing, you were fortunate enough to miss the weekend crowd.

"You know, you're lucky I'm on birth control." You joke, walking hand in hand through the forming crowd.

"Am I?" He responds, allowing your hands to swing between you.

"Yes. Very lucky." You state matter of factly.

"Eh...I don't know about all of that." He says, making you look back up to him.

"Would it be so bad?... I think we'd make a pretty cute baby." He smiles widely at the thought.

You stare hopelessly at his dimples and stumble over a bit of raised carpet. Namjoon catches you by your elbow and chuckles at your sudden clumsiness.

"Sheesh, I was kidding Song.." Namjoon giggles, taking both of your hands in his to help you regain balance.

"Monster?" a small voice says from behind the two of you. Namjoon freezes at the sound, his grip tightening on your hands slightly.

"Monster???" You think to yourself.

"Is....is it you?" The voice says. You peek around Namjoon and your eyes widen at the sight of the woman behind him. She was taller than you but still shorter than Namjoon. Her body was thin yet curvy, her tight blue jeans clung to her hips seamlessly and her perky breasts stretched the fabric of her red top. Tattoos scattered all over her arms and neck, some peeking up beneath her pants on both sides of her hips. Her skin was fair and her hair was cut in a short bob that fit her gorgeous face perfectly.

Namjoon turned hesitantly to face the woman, who smirked salaciously at him.

"Mia?" He spoke. She grins wide and takes a bold step forward and wraps her arms around his neck. He stumbles back a bit, his eyes wide with surprise as they darted to you.
You stood in shock as this strange woman embraced Namjoon so comfortably with you standing right there. With absolutely no regard for your presence, she all but booted you aside. Namjoon held your hand the entire time though, making sure not to let go nor allow his other hand to touch her as she hugged his neck tightly.

"I can't believe I'm seeing you right now! I've missed you so much" she whines. You clear your throat and yank at Namjoons arm to bring the attention to yourself. The woman leans back, releasing Namjoons body just enough to look over at you.

"Oh shit. My bad" she says, almost laughing. You lift your eyebrows and scoff. She takes another step back and Namjoon doesn't hesitate to pull you closer to his side. She takes notice of the gesture but doesn't react, her eyes snaking up Namjoons body hungrily.

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