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You and Namjoon sat in the middle of your bed facing each other for hours, talking.

The rush of emotions made the conversation impossible to avoid and you had to tell him the entire truth about your past.

You told him about Yoongi and the engagement, who he was to you, and who he now was to him.

You told him about the abuse for years, which started gradually only as mental but eventually escalated.

You told him about the money you stole from him so you could leave and start a different life in Seoul.

You told him how ashamed you were of it, and how you felt like a coward for hiding and running.

You were still in the dark about how he found you, but you wanted Namjoon to know that as much as you wanted to run, you know you didn't want to leave this life behind.

Namjoon was quiet, looking over you thoughtfully as you spoke. Reaching up to wipe the tears from your face as they fell.

"Well.....this" Namjoon finally speaks.
"I know. And I'm sorry...I wanted to tell you about this eventually but when I saw him at Persona that day..." you hang your head and twist the kleenex balled up in your fingers.

"You could have told me Song..." Namjoon says flatly.
You nod but continue to fiddle with the tissue.
"I've been working alongside this guy for weeks. Laughing with him. Calling him Hyung. Our show is in two days. The biggest show of my musical career and I'm sharing the stage with your ex. An ex you didn't bother to tell me about. I was oblivious...And this whole time you knew..."

You glance up when you feel Namjoon beginning to scoot away from you.
"Joon.." you say softly. Namjoon swings his legs over the side of the bed and pauses.
"I...have to go Song. I..." he shakes his head and stands. You watch him in confusion.
When he walks out of your bedroom you scramble from the bed to follow. He quietly collects his belongings, his headphones, his notebook, etc.

"You...have to go?" You ask, new emotions getting caught in your throat.
You start to feel yourself panting in panic, beginning to regret telling him. But Namjoon to your surprise isn't at all affected by you. He looks over at you coldly.

"Yea...This is just a lot. It's been a long crazy night and we have a lot going on right now...I think I'm just gonna crash at my place." He turns his back to you.

You stare at his back for a moment, frozen to where you stood.

What did I do?

"Namjoon..please." You say.

"I'm gonna call you tomorrow Babe. Ok? Just lock your door and try to get some rest. Night..."

And with that he was gone, closing the door behind him softly.

The next day

Namjoon sat in his car for a while, gripping the leather of the middle console tightly.
He had been parked outside of the studio for almost an hour, contemplating whether or not to go in.

Leaving Song's apartment in the way he did wasn't what he intended.
But he had to go, he needed space.
Space and time to process. He felt blindsided and as irrational as it may be, part of him was upset with her. That in part made him feel like a hypocrite.

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