After burn

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Namjoon's wide hand encircles her small neck, his long digits pressing firmly against her pulsing carotid.

Her hand slides up his body, roving over his bulging abdominal muscles and chest through the fabric of his beige shirt.

Her breathing quickens as excitement pooled in her center and a tiny mewl escapes her lips when he pulled her body closer to his.

"Mia.." his deep dark tone crooned, his full bottom lip brushing against hers as he spoke.

She spreads her mouth to welcome him in as he breathed her air, whispering her name softly as leaned closer, pulling her into him by the waist.

"Mia..." he exhales softly as his tongue brushed hers gently.



She's immediately pulled from her daydream and blinks rapidly when Namjoons smooth voice morphs into the deep agitated tone of Yoongi.

"Huh?" She murmurs, locking eyes with the frowning blonde from where he sat in the engineer's chair. His index finger hovered over the space bar of the keyboard as he regarded her with concern.

"I did that take sound to you?" He repeats with a quirked brow.

Mia sighs.

"I'm sorry. Could you play it again? " she shakes her head to clear it, making her short dark hair splay about against her flushed features.

"You weren't listening?" Yoongi says shortly and Mia rolls her eyes.

"Just play it again Yoongi.."

He regards her for a moment with serious eyes, his lips parted slightly as he ran the tip of his tongue along the inside of his cheek.

"No. I think we're done for today...." he moves to turn away and Mia sits up in the chair against the wall.

"What? No, i..."

"Because your mind is definitely not here." Yoongi finishes nonchalantly.


"It's fine Mia. This track is done honestly. We can start fresh next session and move on to the other song...." he shrugs, looking at her from the corner of his eye to watch her wilt at his words.

She was in rare form, no make-up, her pale pink lips poking out in a pout. She wore a graphic T-shirt that covered her chest and mid-drift with thin black leggings that wrapped around her long legs.

Yoongi didn't know her well at all outside of working with her. But she seemed out of sorts during their entire session, spacing out and just not seeming like her usual sharp, witty self.

"Are you ok?" Yoongi finally asks.

"Yea..why?" Mia frowns, sitting back to slouch in the seat as she picked up her phone.

Yoongi tilts his head and leans back in the chair.

"It's none of my business but..."

"I kind of saw you with Namjoon before the performance....and then those marks on your neck..."

Mia reaches up self consciously at his words and blushes with embarrassment.

"If you wanna talk or just need someone to listen...I know I don't seem like the warmest guy but.."

Mia shifts uncomfortably and continues to rub her neck, averting her gaze.

" I said it's none of my business.." Yoongi relents, sensing her hesitation, and wheels back to turn in his chair, tapping at the keyboard and clicking the mouse distractedly.

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