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*a/n ⚠️some sexual language may only get worse from here so consider this a warning😁 Thank you for reading *

"Uuhh mmhmm" is all you can manage to let out. As if you have been plunged into the deepest depths of your own ocean without oxygen. No sound or formation of words is necessary. Here, it's all sensation and vibrations.

His large hands slide sensually up your naked thighs and around your hips, squeezing at your skin gently.

Your vision is blurry from tears of pleasure as if you're staring towards the surface of the ocean you feel submerged in.

You're aren't totally aware of what's happening to your body until you feel his hands squeeze at your nude torso once more. At this you lift your head and peer down to find a mound of tousled blonde hair at the apex of your thighs, face buried deep inside of your pleasure.
Soft wet kisses and licks tease at your slickness, causing you to squirm and moan in agitation, yearning for more pressure.
Just then the mysterious tormentor, with one final slow vertical swipe of his tongue, pushes his mouth around your clitoris and begins sucking in a rhythm that causes you to cry out.

Arching your back in response, a low grown of satisfaction vibrates between your thighs, intensifying the sensation

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Arching your back in response, a low grown of satisfaction vibrates between your thighs, intensifying the sensation.

At this point, you're all moans and curses as he continues on with his delicious torture. You're vaguely aware of one of his hands beginning to skim up your side......over your hip...

Over your tummy...
Between your breasts...
Fingers spreading out and resting your chest.

Your breathing becomes shallow in the wake of your approaching orgasm. As he feels your chest fall and rises rapidly beneath his widespread hand, he pushes himself deeper around you, continuing to lick and suck until you're at the brink of oblivion.

Suddenly just as your orgasm begins to rip through you, his hand slides up to your throat and squeezes harshly, abruptly cutting off the scream of bliss before it could escape your lips.

You're now unable to breathe, kicking, and flailing your arms helplessly as another hand presses against your throat and squeezes you harder.

Your vision becomes blurrier as your eyes flutter and unroll from the back of your head to look up towards the tattooed arms, muscles bulging, and veiny as they strangled you.
Before you feel the darkness closing in, you catch one final glimpse of your undoer. His bottom lip caught between beautiful white teeth, a single small black hoop dangling in his left ear shining in the moonlight, brown eyes low and fixed on your you begin to slip deeper and deeper into the abyss......

as you begin to slip deeper and deeper into the abyss

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