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You sat on your living room floor, laptop in your lap. Namjoon sat behind you on the couch with you planted in between his legs comfortably. He was engulfed in writing, his headphones blaring and his notebook perched on the arm of the couch as he scribbled. The tv played some random kdrama on mute while you tapped at the keyboard, scrolling through emails and replying to a few.

It was a quiet evening at your apartment, work was slow and uneventful. Namjoon surprised you with food at your doorstep, making your day a billion times better. You were happy to be in his presence without the pressure of feeling like sex was an objective. You could just sit in his lap and work while he did.

You groan when you feel his long fingers slide up from your nape and through your hair, massaging your scalp. Leaning back and shutting your eyes, you tilt your head into his touch. Namjoon gently scratches your head and snakes his other hand around your throat.

Excitement pools at your center when his fingers encircle your small neck. He adds a tiny bit of pressure, barely cutting off your airway but enough to make you feel submissive. Suddenly you feel lips pressing firmly against your forehead, making your eyes flutter open. Namjoon plants another full-lipped kiss on your nose, leaning over you from behind.

"What are you doing?" You giggle when he moves to smooch the apples of your cheeks.

"I'm giving you spiderman kisses." He mumbles, soft lips brushing your skin, his deep voice doing what it always did to you.

"What? " you burst out laughing but it's cut short when Namjoon tightens his grip on your throat only enough to make you gasp.

"You've never seen Spiderman? Seriously?" He pulls back a bit to look at you. You gaze up at him, upside down from where you were seated, and shrug.

"The scene when he saves MJ from being mugged in the's raining...she peels down his mask.." Namjoon continues, his voice rising and drawing out certain words in hopes of jogging your memory. You stare up at him blankly, your eyes wide and bottom lip trembling as you stifle another giggle.

"Wow. You poor uncultured thing." He sits back, releasing your throat.

"You're the one who understands English, Joon. I don't know many American movies besides the Titanic.." you pout.

"Well, we'll just have to fix that. I have a whole collection of American movies at my have to understand my references." He moves to stand and you reach up to stop him.

"You're going to your place right now? To get a movie???" You whine pitifully, already missing his fingers in your scalp.

"Yes, I'll be right back! 20 minutes tops." He steps over you and fishes his keys from his pocket.
"Don't speed!" You warn and he laughs.

"Aww, you care about me or something?" Namjoon says on his way towards your front door. He pauses to look back at you cutely, biting his bottom lip and flashing his dimples.

"Dammit he's adorable," you say to yourself.

"No, I want to see Spiderman now. You've sparked my interest " you respond sarcastically.

Namjoon scoffs but doesn't stop to respond, only wanting to get to his apartment and then back to you as fast as possible.

"Well since you put it that way...I'll take my time" he turns to smirk at you before shutting the door behind him.

You sigh dramatically when you hear the click of the door. Your eyes ached from staring at your laptop for so long, Namjoon being a pleasant distraction. It had been a week or more since you decided to be in an official relationship and despite your previous fears, it had been pure bliss. The sex was mind-numbing, and the conversations were always stimulating. Namjoon could be a bit possessive and clingy but you were so used to being neglected that you welcomed the attention.

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