Forever Rain💋

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**a/n: for an enhanced experience, listen to "Forever Rain" softly while reading this chapter :)**

Dark navy blue paint dripped from the brush as Namjoon stood in front of the tall blank canvas.

He stared into the nothingness for what seemed like hours. But he just couldn't bring himself to move. His limbs felt like they were weighted and plummeting to the ocean's floor, his heart is the stone pulling him into the abyss.

The water's surface drifted further away and the longer he stared at the dissolving sky and rippled sun, the longer he went without her...

..the deeper he sunk.

A knock at his door pulls him from his trance but he doesn't acknowledge it, choosing to lift the brush to splatter the dark hue and smear it around the long wall-sized sheet of paper.

Seokjin poked his head in after knocking again, frowning at the darkness filling the loft.

It was early evening but a stormy overcast settled over Seoul, further setting the mood for Namjoons state.

The soft pattering of raindrops against the glass ceiling and wall echoed in the drab apartment as Namjoons paints in silence with Seokjin slowly approaching.

"Namjoon? Something wrong with the lights up here?" He says as he squints.

"No." He says dryly.


More paint drizzles down the wall.

Seokjin wasn't new to this. He's known Namjoon long enough to recognize the signs of a depressive phase, but it didn't mean he would tiptoe around him.

"Well...I was just coming to congratulate you on the success of that show a few weeks back. Seems like you guys ended up having great chemistry after all...."


Namjoon doesn't respond, kneeling to dip his brush on the pallet.

Seokjin clears the apprehension from his throat and takes a few steps forward.

" has picked up since more people found out about your residency and Hoseok has even inquired about a weekly slot here. I wanted to get your opinion..."

Namjoon shrugs.

"What does it matter what I think? It's your club." He splats the brush against the white again and smears more paint across the wall.

Seokjin frowns.

"I value your opinion Namjoon. And sure this is my club but in many ways, it's yours too...I think of you as a partner."

"Partner?" Namjoon snorts, his back still to the older as he painted.

He walks over the tarp spread out beneath him, his bare feet sticking to the plastic as he went to open another bottle of paint.

"Yes." Seokjin folds his arms over his chest.

Namjoon flips back the cap and squirts the black paint onto his pallet then tosses the wrinkled tube aside, shaking his head.

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