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A lazy Saturday pressed on as you lounged around the apartment in your sweats, flipping through the TV and settling on Netflix.

💬Namjoon: hey wyd?

You refused to admit that you were waiting for Namjoon to text you back after your brief conversation 4 hours ago. You also chose to ignore the flapping of tiny wings rolling about in your tummy when you saw his name appear on your screen.

💬: hey, oh nothing. About to watch some Netflix. How was your session?

💬Namjoon: it's still going, but wrapping up now, mixing a few tracks down. I bet you look cute right now..cuddled up watching Netflix.

You roll your eyes and smile.

💬: nope I'm ugly and sloppy.

You were wearing baggy blue sweats and a hoodie and your hair was pulled up in a messy knot on top of your head and your face was bare and pale. For a moment you considered diving into your selfie archives in search of a more appealing selfie to share. But then you decided that hiding the real you upfront wouldn't be healthy. Hell, he's already seen you naked. 

After letting out a shaky sigh, you switched your phone to it's front camera and posed with an embarrassingly coy expression before snapping the picture and immediately sending it before losing the nerve to do it. 

💬Namjoon: Damn...
💬: told you 😂😂😂
💬Namjoon: on the contrary, I don't think I've seen you look better😘
💬: 🙄😏 shut up
💬Namjoon: hey.
*sends picture*

*sends picture*💬Namjoon:

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💬Namjoon: I'm serious. Don't I look serious?
💬: Damn...
💬Namjoon: I know right😏
💬: never mind you ruined it
💬Namjoon: Don't worry, I know how you really feel😘😘
💬: 🙄

You waited somewhat patiently as the bubble continued to float.

💬Namjoon: can I see you tonight?

That wasn't what you expected. But honestly, you wouldn't mind it either.

💬Namjoon: I mean I know we just saw each other and I don't want to come off super clingy...

💬Namjoon: but there was something I wanted to show you.

I bet there is

💬: last time you said that you drug me up to your sex lair and seduced me 🤨

💬Namjoon: 😂😂😂nooo I really want to show you something foreal.
💬Namjoon: and seduced??? excuse me miss "I want to feel you🥴😻🤤"

💬: goodbye
💬Namjoon: waaaaait 🥺
💬Namjoon: I want to take you somewhere..foreal. No seducing.
💬Namjoon: unless you want me to.

Cheeky bastard
💬: fine 😏
💬: should I dress up?
💬Namjoon: dress comfortably. I'll be there in like an hour.
💬: ok see u soon
💬Namjoon: ☺️😉

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