Jump Scares💋

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Morning came slow. The two of you slept hard and deep curled around each other in your bed. An alarm on your phone rudely interrupts your slumber and you rise reluctantly.
Namjoon lays still, breathing softly through puffy slightly parted lips. His blonde hair was wild and messy. Part of you wanted to run your hand through it you resisted, opting to let him rest.

You're just about to pour yourself a cup of coffee when Namjoon saunters into your small kitchen. He looked so out of place in the tiny space, that it made you giggle. Naked from the waist up, you got a heaping eye-full before turning away and blushing.

"Did I wake you?" You say, taking a slow sip from your mug.

"Yes. But it's cool, I got lonely in there. What got you up so early?"  He says mid-stretch. You offer him coffee then hop up on the counter with your cup in hand.

"I always wake up early on Saturdays to make the most of the day. But I never really do have plans, so I usually just stay in. Maybe watch some movies or read." You shrug.

"Lame!" The little voice in your head screams.

"Well, that's sad" Namjoon huffs into his mug as he takes a gulp.

You shrug again.

"Good thing I'm here. Let's go see that new movie. The scary one.." he says, grinning childishly.

"Ew, that old remake? " you crinkle your nose, feigning disgust.

"Ew? That's a classic! Reviews say it's pretty solid" Namjoon snatches your empty mug playfully and places it in the sink to rinse.

"Everyone knows that if rotten tomatoes say it's good, then it's probably crap," you say as you shoo him away from your sink.

"Well, what else do you suggest we do?" Namjoon leans against the counter next to the sink, eyeing you hungrily. You were wearing nothing but a t-shirt and long tube socks, no bra or underwear.

Your shrink under his gaze shyly. You dry the mugs and set them aside.

The weather was nice outside, giving you some motivation to leave your apartment. And although the idea of being holed up and naked with Namjoon all day sounded appealing, you needed some vitamin D.

"Ok fine! You're buying my snacks though" you huff, standing on your tiptoes to poke Namjoon playfully in the chest.

The weather was better than you anticipated, so you chose to wear a flowing dress that stopped just above your knees. Namjoon couldn't help but appreciate your bare legs as you walked cheerfully by his side.

A few other men took notice as well. In the parking lot, in line at concessions, and on your way to the theatre. Namjoon wasn't a fan of it whatsoever. So every time another man even looked in your general direction, Namjoon passive-aggressively staked his claim over you by holding your hand or tugging you closer by the waist. Normally you would have been shy or embarrassed by the attention, but you were flattered and turned on more than anything.

You settled in your seats just as the lights began to dim in the theatre. The beginning credits roll and your full attention is on the screen. At least until you feel Namjoon's hand rest on your knee. You don't react at first but it starts sliding up, you jump slightly in surprise.
Namjoon looks over at you and leans towards your ear.

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