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You stretched your aching limbs and rolled onto your side, feeling Namjoons smooth warm skin next to you in his large bed.

The morning sun kissed his decorated skin, his freshly showered scent still strong and crisp on his paint-free body as he slept.

He's so beautiful...

His pale lips parted as he snored (not so softly) and his hair pointed in every direction.

His eyelashes halo over his cheekbones and his perfect profile is lined in the warm tone of the morning rays.

You could stare at him like this for hours, thankful for the quiet opportunity to admire every single delectable part of him.

You ran a delicate finger over the raised skin of the tattoos winding down his arm, starting from the abstract style sun with rays speckled with the melting wax of Icarus' wings as he and his feathers plummeted from the shaded skies, trailing down to the ocean's surface where they floated over the waves of a black ocean, surrounding a lone whale swimming aimlessly across its barren floors.

The piece was unique and totally Namjoon, something only he could explain.

When your fingers run back over his forearm, Namjoon stirs and you still cautiously.

He shifts a bit and a soft groan rumbles in his chest at the feel of your touch but he doesn't open his eyes.

He only readjusts the position of his head against the pillows beneath then resumes snoring.

You stifle your giggle at his cuteness, but only until he shifts his torso and swipes his hand over his body, pushing the white sheet down from his chest.

The thin sheet covering his nude frame bunches and pools at his waist, the dark patch of hair peeking up from underneath its white surface.


You inch closer, careful not to shake him awake as you reach over his body to caress his broad chest. Namjoon exhales when your feather-light touches skim over each of his nipples. He turns his head, furrowing his brow and sighing in reaction.

Your eyes linger on his rested features until you're sure that he's still sleeping, inspiring you to continue. You abandon his chest to travel downward, running the flat of your palm over his firm abdomen and his navel.

Namjoon remains still as you continue exploring his body, seeming to be in a very very deep slumber.

You walk your index and middle finger down his happy trail, stopping at the beginning of his bush.

Inspiration sparks when you graze his neatly groomed pubic area and in one swift movement, you're sliding down the bed and scooting underneath the covers.

You shuffle around a bit to nestle over the thick muscles of his bare thighs, coming face to face with his equally impressive length as it laid softly over his balls.

Damn. Even his junk was perfect.

The smooth skin of his balls was a medium to dark-toned brown, almost matching the color of his nipples.

The thick circumference of his shaft was riddled with veins, sloping downward to a perfect mushroom-shaped tip that was a pale dusted pink skin tone. Almost the same as his lips.

You didn't realize your mouth was already watering at the sight of him, only inches from your face.

The warmth of your shallow breathing brushes against Namjoons tip, making it jump and swell with morning arousal right before your eyes.

Experimentally, you stick your tongue out and run it up over the slit of the tip, feeling your walls jump at the sight of it twitching and already leaking a tiny bead of precum from the hole.

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