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Your vision is hazy and your ears are ringing, the sunlight almost blinding you as it beams overhead.

You wiped your palms over the fabric of your jeans over and over while taking calm and cool breaths.

"I'm ok....I'm ok......I'm ok" you breathed.

You had to recover quickly because you knew Namjoon was waiting for you downstairs and you didn't want him coming up to find you like this.

After finally shaking off as much anxiety as you could, you slowly walked down the stairs and lingered at the last step.

You couldn't hear any voices from where you were, so you were forced to lean forward to see if you spotted anyone.

Shit, they're still talking.

Namjoon is standing confidently, looking very calm as he and the new artist talk. He was handsome, had a slender build, and a very bright smile. His candy apple red hair greatly contrasted his pale skin and he spoke with his hands. Very expressive and very cool.

Yoongi stood between the two and wore an amused expression as he watched their exchange

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Yoongi stood between the two and wore an amused expression as he watched their exchange.

What the hell was he doing here? What did he have to do with the artist?? What business brought him so close to You....to Namjoon?
You back two steps when you think you see Yoongi glancing in your direction. After 10 seconds, you lean forward to see the men shaking hands. Yoongi and the cool artist walk towards the exit and Jin stay behind to talk with Namjoon.

When you were sure your ex had vacated the premises, you walk cooly over to Namjoon's side.

You pass him your keys and smile up at him.

"Thank you...Oh! Hyung! This is Song, Song this is Jin, the boss around here" Namjoon introduces you, and both you and Jin bow respectfully and shake hands.

"Nice to meet you, and I'm sorry for barging in on you this morning. Namjoon rarely has anyone over these days so I assumed he was alone." Jin shoots you an apologetic look before walking past you two of you.
You lift an eyebrow and glare at Namjoon, who's slightly taken aback.

"What??" He asked innocently.

"I do have a first name you know" you roll your eyes as you walk side by side towards to exit.

"I'm aware. But I prefer to only use that name in a particular setting. And I will rather be the only man I know using that name" Namjoon winks and opens the passenger side door for you to climb in.

"Pervert " you mumble lowly but just loud enough for him to hear. Namjoon laughs and shuts your door.

The two of you enjoyed a movie and a meal together for the remainder of that Sunday afternoon turned evening. Your cheeks burned and tingled from the constant blushing you endured throughout the date. Every time Namjoon grabbed your hand in the theater or brushed his fingertips down your back as you walked together, a shiver crept down your spine and quivered deep below your belly.
From first impressions, Namjoon seemed hard and enigmatic. But over the past couple of days, you slowly peeled back his layers. He could be sweet and vulnerable. This made him even more attractive to you.

As he pulled up in front of your building, you hesitated before turning to him. You wanted to ask him about the men he met earlier, about Yoongi. But you didn't want to alarm him or bring him into your past. No one knew and you preferred it that way.

Namjoon turns to you and reaches over to tuck your hair behind your ear.

"I had a great time with you this weekend." He says softly.

You nod in agreeance but say nothing, only returning a sweet smile.

"I hope I can see you soon" he continues.

"You'll see me Thursday" you remind him.

"You know that's not what I mean" biting his lip, Namjoon leans over and presses his lips against yours longingly. You sigh and melt under his lips briefly before breaking away.

"Nope, I have to go now, or else I won't make it inside". you shake your head and grab the door handle, Namjoon chuckles behind you.

As you settled into your bed, after showering and changing clothes, you pick up your phone.

📲Namjoon: Remember...we can go as slow as you want. But for what it's worth...I think I know what I want. Sleep well Beautiful

Your heart fluttered at his words. This is too much.

Grabbing the nearest pillow, you cover your face and groan dramatically into it.

This weekend has been a whirlwind and you hadn't taken a moment to process it. What did you want? Beyond the list, you couldn't deny the connection and your attraction to Namjoon.

You didn't respond to his text. You just stared at the ceiling until you were dreaming of starry skies and bodies dripping in gold.

The week was slow as you anxiously awaited Thursday's return. You and Namjoon kept in contact throughout the week casually. He'd greet you in the morning and talk to you before you went to sleep. The two of you would text and exchange selfies periodically and you would blush beet red at his sexual remarks.

"What are you wearing tomorrow? " Namjoon's deep voice croons through your phone on speaker as you washed your face that Wednesday night.

"Uhmmm I haven't thought about it yet"You respond as you pat your clean exfoliated skin dry.

"Why do you ask?" You pause over the phone where it sat on your bathroom counter.

"I......" Namjoon hesitates and you hear him chuckle softly as he attempts to find his words.

"Joonie..." you say slowly. Namjoon hums in contentment at the sound of his nickname from your mouth.

"Wear that grey skirt..you know, the one that zips on the side.." you raise a curious brow and bite your lip at his request.

"And why should I do that?" You respond, walking to your bedroom barefoot and wearing only a T-shirt.
"I mean you don't have to of course. It's just...well..." Namjoon stutters nervously. It was adorable.

"I'm just really looking forward to seeing you. It seems like forever since Sunday and I want to see as much of it as possible...even if I'm only allowed to look. Seeing your skin is just....." Namjoon trails off and you hear him sigh.

"We'll see, "you say in a playful tone.

Namjoon wishes you sweet dreams and you place your phone aside to charge. The fluttering in your tummy caused you to roll around for a while before you could rest your thoughts. The last thing you remember before drifting to sleep was where your grey pencil skirt was hiding beneath the pile of clean unfolded laundry.

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