Distraction continued💋

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Namjoons eyes widen at the boldness of your command but he obeys, pressing lightly against your legs to stand. You come face to face with the bulge in his jeans and suddenly you become anxious.

What am I doing? What if someone walks in? What if someone hears us? What if.

"Hey," Namjoon says lowly and reaches down to caress your chin.

"Don't do that. You're overthinking. Look you have me for.." he pauses to glance at his watch.

"1 hour...I'm on your time, in your office. We can do whatever you want. " you look up to his soft brown honest eyes.

Technically he was right.

Without responding, you reach up for his fly.
Namjoon releases your chin from his hold and stands still as you unzip his jeans and peel them down to reveal his black boxers. His trapped erection is on better display this time, you just stared at it.

How long had it been since you'd done this? Since Yoongi obviously but even that was a while ago. Why did you suddenly feel so out of your depth? Aside from being in your office, you shouldn't still be this shy.

"Stop being a pussy" a voice growls inside of you.

With one swift move, you pull him out of his underwear and wrap your lips around the tip. You tease and suck lightly at the head, earning a hiss and groan of approval from above you. Your eyes were shut and you quickly became lost in his taste as your mouth slid around him. Wet and warmth surrounded Namjoon and he leans his head back in ecstasy. You felt his hands come up to cradle your face, his thumb brushing your cheek.

You lean your head into his touch while taking him deeper, your tongue extending along the bottom of his shaft. You gain confidence and increase the rhythm of your neck, swallowing him and then bringing your lips up to the tip over and over. Namjoon hissed and groaned praises as he ran his fingers through your hair, undoing the bun and letting it fall freely. You moan around him from the delicious pressure his fingers provided when he massaged your scalp, gently guiding your head back and forth.

"Fuck...baby.." Namjoons moans sent vibrations straight to your already moist and pulsing muscles.

You increased your speed and added your hand to stroke him closer and closer to his climax.

You never wanted something more in your life.
You needed to feel him undone in your mouth.
His breathing quickened and so did you, noticing him becoming painfully hard underneath your hand as if he was going to explode.

"S..song...baby...wait...wait" Namjoon stuttered and spoke to the ceiling. His hand slid from your hair down to your neck, his thumb rested at your throat and you shivered.

"Baby wait...I don't want to...not yet..fuck not yet"

"Fuck that" your inner sex demon purred.

You continued despite him pleads and as if on cue Namjoon tightens his grip around your throat and spills himself in your mouth. A low growl-like moan rolls out of him along with your name as his soul exited his body.

You glance up at his beautiful form, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed and gulped for air.

You mirrored his action, allowing his orgasm to flow down your throat and lick your lips as you pull off of him.

Namjoons hand still rested at your throat, the other tangled in your hair.

"Oh my god...." he panted and looked down at you. His eyes were full and glistening, locking with yours.

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