Session 2

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a mental condition characterized by feelings of severe despondency and dejection, typically also with feelings of inadequacy and guilt, often accompanied by lack of energy and disturbance of appetite and sleep.


The stale tune of the elevator music plays overhead as you waited for the ding, prompting the arrival of a to your floor.

You walked distractedly through the doors as they separated, your eyes fixed on the messages you'd sent to Namjoon over 3 weeks.

Me: Namjoon. Did you make it home?

Me: Joon. I'm not upset about falling. You didn't hurt me.

Me: Seriously? You're ignoring me?

Me: Namjoon.

Me: please call me back.

Me: I know you see me calling you.

Me: please don't do anything reckless...

Me: Joonie, please. Just let me know if you're ok.

You sigh at the timestamps and the read receipts underneath each, quelling back the twinges of hurt and rejection in your heart.

Namjoon wasn't responding to your texts or calls since the incident in the parking lot and you knew exactly why. You regretted the way you handled him in the state he was in immensely.

You were cold, despondent, and hostile. You knew referring to him as a patient would hurt him, dehumanizing him and simplifying him to appear as a victim of his mental illness.

Labeling him...letting his disease define him as the man he worked so hard not to be anymore.

Something that as a professional, you knew was detrimental to a patient's growth.

"Dammit" you murmur as you walked past your assistant Sulli's desk, unaware of the visitor speaking with her casually, your eyes and thumbs fixed over your screen as you typed.

Me: Namjoon,
I understand you're upset. Whether with me or with yourself, I sincerely hope that you know that what happened doesn't change my view of you. I'm just worried.....please

You pause, groaning softly with frustration as you tap the backspace, deleting the entire message.

What was there to say?
You couldn't say you'd forgiven him for lying to you or what happened in the dressing room but it wasn't like you really gave him a chance to tell his side.
Even if it was bullshit...
Maybe letting him talk wouldn't have been such a bad idea.

You reach for your door handle, pausing mid-turn when a smooth voice summons you to turn around.

"Oh, Dr.Song!" Dr. Park calls from behind you.

You turn in time to see him jogging over to where you stood, a blushing Sulli trying her darnedest to stare at his toned lower half covered in tailored black slacks as he left her desk.

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