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The colors of morning seeped through the transparent walls and the sounds of the city beckoned your rising.

Stretching your arms above your head, it dawns on you that you didn't go to sleep in your own bed last night.

Eyes still closed, you feel around you for a certain masculine presence only to find yourself alone in the large bed. This makes you sit up slightly and slowly open your eyes.
It seems as though you're alone in the huge space.

You sit up all of the ways to continue stretching your arms and back, cream-colored sheets gathering at your hips and you remember you're completely naked underneath the bedding.

Just then you hear the click and turn of a door you hadn't noticed last night on the wall near the empty side of the bed. Swinging open, a thin cloud of steam escapes what you now assume to be the bathroom, and out walks Namjoon.

With only a white towel clinging to his hips with a smaller towel in his hand, dabbing excess moisture from his freshly washed hair.
In the daylight seeping through the glass, his damp skin glistened and glowed, bringing every muscle, vein,  and definition into glorious view underneath his intricate designs cascading across his chest and arms...
He looks almost good enough to eat.

Namjoon peeks up at you through his still wet bangs and instinctively you pull the sheets up to cover your exposed breasts. He smirks.
"You know...I did undress you last night. So I've already seen you naked"  he continues drying his hair as he saunters past you and across the loft to the kitchen.

"Why do I feel so shy all of the sudden" your cheeks tingle with embarrassment.
Leaning over the bed, you scan the floor for your clothes. You spot your bra and scoot across the sheets to lean further down and scoop it off of the floor.

As you fasten the clasps behind your back you look around for your panties but there's no sign of them.

You sigh in frustration.

Noticing you struggling, Namjoon walks back over to the bed clasping a crumbled-up ball of black lace in his hand.

Your eyes all but pop out of your head like an old-school cartoon character.

"I found these under my pillow when I woke up this morning" he grins as he twirls your panties around his index finger.

"I figured I'd hold on to them so you wouldn't try to sneak out of here while I was in the shower" he laughs and stands concededly at your side of the bed, still twirling your underwear just above your reach.

"I still could have left without them" you hiss and you struggle to sit up on your knees and reach for your panties without dropping the sheets loosely wrapped at your waist.

Just as you stretched far enough to reach them, Namjoon tosses your panties over the bed and grabs your wrist firmly, and with his free hand rips the sheets from your waist, exposing you completely.

You gasp as he reaches behind your back, popping the clasps of your bra, allowing your breasts to fall freely underneath the now non-supportive cups. When you try to stop him with your free hand, he grabs your wrist and holds it against your back.

The entire time he's grinning devilishly and stifling his laughter as you try to yank yourself free from his hold.

You were, against your will, being held hostage, butt naked and he was laughing at you.

You try to put forth the angriest expression you can manage in an attempt to intimidate, but you only end up looking cuter to him.
He pulls you forward, forcing your warm bare chest to come in contact with his.

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