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You were bouncing in your seat anxiously as the afternoon slowly approached. Scrolling through unread emails to pass the time. Your eyes kept glancing at the time and you mentally scolded yourself.

"Oh my God stop it" you chided.

You weren't going to make it through your session with Namjoon at this rate. He hadn't really said much to you the whole day, knowing he was most likely busy with his music. You were annoyed at how you were missing his attention.

Pressing your index finger to the home button on your phone, the most recent texts between you and Namjoon lit up the screen.

Good Morning beautiful

You blush and shake your head at the picture

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You blush and shake your head at the picture.
The door to your office creaks and lock your phone immediately. But it's only your assistant Sulli.


"Yes! Sulli comes in" you smile warmly at her. The petite hound woman bows respectfully into your office and hands you a stack of envelopes.

"Your mail Ms.Song" she squeaks.

You reach for the mail and give her another nod and smile before she turns to scurry from your sight.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" A familiar voice says quietly from the door.

Namjoons wide hand is braced on Sulli's shoulder from the impact of his body as they bumped into each other. He flashes an apologetic smile, putting his dimples on full display.

Sulli blushes and disappears beyond the office door, making Namjoon frown.

"He has the same effect on me girl..." you say to yourself, grunting softly in amusement.

"Hey" Namjoon breathes out, his deep voice like honey.

"Hello, Mr. Kim" you respond in a no-nonsense tone.

You stand from your seat and Namjoon gulps at the sight of your bare legs beneath the hem of his favorite skirt. Gold zippers hug at your hips and trail down the thin tight grey fabric. You wore a wispy white button-up blouse and your hair pulled back from your face.

A mischievous grin spreads across Namjoons face as you approach him, now standing near the couch.

"Mr. Kim? So formal..." Namjoon steps in as if he is about to embrace you, but his arms rested at his sides. He smelled amazing, his usual scent of warm vanilla and masculinity.

"I do not know what you mean Mr.Kim. I address all of my clients this way unless they wish to be called something else." You respond, looking up through your lashes. You weren't aware of it at that moment, but you had just initiated the most intriguing game for Namjoon and he was more than prepared to play.

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