Expression continued💋

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Namjoon bends down to scoop a generous amount of semi-solid coconut oil from that jar behind him.

"This going to make it easier to wash the paint out in case some gets in your hair. Plus it'll be extremely soft and moisturized" Namjoon smiles softly as he rubs the dripping oil between his hands and begins applying it from root to tip to your long brown hair. He gently massages your scalp and you close your eyes. 

After your hair is completely saturated with oil, you reach down and scoop a generous amount as well and return the same service to Namjoon. He chuckles softly as you struggle adorably to reach his head so he lowers himself slightly to meet halfway.

"What's your favorite color," he asks you, his hands resting on either side of your hips.

"Green" you answer and he turns to the bottles lined up on the floor in search of green. He then picks up a second bottle and returns to the center of the sheet with you.

He hands you the bottle of green and grasps the other.

"Now this paint is non-toxic so you don't have to worry about anything scary happening down there. But we'll still avoid putting paint there for extra measures "  he points downward, making you giggle and nod in understanding.

" this is our canvas." Namjoon looks toward the large white sheet below you. "And we are the brushes. You'll use me and I'll use you."

As he bends quickly to remove his boxer briefs, you open the cap on the small bottle of paint. Hesitantly you turn the bottle over and squeeze it onto Namjoon's already painted chest. Thick streams of a deep forest green gush out and drip slowly over tanned skin. Your eyes sparkle as you squeeze the bottle again, once over each of his shoulders, so the paint dribbles down his biceps and forearms.

"My turn" Namjoon growls as he steps closer, cupping one of your breasts in his large hand and popping the cap off of his bottle with the other. Leaning in and kissing you softly, diving into you with his tongue, your eyes roll shut.

Suddenly you feel the cool thick liquid running slowly down your back, warming your body temperature as it flooded and flowed over your cheeks and down your thighs. He then began squeezing the paint over your chest and full breasts. Namjoon was careful not to let his chest touch yours so the colors didn't mix just yet. Your eyes still closed from the kiss, Namjoon pulled back to examine your body. Your eyes flutter open and instantly noticed the stream of paint dripping from Namjoon's bottle.

It was GOLD.

Standing before this beast of a man, this god of destruction, body stained with black ink and an overlay of deep green, was you.

Dripping in gold, a goddess of lust and passion.

Namjoon took the paint from you and snapped the lids on both bottles, dropping them carelessly.

After taking a moment to appreciate your gold-covered body, he presses into you to claim your mouth once again. The two of you kissed sloppily and slowly lowered to the floor. Namjoon pins you to the canvas, hovering over you.

"You are so fucking beautiful.." he murmurs, more to himself than to you.
Before you can respond, you feel your legs being lifted and Namjoon setting himself in between them and entering you slowly.
You both groan on contact and he filled you and wrapped yourself tightly around him.
He begins to stroke you slowly and you whimper uncontrollably.

Namjoon places his hands firmly on the sheet, on either side of your head, leaning up to stroke into you at a deeper angle in search of your g-spot.

He's going straight for the kill and you're screaming and grabbing at the sheets, smearing gold all around you as Namjoon fucks into you harder.

"That's your spot huh? You like how I hit that spot don't you baby? You love how I fuck you don't you? Let me hear it, baby..let me hear you"

Namjoon growls as he continues grazing your sensitive spot with his dick. You can't form words, only mumbles, and moans and he takes you higher and higher. You bring your hand up to his chest and push green paint over his shoulder and onto his back.

In a mixture of curses and moans, you cum extremely hard around Namjoon, whining his name out over and over. This doesn't stop him at all. As you come down from your high, Namjoon lifts you off of the sheet and rolls on onto his back without pulling out of you.

Perched on top of him and still dazed from your second orgasm, you begin to bounce on Namjoon as he slams into you from below. This position allows him to reach deeper and you're screaming mindlessly once again when he makes direct contact with your spot.

Namjoon groans and pants at the sight of you above him..glimmering and gold against the dark blue night sky behind you. Your head was thrown back in ecstasy and your breasts bounced to the rhythm of his strokes. He's in awe of your beauty.

Feeling you begin to tighten and pulsate around him, he recognizes the familiar feeling. You were about to cum again. Speeding up, Namjoon grips your hips and bounces you onto him harder until you're quivering and convulsing again. Hot tears stained your cheeks as they dribbled down.

You're spent, after 3 orgasms, you're not sure how much more you can take. But that's irrelevant as Namjoon pulls out of you briefly, places you on all fours, and positions himself behind you. He enters you suddenly and cusses loudly as he starts fucking you harder and faster than before. You lose your balance and fall forward, arms spread across the sheet over your head. Namjoon places his hand on your belly and lifts you so your back is against his chest. Kissing and biting your neck, Namjoon whispers to you.

"I'm gonna cum soon baby...but fuck I don't want to. I could fuck you forever".

You groan and tighten at his words, causing him to curse again.

Leaning you forward and holding you still at your tummy, Namjoon delivers a few more devastating blows before pulling out and spurting hot streams of cum on your back, opaquely mixing in with the gold...

You become limp and Namjoon remains still as he comes back down to earth.
After about 10 seconds, Namjoon lifts your lifeless body and carries you bridal style across the plastic-covered floors. When he enters the bathroom he uses his foot to turn on the faucet in the shower.

"Can you stand baby?" Namjoon coos to you, your head against his chest, chest rising and falling from exhaustion. You mumble incoherently and he takes that as a no.

You finally come to when you feel warm water washing over your back. You're being held up by strong arms, face resting against his strong chest. He's sudsing up your back, allowing gold to run down the drain. You blink and look up at him sleepily and smiles at him fondly.

"She back," he says softly, gently pushing up your chin so your head lifts and falls back under the showerhead. Namjoon gently rubs and washes all of the paint from both of your bodies and rinses the coconut oil from your hair.

Wrapping you in a towel and leading you out of the bathroom and to the bed.

The two of you lay on your sides, facing each other and staring for a moment.

You begin to doze off and Namjoon chuckles, rolling over to turn the light off by the bed.

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