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Pushing you back against the wall between the sheeted canvases, Namjoon takes the unopened beer from you and lowers it to let it clink and roll across the floor and out of the way along with his.

He steps in between your legs and begins kissing you again, but more urgently. He parts his lips against yours to allow his tongue access to your sangria-stained mouth. He tastes you drunkenly, nipping at your bottom lip and sucking your tongue. You had never been kissed this way before but you managed to keep up with him, using your tongue to massage his. A soft whimper hums in your throat when you felt his big hands grasp your hips as he pressed his body against yours.

You could feel him stiff and expanding underneath his jeans and he tilted his head sideways to deepen the kiss.

Suddenly he bends down at the knees, slides his hands under your thighs, and lifts you to straddle him, never breaking contact with your lips. He carefully walks over to a dark corner of the loft and lowers you onto the soft king-sized bed.

Stepping back he removes his hat, a few strands falling over his forehead, and starts unbuttoning his shirt down, revealing his toned and tattooed chest and abs.

You bite your lip and squirm at the sight. Sitting up, you reach to unbutton his pants. He gently pushes you back as he removes his jeans, putting his trapped erection on full display for you underneath his black Calvin Klein boxer briefs. His thighs were just as muscled and toned, your eyes taking in the full view of this beautiful man standing before you.
Namjoon stares back with dark eyes, sinks to his knees between your legs to remove your heels. As he slid your second heel off of your foot, you gasp at the sensation of his warm smooth tongue gliding down the side of your foot.

You moan softly and squirm in anticipation as his hands slide up your thighs, pushing your dress up and over your body until you lay in only your bra and panties. Which didn't stick around for long, his deft hands made easy work of removing your lace shortly after.

Reaching over to grab a condom from his bedside dresser drawer, Namjoon slowly peels down the elastic of his boxers. Allowing his impressive and now free erection to stand proudly and purposely before you. You begin panting as you lock eyes with the monster staring back at you.

How long had it been since you'd seen a dick? In-person!?!

Suddenly you become nervous. Namjoon rolls the condom down himself and leans forward to kiss you tenderly.

"Hey" he coos, lifting your chin to look you in the eyes.

"Are you sure you want this?..we can stop at any time, ok" he says to genuinely
His sudden concern for you melts all anxiety away, replacing the feeling for something more ravenous.

"I want this" you whisper and Namjoon kisses your lips, a small smile dancing across his mouth. He puts his full weight on his elbow and reaches down between your legs with his other hand. Teasing small circles around your bulb, you moan and whimper into his mouth. He continues rubbing you, increasing the speed slightly before sliding two fingers deep inside of you. You throw your head back against the pillows as Namjoon pumps his fingers in and out of you, brushing your clit with his thumb.

Curling his fingers up slightly, he finds your g-spot and rubs it rapidly, all while watching your face scrunch up in pleasure closely.

As you feel your orgasm approaching you tighten up around Namjoon's fingers, almost pushing him out. That seemed to be what he was waiting for. Suddenly without warning, Namjoon removes his fingers and replaces them immediately as he sinks slowly into you. He groans in satisfaction at your already pulsating walls wrapping tightly around him. You're a moaning mess and he begins to move inside of you at a steady rhythm.

He's bigger than anything you've ever experienced and it takes a few strokes before you adjust to him. Once he sees your body relax, Namjoon picks up his speed. Snapping his hips into you, going deeper than before. The head of his dick brushes against your already swollen g-spot repeatedly and you know your end is near. The sounds of your moans and his low groans and grunts fill the loft, both of you approaching orgasm.

"Uughh Fuck" Namjoon curses as he increases the force of his strokes, hitting your spot hard enough to cause you to cry out as you cum hard around him. Tears rolling down your face, Namjoon continues to stroke you through your orgasm as he chased his own. Not long after, Namjoon slams into you lazily a few more times before burying his face in your neck and saying your name over and over against your skin as he filled the condom.

You both laid there, panting and sweaty for a couple of minutes. Namjoon finally rises, pulling out of you to discard the condom. He slides off of the bed and disappears from your line of sight briefly, returning with a warm wet cloth and a bottle of cold water.  He hands the bottle to you as he wipes away any remaining evidence of your orgasm. You blush at his intimate gestures and take a welcoming sip of the water. You were hoarse from screaming and the coolness running down your throat did wonders.

Handing the bottle back to Namjoon, he takes a sip, refastens the lid, and sets it aside.

Namjoon lays on his back and pulls you to his side, wrapping your arm around his waist and letting your headrest on his. Neither one of you spoke as you slowly drifted to sleep as he lovingly stroked your hair.

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